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What's Keeping Obama's Approval Ratings Up?


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090214-715650-what-is-holding-obama-approval-ratings-up.htmInvestors Business Daily:

Leadership: Despite the increasingly undeniable evidence of his failures across the board, President Obama's overall approval rating remains relatively high. Talk about the soft bigotry of low expectations.


The latest IBD/TIPP Poll finds that the public overwhelmingly gives Obama lousy grades on almost every aspect of his performance in the White House.


Just 31% give him an "A" or "B" for his handling of the economy, 29% good marks for his management of the federal budget and 32% on how he's doing on creating jobs and growth. Among independents, the numbers are 19%, 17% and 23%, respectively.


After five years of Obama's economic "growth" policies, almost half the country still thinks we're in a recession, and 52% say the economy isn't getting better.


Just 31% approve of the way Obama has handled the growing Islamic State crisis. Nearly two-thirds (63%) oppose his plans to grant unilateral amnesty to millions of illegals. And 53% oppose his signature health care law.Scissors-32x32.png

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Replace Your Divot....Dammit!





Via MyMuseShankedMe


Edited to add: Could be burying Lois Lerner's Hard Drive.......

Edited by SrWoodchuck
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What's Keeping Obama's Approval Ratings Up?




In 2007/8 I would ask people why they supported Barack Obama (over Hillary). I basically got 2 replies 1. A Rant against George Bush 2. A blank stare.


What surprises me is people are only now getting the fact that Barack Obama just isn't a very good president. I mean he will go down in history as one of the worst Presidents in the history of the office...if not The Worst. It is going to be a loooong 30 months.


What is he going to do after the 2016 elections and a Republican is elected? I suspect it will be bad..very very bad.

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