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Lives for Votes


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lives_for_votes.htmlAmerican Thinker:

September 9, 2014

Lives for Votes

By Jeffrey T. Brown

If we should be attacked by terrorists who come across our unprotected, undefended southern border, and should Americans die in any such attack, we would do well to understand for what those lives were lost. They would have been spent for the ability of illegal aliens to cast illegal votes for politicians doing illegal things. While both parties are to some degree to blame for the porousness of oursouthern border, the party that has the singular ability to solve the problem via the levers of government, the Democrats, is ensuring that the problem becomes so pervasive and vast that it will be virtually unsolvable by generations of future elected representatives.


We witnessed the jarring spectacle of the president this past weekend absurdly blaming our recent influx of illegal aliens on the aliens themselves, as if he was powerless to stop them and knew nothing about his own policies ensuring both reward and opportunity once across our border. They came for the protections and rewards he explicitly promised them Scissors-32x32.png

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