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Three security operators who were at the CIA’s annex in Benghazi on the day of the terrorist attacks that killed four Americans told Fox News’ Bret Baier on Thursday’s “Special Report” that they were told to “stand down” and wait before going to the U.S. Consulate on September 11, 2012, and that this delay cost U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens his life.


One of the operators, Kris Paronto, reported that “Bob,” the CIA’s base chief in Benghazi told them “you guys need to wait,” and another, John Tiegen, said “Bob” told him “stand down, you need to wait.” When asked if they would have been able to save Ambassador Chris Stevens and Navy SEAL Sean Smith had they not been delayed in getting to the consulate, Paronto responded “yes, they would still be alive.”Scissors-32x32.png

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Sep 5, 2014

Rep. Louie Gohmert (TX-01) spoke to Martha about America’s Newsroom about the Obama Administration’s hush tactics regarding the Benghazi attack. He also talked about the new report that a U.S. security team in Benghazi was held back from immediately responding to the attack on the American diplomatic mission on orders of the top CIA officer.

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