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obama-concedes-victory-to-isis-in-round-one-of-the-new-great-warHuman Events:

You can save your breath, frantic Obama apologists. There is no way to spin the unmitigated disaster of this hapless President toddling to the podium yesterday and announcing to the world that he doesn’t have a strategy for defeating ISIS yet. The pants-wetting terror that immediately gripped everyone in the White House, and every dead-ender Obama-worshiping pundit, tells the true tale of how epic a blunder this was.



It wasn’t just a “gaffe.” It was nothing less than Barack Obama conceding victory to ISIS in Round One of the new great war. Get it through your skulls, kids: the President of the United States just ratified the existence of the Islamic State, admitted they’re going to get away with murdering American hostages, and threw in the towel on any hope of reversing their invasion of Iraq. He just told the enemy, which most certainly does have strategies and is not shy about advertising them, that they have the initiative. They’re calling the shots. The Golfer-in-Chief is still reacting, spinning, and fidgeting like a little kid stuck in detention, because he really wants to get back to the fun stuff - like handing out amnesty to illegal aliens, maneuvering unconstitutional “climate change” treaties past Congress, picking fights with his domestic political opponents, raising money for his Party, and hanging out with his fawning admirers in the press corps. He’s really bummed out that he has to keep dealing with head-chopping terrorists and Russians who like to go for joyrides in armored fighting vehicles.Scissors-32x32.png

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August 29, 2014

Defeat ISIS in the comfort of your own home

By Oleg Atbashian

President Obama's White House statement on Aug. 28 was clear on two things: "ISIS must be defeated" and "we don't have a strategy yet."


With this in mind, let me offer a modest proposal that requires no military escalation, no additional defense spending, and no sacrifice of the American troops in the Middle East.

The president has already recognized the beheading of an American journalist as a terrorist attack on the United States and is said to be considering all options to protect Americans from the ISIS threat reaching the U.S. So let's take him at his own word and propose that his list of "all options" should begin with (1) an end to political correctness and (2) a moratorium on pandering to immigrant groups in order to win elections for the Democrats. Scissors-32x32.png



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History Repeats As Another US President Ignores Multiple and Credible Terrorist Attack Warnings

Posted on August 31, 2014 by Dave Hodges

According to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), ISIS, nor any other foreign terrorist group poses no specific threat to the United States in the immediate future. The FBI, in a report released on August 13, 2014, echoed the same sentiment despite the fact that last year’s Boston Marathon bombing and the 2009 Fort Hood shooting were both carried out by radical Muslim extremists. Scissors-32x32.png


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