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Native Americans Find Way to Make Money, Feds Outlaw It


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Native Americans Find Way to Make Money, Feds Outlaw It
Tuesday, September 9th, 2014

rsz_1280px-mountain_view_california_thesIn California during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, anti-Japanese sentiment ran high, in spite of the fact that they never comprised more than 3 percent of the population. To discourage Japanese immigration to California and to curb the wealth of the immigrants themselves, a large number of major employers agreed among themselves to not hire any Japanese workers. At the same time, politicians at the state legislature passed laws prohibiting Japanese immigrants from working in various occupations. In response, both immigrant and native-born Japanese worked around these laws and employment bans by focusing on industries that were ignored by much of the population due to the hard work required and the slim profit margins involved. Japanese workers and entrepreneurs began to dominate the truck farming and flower and nursery industries. Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://bastiat.mises.org/?p=11711


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