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Victor Davis Hanson: Demoting Old Idols Out Of PC Ignorance


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080715-765709-democratic-groups-are-renouncing-jefferson-and-jackson-out-of-political-correctness.htmInvestors Business Daily:

Some Democratic Party groups are renouncing their once-egalitarian idols, the renaissance genius Thomas Jefferson and the populist Andrew Jackson. Both presidents owned slaves two centuries ago, so they've suddenly deemed unworthy of further liberal reverence.


In Connecticut, the state Democratic Party has removed the two presidents' names from an annual fundraiser previously known as the Jefferson-Jackson-Bailey Dinner.


There are lots of strange paradoxes in the current frenzied liberal dissection of past sins.


One, a historic figure must be near-perfect in all dimensions of his or her complex life to now pass progressive muster. That Jefferson is responsible for helping to establish many of the cherished human rights now enshrined in American life apparently cannot offset the transgression of having owned slaves.


Two, today's moral standards are always considered superior to those of the past. Ethical sense supposedly always improves with time.


However, would American society of 1915 have allowed a federally supported agency such as Planned Parenthood to cut apart aborted fetuses to sell infant body parts?Scissors-32x32.png

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