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Hillary aide Huma Abedin under investigation for overpayments at State Department


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hillary_aide_huma_abedin_under_investigation_for_overpayments_at_state_department.htmlAmerican Thinker:

The office of inspector general at the State Department is investigating long time Hillary Clinton friend and aide Huma Abedin for recieving pay she was not eligible for while she worked for Clinton at the State Department.


The issues surround Abedin's salary being paid while she was on vacation and on maternity leave from her job at state.


Washington Post:


In letters sent Thursday to Abedin, Kerry and the Office of Inspector General, Grassley wrote that staff of the inspector general had found “at least a reasonable suspicion of a violation” of the law concerning the “theft of public money through time and attendance fraud” as well as “conflicts of interest connected to her overlapping employment.”


Grassley also raised the possibility that efforts to investigate Abedin’s actions were thwarted because many of her exchanges were sent through Clinton’s private e-mail server.Scissors-32x32.png

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New documents suggest Clinton's email server may have crashed

Sarah Westwood



An email conversation between a top Hillary Clinton aide and a Clinton Foundation executive suggests the private server that Clinton and her staff used to communicate may have malfunctioned at least once during her tenure.


Huma Abedin, Clinton's then-deputy chief of staff, complained that her private email was "down" the evening of Oct. 9 and into Oct. 10, 2012, according to an email chain obtained by Citizens United through the Freedom of Information Act. "My bigger problem right now is I can't even get into my clinton email," Abedin wrote to Stephanie Streett, executive director of the Clinton Foundation, on Oct. 10, 2012.


Abedin said she might need documents Streett had sent her to be re-routed to her official State Department account given the complications with her other address. "[M]y email was completely down...But hopefully it's up and running soon," Abedin later clarified.



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