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some-lives-matter-some-lives-just-dontPatterico :

Filed under: General — Dana @ 6:53 pm

[guest post by Dana]


For those who don’t know about nationally adored Cecil the Lion, here’s a brief recap: A dentist from Minnesota went to Zimbabwe and paid $50,000 to go on a guided hunting expedition. Apparently the guides and Dr. Palmer were able to lure Cecil out of the Hwange National Park, where it had protected status, and onto a neighboring game farm. Then, according to guides, Dr. Palmer killed the 13 year old lion with a bow and arrow. As a result, Dr. Palmer now faces charges of poaching. This week, Dr. Palmer apologized saying that he believed the hunt was a legal hunt and the he regretted killing such a protected and adored animal. Not good enough. Scissors-32x32.png

“These animals need a voice.”


Now the cries of Cecil have reached Capitol Hill and 4th District Rep. Betty McCollum is seeking justice for the lost lion and is calling for a federal investigation into his death:

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Lions are (?) 400 LBS. Carnivores (That means they eat meat...just in case you were unclear) and when they look at us they think...Can I kill and eat this? Lions they eat sleep relieve themselves and make more lions, that's pretty much it. Yes lions are lovely to look at, its nice to go to a zoo or on a safari and look at them, There is a reason why we can now do this...We're on the top of the food chain and they're not. You go walking away from the african safari group and a pride of lions finds you you will have a once in a lifetime experience to observe them...just before they eat you alive.


MOTHER NATURE IS NOT YOUR FRIEND Mother Nature is a bitch...and a cast iron one at that.



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1. I think it's really sad about the lion.


2. I can't understand why an equal number of people, or many, many more, are not outraged over the Planned Parenthood videos. Maybe the videos make people feel guilty? It does equate with ordinary Germans during WWII. How much did they know and just turn away? Except in Nazi Germany you put your life in your hands if you protested Protesting vehemently against PP can be done in several easy ways without danger.

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1. I think it's really sad about the lion.


2. I can't understand why an equal number of people, or many, many more, are not outraged over the Planned Parenthood videos. Maybe the videos make people feel guilty? It does equate with ordinary Germans during WWII. How much did they know and just turn away? Except in Nazi Germany you put your life in your hands if you protested Protesting vehemently against PP can be done in several easy ways without danger.



Today....next year?

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1. I think it's really sad about the lion.


2. I can't understand why an equal number of people, or many, many more, are not outraged over the Planned Parenthood videos. Maybe the videos make people feel guilty? It does equate with ordinary Germans during WWII. How much did they know and just turn away? Except in Nazi Germany you put your life in your hands if you protested Protesting vehemently against PP can be done in several easy ways without danger.



Today....next year?







Could the difference be that Cecil had a name, and the unborn babies don't? Honestly, I don't know, I'm just trying to figure it out.

Edited by nickydog
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Cecil the latest Bright Shiny Thing!


Yeah. I guess that's it. Easy to protest the death of just one lion. Not so easy to tackle Planned Parenthood. People like easy.

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Cecil the latest Bright Shiny Thing!


Yeah. I guess that's it. Easy to protest the death of just one lion. Not so easy to tackle Planned Parenthood. People like easy.





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Killing Them

By: Erick Erickson (Diary) | July 31st, 2015 at 12:30 AM

We have passed the point where Nazi comparisons are inappropriate. In the latest video about Planned Parenthood, if you want to watch it, you will see an admission that some of the children are born alive before being killed and carved up — their bodies being sold essentially for scrap.


These are children. They entered into the world alive and were killed, chopped up, and sold bit by bit.

“It’s a boy,” one person commented in the atest film. They talk about the commoditization of children’s eyeballs (the ones in the video were not developed enough), hearts that turn to mush they are so small, and reference the legs, feet, and hands of the children. Scissors-32x32.png


If Republicans are not willing to make this their hill to die on and even see the government shutdown to stop this, the Republican Party needs to be shut down. Scissors-32x32.png


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White House calls Planned Parenthood videos 'fraudulent'

By Rick Moran July 31, 2015

The battle over funding for Planned Parenthood intensified yesterday as the White House vowed to veto any GOP sponsored defunding bill and called the videos showing PP executives negotiating the sale of fetal body parts "fraudulent."


Washington Times:


Senators will vote early next week on a bill to defund the organization, though that’s likely to fail. But some Republicans are already vowing to try to use the annual spending deadline of Sept. 30 to force the issue, saying they won’t vote for any spending bills that include money forPlanned Parenthood.


Congressional Democrats said they’ll block any bills that remove money for the organization Scissors-32x32.png


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Killing Them

By: Erick Erickson (Diary) | July 31st, 2015 at 12:30 AM

We have passed the point where Nazi comparisons are inappropriate. In the latest video about Planned Parenthood, if you want to watch it, you will see an admission that some of the children are born alive before being killed and carved up — their bodies being sold essentially for scrap.




Concentration Camps, 1939–1942


The years 1939–1942 saw a marked expansion in the concentration camp system. In 1938, SS authorities had begun to exploit the labor of concentration camp prisoners for economic profit. In September 1939, the war provided a convenient excuse to ban releases from the camps, thus providing the SS with a readily available labor force.


SS authorities established new camps in the vicinity of factories (for example, the brickworks at Neuengamme, 1940) or sites for the extraction of raw materials (such as the stone quarry at Mauthausen, 1938). The goods extracted or produced by prisoner labor were sold to the German Reich through SS-owned firms such as the German Earth and Stone Works.






Yad Vashem: Labor and Concentration Camps




What we are seeing here is yet one more example of what John Paul The Great called The Culture Of Death.




Peter Singer’s Bold Defense of Infanticide


Peter Singer- Introduction

In 1993, ethicist Peter Singer shocked many Americans by suggesting that no newborn should be considered a person until 30 days after birth and that the attending physician should kill some disabled babies on the spot. Five years later, his appointment as Decamp Professor of Bio-Ethics at Princeton University ignited a firestorm of controversy, though his ideas about abortion and infanticide were hardly new. In 1979 he wrote, “Human babies are not born self-aware, or capable of grasping that they exist over time. They are not persons”; therefore, “the life of a newborn is of less value than the life of a pig, a dog, or a chimpanzee.”1


Peter Singer is not alone in these beliefs. As early as 1972, philosopher Michael Tooley bluntly declared that a human being “possess[es] a serious right to life only if it possesses the concept of a self as a continuing subject of experiences and other mental states, and believes that it is itself such a continuing entity.”2 Infants do not qualify.


More recently, American University philosophy professor Jeffrey Reiman has asserted that unlike mature human beings, infants do not “possess in their own right a property that makes it wrong to kill them.” He explicitly holds that infants are not persons with a right to life and that “there will be permissible exceptions to the rule against killing infants that will not apply to the rule against killing adults and children.”3

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Planned Parenthood: Serving mankind from dust to dessert

By Doug Hagmann Full Story


Many baby boomers will recall the classic 1962 Twilight Zone episode To Serve Man, about a seemingly benevolent alien race of giants coming to earth to solve the ills of mankind. Although some people were initially suspicious of the aliens' intentions, their skepticism was assuaged when the aliens shared their advanced technology and made the earth a better place to live, stopping wars and increasing the food harvests of the planet. Scissors-32x32.png


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hospital-nursery-220x220.jpgBaby Parts Farms: How far away from this are we really?

By DrJohn 1 Comment

Fri, Jul, 31st, 2015 139 views

It’s becoming clear that baby parts are a big business for Planned Parenthood. The behavior of the employees of Planned Parenthood is nothing less than disgusting. PP harvests dead babies with an emphasis on “less crunchy” techniques to preserve the head and organs. Planned Parenthood’s legal counsel admitted fear that one of the next videos… Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://www.floppingaces.net/2015/07/31/how-far-away-from-this-are-we-really/

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Just the Latest Attack on Planned Parenthood and the Women It Serves

Sen. Barbara Boxer

Posted: 07/29/2015 3:50 pm EDT Updated: 07/30/2015 10:59 am EDT


This week, we celebrate the 50th anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid, which have provided millions of Americans with accessible, affordable health care.


These are lifelines that from their start were attacked by Republicans and their extremist allies around the country. But we held strong and 50 years later, generations of Americans have benefited from Medicare and Medicaid.


Now we are witnessing another ideological attack that would put women's health and women's lives at risk - this time by targeting women's reproductive health care, an issue that was resolved back in 1973. Scissors-32x32.png





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