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Chris Christie on Hugh Hewitt


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governor-chris-christie-on-iran-deal-the-debates-and-the-donaldHugh Hewitt Show:

Hugh Hewitt

July 31 2015


New Jersey Governor Chris Christie joined me today to discuss all things 2016:






HH: Now this is where you, I want you to put on your old United States Attorney had. You’re the only one in the race who was a prosecutor, as far as I can recall.


CC: Yes, sir.


HH: Is there another United States Attorney with jurisdiction here if in fact Attorney General Lynch doesn’t move? Do we look to the U.S. Attorney in Chappaqua? Do we look to the U.S. Attorney in Virginia? Who do we look to?


CC: Well, you can look to a couple of places, right? You could look to the place where the server was located, and the U.S. Attorney who has jurisdiction over that in Westchester County. That would be the U.S. Attorney for the southern district of New York, I believe. And you could also look to the U.S. Attorney in the eastern district of Virginia, because a lot of that stuff happened to also go through State Department channels as well, and also the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia. So there’s a number of different folks who could take a look at this, but I’ll bet you this will be controlled and assigned out of main Justice.


HH: Well, given that, does anyone put up their hand and say I’m done here? You wouldn’t have put up with anything like this, would you? This Department of Justice is creating a second set of rules for Mrs. Clinton.


CC: Well, there’s no question, and what you do, if you’re the U.S. Attorney in one of those districts, you’re raising your hand right now and you’re saying I want this case. Let me do it. And if they’re unwilling to give you the opportunity to do it, then you’ve seriously got to consider whether you want to continue working in a Justice Department that says there’s one set of rules for the rest of America and a different set of rules for Mrs. Clinton.



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New Jersey Governor Chris Christie On 2016, The Iran Deal, And Gun Violence
Hugh Hewitt

Wednesday, September 2, 2015






HH: Now let’s talk about the sequester and the Defense appropriations. Democrats are not moving the Defense appropriations forward. They want the government to shut down. That is clearly President Obama’s plan, whether over Planned Parenthood or over the Defense Department. What is your advice to John Boehner and Mitch McConnell about how to proceed? Should they allow a shutdown to occur because the President forces it? Or should they capitulate?


CC: Well, they’ve put themselves in this position. Speaker Boehner and Senator McConnell put themselves in this position. I would have passed tax reform months ago, real tax reform that Republicans are for, and put it on the President’s desk. I would have passed a repeal and the replacement of Obamacare, and put it on the President’s desk. I would have passed a restriction of the President’s regulatory ability and put it on his desk, and made him decide whether he wanted to veto those things or not so the American people would know who the real obstructionist is. But instead, the Republican Congress, and this includes Senator Rubio, Senator Cruz, Senator Paul, all the folks who are standing on that stage now saying they want to be president. But the fact is, this Congress has done nothing. And my only shock, Hugh, over the fact that Congress has a 13% approval rating is I’d like to find those 13% of the people who actually approve of this. And so…


HH: So you would bust the filibuster, because that’s what keeps those bills from passing, is the filibuster.


CC: I would get rid of the filibuster. You bet I’d get rid of the filibuster. And by the way, and the other thing I’d do, is put term limits on these people. They’ve all been around for too long. 12 years for everybody.




HH: Last couple of questions, why after you’re on do the gun 2nd Amendment people always email me and demand that I go tougher on you on guns? Why don’t the gun people like Chris Christie?


CC: Well, what they don’t like is New Jersey, and I understand that, because lots of laws were passed that were anti-2nd Amendment before I became governor. But what the folks who support the 2nd Amendment need to listen, and if they’re out right now, please listen if you’re listening out there, if you’ve got the radio on. In my state, the Democrats tried to ban the .50 caliber rifle. When I was governor, I vetoed it. The veto was sustained. They tried to reduce magazine size from 15 to 10. I vetoed it. It was sustained. They tried to put forward a statewide mandatory card that everyone who wanted to own a gun would have to be registered with. I vetoed that. That veto was sustained. There have been people who have been arrested in my state under overreaching gun laws. I’ve pardoned three of them, and are considering pardons of three more as we speak. The fact is they don’t like New Jersey’s gun laws. Neither do I. But I have a Democratic legislature, and this is one area, just one of the areas, one of the few that I haven’t been able to move the Democratic legislature to my will. But the fact is if you talk to the people who are NRA members in my state, who are the leaders of the New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Association in my state, they say that the 2nd Amendment is alive in New Jersey only because I’ve been governor for the last six years and have vetoed measures that this Democratic legislature has put forward. As president of the United States, I’ll protect people’s 2nd Amendment rights, and enforce the law to make sure that public safety is upheld in this county.



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Chris Christie On Hillary’s Attempt To Escape Benghazi/Server Fallout, Gun Control, And A Boehner-Obama Exit Deal
Monday, October 5, 2015 | posted by Hugh Hewitt






HH: A lot of the talk on Morning Joe was about polls. You are doing okay in some, not so well in others. Do you think they matter at this moment?


CC: Not really. I don’t. I think if you remember, eight years ago at this time, on the Democratic side, Hilary Clinton was ahead of Barack Obama by 20 points. On our side, we’ve have folks who have been leading in the polls I think six to seven different people now over [the] course of time. So, no I don’t. I think what really matters is what kind of campaign you are running, how hard you are working, and I’m glad to see that some folks respond to that. I’m sure that even more are going to respond as we move forward because what they want is something different than what’s going on Washington D.C. right now which is a train wreck both at the White House and on Capitol Hill.


HH: Also this morning on MSNBC, former Secretary of State Clinton sat down and got heated and indignant over Kevin McCarthy, the likely new speaker. He is the prohibitive favorite, in fact, Jason Chaffetz was endorsing last week until he decided to get in, so I think Kevin McCarthy remains the prohibitive favorite. Has Hilary Clinton been given the gift-wrapped, “get-out-of-jail-free” card or is she trying to play what was at worse a misstatement into some kind of giant fog of war which allows her to escape the battlefield?


CC: Her conduct is her conduct, Hugh. She did all of her business through her private server in her basement which could have been hacked by the Russians, the Chinese, or some 18-year-olds off on a toot. She mishandled, it appears, classified information and none of that is going to change the matter whether Kevin McCarthy says something stupid or not.


That doesn’t change her conduct. But the Clintons always want to run away from their conduct. That’s what Mrs. Clinton has done her whole career, and so she’ll try to run away from this one. That’s why the big question for Republican primary voters is who do you want prosecuting Hilary Clinton on that stage next fall? Seems to me, the only federal prosecutor on the stage is the right person to be prosecuting that case. I will not let her wriggle her way from the facts. She will have to held accountable for them, and that’s exactly what I intend to do come next fall.



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Governor Chris Christie On Tomorrow’s Hearing and Donald Trump And The The 2016 Race
Hugh Hewitt
Wednesday, October 21, 2015



HH: Now if you were president today and Bashar Assad shows up in Moscow as he did to do a grip and grin with Putin, how long would it take you to get to the Rose Garden to condemn the president of Russia for meeting with, and adding honor to, a butcher?


CC: Not very long, as long as it would take me to put my jacket on, clear my throat and get out there. And the fact is this is where this president fails. He doesn’t understand the impact of the words of the American president. Gosh, Ronald Reagan understood that so well, that the words of the American president are very important. And not only your actions, but your words are important, too. This president fails both on actions and words. And I would be out there condemning him the same way I would already have set up a no-fly zone and made sure that President Putin understood that this is a no-fly zone for him and his planes as well.



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