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House Republicans take step to reject Iran deal


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2569534Washington Examiner:

Charles Hoskinson



House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce on Tuesday moved to reject President Obama's signature foreign policy achievement with a resolution to disapprove of the nuclear deal with Iran.


"If this agreement goes through, Iran gets a cash bonanza, a boost to its international standing, and a lighted path toward nuclear weapons. By granting sweeping sanctions relief, we have lessened our ability to challenge Iran's conduct across the board. As Iran grows stronger, we will be weaker to respond," the California Republican said.




Royce's resolution, if adopted, would permanently block President Obama from waiving any sanctions enacted into U.S. law – a key inducement used to get Iran to accept limits on its nuclear program under the deal. But Obama has promised to veto any measure that gets in the way of implementing the deal, which already has been approved by the U.N. Security Council.


House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said in a statement that members "will have an opportunity to vote for this resolution when we return in September," and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said his chamber "in all likelihood" would also consider it.



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Republican's take a 'step'..... then trip and fall? Take a 'step' and then stop when it is 10 steps to finish?

Nothing is going to happen.

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Well I don't know about that.


Top Dem on Appropriations Committee Says ‘No’ to Iran Deal

Bridget Johnson
August 4, 2015


The top Democrat on the House Appropriations Committee says she will oppose the P5+1 nuclear deal with Iran when it comes before Congress.


Rep. Nita Lowey (D-N.Y.), who has served in Congress since 1989, said in a statement that she’s reviewed the details of the deal “and consulted with officials in the Obama administration, regional experts, foreign leaders, Congressional colleagues, and my constituents.”


“In my judgment, sufficient safeguards are not in place to address the risks associated with the agreement,” Lowey said. “Relieving UN sanctions on conventional arms and ballistic missiles and releasing billions of dollars to the Iranian regime could lead to a dangerous regional weapons race and enable Iran to bolster its funding of terrorists. The deal does not explicitly require Iran to fully disclose its previous military work to the IAEA’s satisfaction before sanctions relief is provided, and inspectors will not have immediate access to the most suspicious facilities. There are no clear accountability measures regarding punishment for minor violations, which could encourage Iran to cheat.”



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Senate to begin debating nuke deal on Sept. 8
Susan Ferrechio



The Senate will begin debating a nuclear agreement with Iran on Sept. 8, the day it returns from the August recess.


Sen. Mitch McConnell made the announcement on Wednesday after securing an agreement with Democrats to expedite a resolution of disapproval of the deal, which would lift sanctions against Iran in exchange for reductions in the Islamic republic's nuclear capability.


McConnell on Tuesday said that he plans to make a rare call for the full Senate to be seated in the chamber during the debate.


"I think it ought to be treated in the Senate as a different matter, and so I'll be trying to get consent to have a debate in which we have time set up for each senator to speak," McConnell said. "We'll be asking for each senator to remain at their desk during the debate, actually listen to each other during the course of the debate, leading to the final vote."



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