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In One State, More Children Homeschool Than Attend Private Schools. Why That Shouldn’t Shock You.


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one-state-children-homeschool-attend-private-schools-shouldnt-shockHeritage Foundation:

In North Carolina, the number of homeschoolers has now surpassed the number of students attending private schools.


That statistic may seem shocking if you’ve been a stranger to the growth of the homeschooling movement, which has rapidly increased in recent decades.


In 1973, there were approximately 13,000 children, ages 5 to 17, being homeschooled in the United States. But according to the National Center for Education Statistics, as of the 2011-2012 school year, that number has grown to almost 1.8 million or approximately 3.4 percent of the school age population. Other sources report numbers well over 2 million.


In the Tar Heel state alone, homeschooling has increased by 27 percent over the past two years.


Those are pretty impressive numbers for a movement considered “fringe” not that long ago and that has only been legal in all 50 states since 1996.Scissors-32x32.png



@NCTexan @righteousmomma

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This is interesting but not surprising.


In Raleigh, we've had a combination of high student population growth and poorly attempted social engineering in the last few years.


This has made for long cross town bus rides for no perceived benefit to any of the students other than "racial balancing"..... and packed classrooms spikes in student enrollment.


Every year, the districts have tried to adjust with too little, too late, too much confusion for parents and kids.

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Home Schooling is quite fascinating. It is not exactly the chalk slate and no texts patterns of old.

There is actually a system set up where State standards and testing have to be met. Many of the classes - like math- are online. Joint get togethers are routine. Sometimes sports are participated in at the local middle and high achool. All in all it is a sacrifice of the mothers and I could not do it. My daughter back in the day- yes! She probably would have been a Rhodes scholar. Our son - NO. I would probably be in jail for losing it with him. Love him deatly, but home school - though teacher trained - NO THANKS.

I admire those who can do it and respect them greatly.

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