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An imminent beheading?


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inside-the-ring-an-imminent-beheadingWashington Times:

By Bill Gertz - - Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Counterterrorism officials are concerned that the Islamic State will behead a British hostage next week, noting consistencies in the terrorist group’s decapitations of two American journalists.


Analysts say the video releases of the beheadings of James Foley and Steven Sotloff took place two weeks apart.


If the timing was calculated, officials are concerned that the Islamic State will similarly murder British hostage David Haines on Tuesday.


Mr. Haines, a worker for a French non-governmental organization, was shown at the end of the Sotloff video dressed in an orange jumpsuit. The terrorist who spoke on the video said Mr. Haines would be the group’s next victim.Scissors-32x32.png

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