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U.S. Fears ISIL Smuggling Nuclear and Radioactive Materials


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U.S. and Iraqi authorities have jointly ramped up their efforts to prevent terrorists from acquiring nuclear and radioactive materials as concerns mount that Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL or ISIS) is seeking to recover these sensitive materials and use them in a terror attack.


ISIL now controls about half of Iraq, potentially giving it access to some low-level radioactive and radiological materials, according to a State Department official.


The threat has been deemed “critical” by the U.S. State Department, which announced on Wednesday that it had inked a new deal with Baghdad to ramp up joint efforts to detect and recover sensitive nuclear materials before ISIL and other terrorist entities can get to them.


While the United States currently has no evidence that ISIL has yet to locate these types of materials, there are concerns that lawless areas under the group’s control could be used as a new smuggling route by rogue actors.Scissors-32x32.png

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OTOH We don't want to make these guys into some kind of supermen, who are everywhere. We for some reason always want to make our enemies bigger smarter more fierce than they really are.

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OTOH We don't want to make these guys into some kind of supermen, who are everywhere. We for some reason always want to make our enemies bigger smarter more fierce than they really are.

The thing about terror, you don't have to be Supermen. Constant little victories, not knowing where next, would create panic and havoc. Especially in a country that has not ever had this as a constant and has become complacent and in some sense spoiled.

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OTOH We don't want to make these guys into some kind of supermen, who are everywhere. We for some reason always want to make our enemies bigger smarter more fierce than they really are.

The thing about terror, you don't have to be Supermen. Constant little victories, not knowing where next, would create panic and havoc. Especially in a country that has not ever had this as a constant and has become complacent and in some sense spoiled.



Well put! The problem is too many people have very little knowledge of these people, and so are inclined to 1st scream and holler the

Something Be Done...and Now!", followed by "What Are We Doing Over There!". Republics/Democracies don't like long and seemingly inconclusive wars,or at least it seems that way to me.

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