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The Biggest Issue in 2016


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the_biggest_issue_in_2016.htmlAmerican Thinker:

August 30, 2014


The Biggest Issue in 2016


By Bruce Walker

Every day, more damning evidence oozes out of the festering carbuncle of the persecution by the Obama IRS of conservatives. The latest two fetid secretions are these: (1) Lois Lerner’s lost e-mails were never “lost” at all, but have been archived, and (2) Lois Lerner’s BlackBerry, which also contained all the lost e-mails, was scrubbed and destroyed one year after her hard drive crashed Judge Sullivan shows no intention of letting Obama’s underlings off the hook, and at this point a full-scale judicially ordered independent prosecution of the crimes committed seems to be in the works. This prosecution may not even begin until after the November 2014 elections, which means that the left can keep trying to kick the can farther down the road for a while longer.


The problem with that strategy is that even if the leftist establishment media continues to ignore this scandal, Scissors-32x32.png

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Money quote FTA:


Nixon resigned only after Goldwater and other key Republicans went to the White House and told Nixon that he must. Are there any Democrats – any at all, really – who can be reasonably seen with the intestinal fortitude to go to Obama and say that he must resign? Would Hillary be able to do that? Would Biden, who would take Barry’s place in the White House? Could Reid or Pelosi?


Not a single one:


That's the nub of this: There are approximately ZERO Rats who would stand up to the President. I remember the impeachment battle of '99, when not one Rat Senator would even look at the evidence against Clinton. Not a single one. They hang together, even in the face of obviously criminal behavior, if it helps their cause.


The ends justify the means, so there won't be any Rats making the walk to the White Hut to tell Obama the jig is up. Not a single one will take the Barry Goldwater place in history. This will play out the long, hard way: In court. This could very well lead to the destruction of the Rat party because the voters will be furious when they find out they've been had like the simpletons they are.

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