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Bill Banning EPA’s Proposed Attack on Property Rights Expected to Be Considered By House


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bill-banning-epas-proposed-attack-property-rights-expected-considered-houseHeritage Foundation:

The House is expected to vote on legislation as soon as Tuesday that would prohibit the Environmental Protection Agency and the Army Corps of Engineers from moving forward with their proposed “waters of the U.S.” rule.


In April, the EPA and Corps proposed regulation that would define what waters that they can regulate under the Clean Water Act. For decades, they have tried to expand their jurisdiction. This proposed rule is no exception, acting as both a water and land power grab. It has little to do with actually improving the environment.


The EPA and Corps will force property owners to secure costly and time consuming permits far more often than they already do now.


The House will likely consider The Waters of the United States Regulatory Overreach Protection Act of 2014 (H.R. 5078), legislation which would put an end to this proposed rule.Scissors-32x32.png

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