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Death to “Slaves of the Cross” Funded by American Taxpayers, Courtesy of the Obama Administration


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Death to “Slaves of the Cross” Funded by American Taxpayers, Courtesy of the Obama Administration

By: bblankley (Diary) | August 30th, 2014 at 01:18 PM

future-must-not-belong-to-those-who-slanFour years after the Arab Spring, taxpaying

Americans continue to fund ethnic and religious cleansing throughout the Middle East, thanks to President Obama’s subversive strategy to spread Islam.


The Eastern Mediterranean region, known as the Levant, was the birthplace of Christianity. Initially, Christ followers called themselves “The Way” (in Arabic “Ahl-Al-Deen”) before they were known as Christians (John 14; Acts 9, 14, 24). Alexandria, Antioch, and Constantinople were all meccas of Christian scholarship. Christian trade centers included Jerusalem, Gaza, Caesarea, and Beirut and Christians lived peacefully throughout Ethiopia, Yemen, and Persia (Iraq and Iran). Scissors-32x32.png


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August 31, 2014

The Two Faces of Islam

By Richard Butrick

One face is for Islam’s useful idiots the other is for Islam’s faithful.


The Koran is not arranged in chronological order. When it is arranged in chronological order it is clear that the Koran undergoes a serious transition after Muhammad’s first real triumph on the battlefield at Badr in 624. The period following that battle is called the Medina period of the prophet’s life.


Conceptually this transition can be seen as a transition from the Old Koran to the New Koran. Unlike the transition from the Old to the New Testament, the transition from the “Old” Koran (pre-Medina) to the “New” Koran (Medina) is a transition to a more vengeful, demanding, supremacist God. Scissors-32x32.png


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