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Optics Rule Politics - Episode 1

By: jamesmpratt (Diary) | August 14th, 2014 at 10:06 PM


Used with Permission www.jonmcnaughton.com


Optics rule in politics. Fiddling for words to fit a narrative comes second.

Martha Vineyard vacations have some serious contenders for the President’s attention; that is after he fits in one more round of golf (186 golf outings to date) and while the world burns, another fundraiser. This Saturday is the earliest he can afford to take a break from his break. Because he is the most convincing and most powerful man in the world, we should all calm down while he fiddles with the right words needed to fix the crisis stuff.

In a quick jog to the podium to show his energy and then in a, “Make no mistake” Presidential declaration concerning the present world chaos, Obama should fix things by Sunday talk show time, as he is scheduled to return from Massachusetts vacations, golfing, and fundraisers to DC for a working weekend. Scissors-32x32.png


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AS THE WORLD BURNS – Episode 2 Federal Pink Cookie Tyranny and Cup Cake Re-Education

By: jamesmpratt (Diary) | August 22nd, 2014 at 05:50 PM


Does the 1st Amendment have a future in America?


Can sugar cookies and Christian cup cake artists survive government control?

In this episode of “AS THE WORLD BURNS” we learn another lesson of liberal tyranny; the destruction of beloved American cup cake freedoms and pink sugar cookie liberty.


I love pink sugar cookies. I have tried orange ones, but the pink just work better for me. I can’t eat them very often because my favorites are made in Utah with thick icing that packs onto the sugar cookie itself another 250 calories putting it over 500 calories total. I mean do the math: one per week X 52 weeks = 26,000 calories. At 3,000 calories extra per pound that is 8.6 pounds I could pack on this next year if I didn’t immediately find a way to burn the 500 pink sugar cookie calories as I ate them.


But I indulge once a month because I was a kid once, and it reminds me of being a kid when anything I ate didn’t add one pound to my body mass Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://www.redstate.com/diary/jamesmpratt/2014/08/22/world-burns-2/

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Britain to War, Obama Fundraising, and Climate Change


By: jamesmpratt (Diary) | August 31st, 2014 at 11:47 PM


While Obama fundraised this Labor Day weekend after announcing to the world, “We don’t have a strategy…” the Prime Minister of Great Britain–the US equivalent to a President–announced a multi-decade and generational war strategy against Islamic terrorism.


The President promptly responded to being upstaged by Prime Minister Cameron by taking a break from holiday fundraising trips to attend the wedding ceremony of a former White House chef to a state-allied MSNBC host.


On this Presidential fundraising weekend for fellow Democrats, you will be hard-pressed to find the mainstream “press” anywhere near the stories of Obama’s emptiness in crisis and fundraising while the UK’s Prime Minister gears for war against the Islamic State (ISIS) which is threatening to explode into the American heartland Scissors-32x32.png


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