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Ex-Virginia gov., wife guilty of public corruption


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trial-dealt-hit-ex-governors-reputation-171905027.htmlYahoo News:

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell and his wife were convicted Thursday of taking bribes to promote a dietary supplement in a corruption case that derailed the career of the onetime rising Republican star.


A federal jury in Richmond convicted Bob McDonnell of 11 of the 13 counts he faced; Maureen McDonnell was convicted of nine of the 13 counts she had faced. Both bowed their heads and wept as the court clerk read a chorus of "guilty" verdicts.


Widely considered a possible running mate for Mitt Romney in the 2012 presidential campaign, McDonnell was all but abandoned after the scandal, and lived alone in a church rectory during the trial. Now he and his wife face up to 30 years in prison on most counts. Sentencing was scheduled for Jan. 6.


The couple's defense strategy depended in large part on persuading jurors that their marriage itself was a fraud and that they were unable to speak to each other, let alone conspire to accept bribes. They left the courtroom separately — first Bob and then Maureen, who hugged one of her daughters and wept loudly on the way out.


Bob McDonnell seemed ashen as he was mobbed by TV cameras before climbing into a waiting blue Mercedes.


"All I can say is that my trust remains in the Lord," he said quietly.



Eh, I don't think the Lord will be taking his case...

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I am going out and saying I do not think these charges will stand, sorry folks that's my read on this case. cool.png


I haven't really followed this (there are only 24 hours in a day...and I have to go to the john sometime smile.png ) , so all I can say iswe will see.

If this true and there are guilty, the Party dodged a bullet, as I seem to recall talk of higher office for McDonnell.

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McDonnell trial’s definition of official acts could spur similar prosecutions elsewhere


By Matt Zapotosky September 5 at 10:57 PM


RICHMOND — The prosecution of former Virginia governor Robert F. McDonnell could have far-reaching effects on federal public-corruption cases — making it easier for prosecutors to bring ­charges against those accused of abusing their official powers, legal experts said.


The convictions of McDonnell and his wife, Maureen, on several counts of public corruption Thursday are historic in their own right, bestowing upon the onetime Republican rising star the unwanted distinction of being the first governor in Virginia history to be found guilty of a crime.


But legal experts say the case — especially if it survives an appeal — could encourage prosecutors to pursue similar charges against officials who take not-so-obviously significant actions on behalf of their alleged bribers and make it easier for them to win convictions.



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How the federal corruption case against the McDonnells came together


By Rosalind S. Helderman and Matt Zapotosky September 6 at 8:55 PM


RICHMOND — On the day after her husband publicly apologized for accepting gifts and loans from a wealthy dietary supplement executive, Maureen McDonnell tearfully summoned her manicurist for a late-night visit to the historic governor’s mansion of Virginia.


The July 2013 apology had been an extraordinary step for then-Gov. Robert F. McDonnell ® after months of pressure from revelations of his interactions with businessman Jonnie R. Williams Sr. consumed his last year in office.


McDonnell insisted that he had broken no laws and promised that with his apology complete, he would now get back to the business of governing.

Privately, the first lady feared otherwise. Scissors-32x32.png



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For former Virginia Governor Robert McDonnell, found guilty last week of fraud and extortion, I have only the small amount of sympathy reserved for those who fall from grace deservedly, but not due to true malice or viciousness. However, I agree with William & Mary law professor Jeffrey Bellin that charges like those brought against McDonnell present the real danger of criminalizing ordinary politics.


The essence of the legal case against McDonnell is that he solicited money from a company to act on its behalf (thus “defrauding” Virginians who elected him to act on behalf of “the people”) and, similarly, that he obtained money “under color of official right.” The doctrines may seem a bit strained, but it’s easy to understand why the law forbids such action.


But how does one distinguish these offenses from the common situation in which individuals, companies, and unions give candidates substantial amounts of money Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2014/09/bob-mcdonnell-and-criminalization-of-politics.php

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