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Trump, Fox reach ceasefire


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250798-trump-fox-reach-ceasefireThe Hill :

Donald Trump and Fox News appear to have agreed to a ceasefire.


Fox News President Roger Ailes said that “the air has been cleared” with Trump following a “blunt but cordial conversation,” in a statement obtained by CNNMoney.


Megyn Kelly, the Fox News anchor targeted by Trump, stated on her show Monday evening that she had “decided not to respond” to his attacks.

She defended her journalism, but also described the GOP frontrunner as “an interesting man who has captured the attention of the electorate.”


For his part, Trump on Monday tweeted about a friendly conversation with Ailes, and scheduled interviews for Tuesday on “Fox & Friends” and “Hannity.”


The de-escalation followed a raucous debate last week that left Trump fuming over his treatment by the cable network, which he suggested had gone after him.Scissors-32x32.png


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Donald the Whiner


Rich Lowry


Donald Trump is given to superlatives, so let’s do him the honor of pronouncing him the most fabulous whiner in all of American politics.


By Trump’s own account, he’s the baddest, smartest thing going, except if you ask him a challenging question, in which case he kicks and screams and demands to know how anyone could treat him so unfairly.


Trump followed up his shaky-at-best performance at the first Republican-candidate debate, hosted by Fox News, with days of complaining that he hadn’t been afforded the respect he deserves.


According to Trump, he’ll bring Vladimir Putin to heel. He’ll make Mexico pay for a border fence. He’ll take the Middle East’s oil. Assuming, that is, no one says a discouraging word to him. Then he’ll lose it.


The mogul did indeed get a series of tough questions from the Fox debate moderators (disclosure: I’m a Fox News contributor). But Trump, as Trump always reminds us, is leading in all the polls. It is not unusual — indeed, it is to be expected — that a front-runner gets more scrutiny than the also-rans.Scissors-32x32.png



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Trump, Fox reach ceasefire



Why? What you do is go tell someone like DT to go F himself. As for the Trumpers, as far as I'm concerned they can join him in a circle jerk.


He and his gang of trolls are really beginning to annoy.

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Trump, Fox reach ceasefire



Why? What you do is go tell someone like DT to go F himself. As for the Trumpers, as far as I'm concerned they can join him in a circle jerk.


He and his gang of trolls are really beginning to annoy.


I have noticed that many of the Fox personalities kiss up to Trump and make excuses for him. I can only surmise that he is a very powerful and influential man in NY where most of them live and he is a very vindictive person could be the explanation.

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I think Megyn Kelly asked the question she asked because she know DT would respond the way he has. Ratings! DT liked it because it allowed him to play to his base, and he didn't have to spend any time actually answering questions (How many illegals are working for you?). Fox liked it because of Ratings.

DT is being DT, Fox Is Being Fox. And the Major Winner of this is?



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@Valin - what I am talking about is over and above the debate F&F and Greta have been kissing up to Trump for years. They never disagree with any of the self serving dumb stuff he says and take his side in every dispute he has had over the years. In this instance you think they might have stood up for their colleagues - nope.

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@Valin - what I am talking about is over and above the debate F&F and Greta have been kissing up to Trump for years. They never disagree with any of the self serving dumb stuff he says and take his side in every dispute he has had over the years. In this instance you think they might have stood up for their colleagues - nope.



There was a caller on Michael Medved's show who made an interesting point. DT and Fearless Leader are very much alike. They are both thin skinned, narcissistic, petulant, and engage in personal attacks when someone disagrees with them. I would also add they both act as if their "excrement" don't stink.



There are those (Hugh Hewitt for one) who say it was an inappropriate question to ask....well maybe, point is this is presidential Politics, and "inappropriate" questions are going to be asked...Donny gets his panties in a bunch over being asked an...embarrassing question, his response says a great deal about Donny....and none of it good. Why did they cave? one word RATINGS.

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@Valin - what I am talking about is over and above the debate F&F and Greta have been kissing up to Trump for years. They never disagree with any of the self serving dumb stuff he says and take his side in every dispute he has had over the years. In this instance you think they might have stood up for their colleagues - nope.



There was a caller on Michael Medved's show who made an interesting point. DT and Fearless Leader are very much alike. They are both thin skinned, narcissistic, petulant, and engage in personal attacks when someone disagrees with them. I would also add they both act as if their "excrement" don't stink.



There are those (Hugh Hewitt for one) who say it was an inappropriate question to ask....well maybe, point is this is presidential Politics, and "inappropriate" questions are going to be asked...Donny gets his panties in a bunch over being asked an...embarrassing question, his response says a great deal about Donny....and none of it good. Why did they cave? one word RATINGS.


And Republicans NEVER get asked inappropriate questions at debatesrolleyes.gif

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@Valin - what I am talking about is over and above the debate F&F and Greta have been kissing up to Trump for years. They never disagree with any of the self serving dumb stuff he says and take his side in every dispute he has had over the years. In this instance you think they might have stood up for their colleagues - nope.



There was a caller on Michael Medved's show who made an interesting point. DT and Fearless Leader are very much alike. They are both thin skinned, narcissistic, petulant, and engage in personal attacks when someone disagrees with them. I would also add they both act as if their "excrement" don't stink.



There are those (Hugh Hewitt for one) who say it was an inappropriate question to ask....well maybe, point is this is presidential Politics, and "inappropriate" questions are going to be asked...Donny gets his panties in a bunch over being asked an...embarrassing question, his response says a great deal about Donny....and none of it good. Why did they cave? one word RATINGS.


And Republicans NEVER get asked inappropriate questions at debatesrolleyes.gif




WRONG! Eisenhower was asked if he fudged on his golf score card. But other than that...nothing comes to mind. laugh.png


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Fox News chairman Roger Ailes woke up Monday morning thinking that his network and Donald Trump’s campaign had reached an understanding.


After a weekend’s worth of stressful phone calls, the tacit agreement — he thought — was that Trump would stop attacking Ailes’ biggest television star, Megyn Kelly, in interviews and tweets.


Then came an ugly surprise. Trump said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that he thought Kelly should apologize to him.


“This was the final straw for Roger,” according to a source close to the situation.Scissors-32x32.png



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