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More IRS employees lost emails


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The IRS on Friday told Congress that five of the 82 people being questioned about the agency’s tea party targeting scandal lost emails as a result of computer crashes, including one official who worked closely with former IRS official Lois Lerner.


IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, in a report sent to the committees investigating whether the IRS unfairly targeted conservative groups in recent years, said 18 of the 82 people “had some type of technical computer issue” between September 2009 and February 2014. Five of those “had hard drive issues that resulted in a probable loss of emails during portions of the four-year period.”


They include: Judy Kindell, a former senior adviser to Lerner; Justin Lowe, a tax law specialist for exempt organizations who worked with Kindell; IRS manager Ron Shoemaker, who helped oversee the tea party cases; and Julie Chen and Nancy Heagney, who are Cincinnati-based IRS agents working on the tea party cases.




* “Throughout this review, the IRS has found no evidence that any IRS personnel deliberately destroyed any evidence,” the report says.






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