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Data in Clinton’s ‘secret’ emails came from 5 intelligence agencies


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article29519419.htmlMcClatchy Washington Bureau‎ :

Marisa Taylor, Greg Gordon and Anita Kumar

July 30 2015




The classified emails stored on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private server contained information from five U.S. intelligence agencies and included material related to the fatal 2012 Benghazi attacks, McClatchy has learned. Of the five classified emails, the one known to be connected to Benghazi was among 296 emails made public in May by the State Department. Intelligence community officials have determined it was improperly released.


Revelations about the emails have put Clinton in the crosshairs of a broadening inquiry into whether she or her aides mishandled classified information when she used a private server set up at her New York home to conduct official State Department business. While campaigning for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination, Clinton has repeatedly denied she ever sent or received classified information. Two inspectors general have indicated that five emails they have reviewed were not marked classified at the time they were stored on her private server but that the contents were in fact “secret.”




McClatchy also has determined some details of the five emails that the intelligence community’s inspector general has described as classified and improperly handled. Intelligence officials who reviewed the five classified emails determined that they included information from five separate intelligence agencies, said a congressional official with knowledge of the matter.


The Benghazi email made public contained information from the National Security Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, a spy agency that maps and tracks satellite imagery, according to the official, who asked to remain anonymous because of the sensitivity of the matter. The other four classified emails contained information from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the CIA, the official said.









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The Hillary Email Scandal Just Saw Its ‘Most Significant Legal Development To Date’



A federal judge has ordered Hillary Clinton and two of her top aides at the State Department, Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, to attest, under penalty of perjury, that they have turned over all official government records in their possession.


U.S. District Court judge Emmett Sullivan issued the bombshell ruling late Friday, hours after the State Department released its second batch of Clinton emails.Scissors-32x32.png



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The Hillary Email Scandal Just Saw Its ‘Most Significant Legal Development To Date’




On A Related Note......


Huma Abedin never got sick or took vacation in four years at State?

Jazz Shaw

August 1, 2015


The one thing Hillary Clinton was no doubt looking forward to was some sort of scandal which might affect her presidential candidacy, particularly given how smooth and drama free it’s been thus far. (/snark) The State Department’s Inspector General has raised questions about Huma Abedin’s pay records while serving under Hillary Clinton during her tenure as Secretary of State. Oddly, the records appear to indicate that over a span of four years she never once took a sick day or even went on vacation. My, my… that’s some serious dedication. (*Fox News)



One of Hillary Clinton’s top aides was reportedly overpaid by nearly $10,000 because of violations of rules that govern vacation and sick time during her time as an official in the State Department, according to investigators.


The Washington Post reports the finding emerged on Friday after Iowa Sen. Charles Grassley sent letters to Secretary of State John Kerry, among others, about an investigation into possible “criminal” conduct by Huma Abedin over her pay.


The letters also sought the status of an investigation into whether Abedin violated conflict-of-interest laws related to her work for the State Department, the Clinton Foundation and another private firm founded by a Clinton ally, according to The Post.



Abedin left State at the same time as Hillary and is now a top member of her campaign staff, but during the period in question she was an employee of the federal government drawing a very nice salary, the tab for which was picked up by the taxpayers. Chuck Grassley has already raised some interesting questions, particularly the fact that Huma was allegedly in Italy on vacation for at least ten days at one point. What’s not revealed is if she was paid back for unused vacation, either at the end of each year or when she left the State Department. If she was, then clearly she was committing theft of public money through time and attendance fraud, as noted in Grassley’s response.










* The Official name is (or in a better world should be) Evil Ultra Right Wing Fascist Lying Faux News

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Then I said, 'No, Hillary. We don't have your emails. How would we ever get access to an unsecured private server?'

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