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What Leading From Behind Looks Like


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I do not think Barack Obama is a closet sympathizer of muslim Jihadists bent on our destruction, but God help me I suddenly understand how some have arrived at that conclusion. To stand up and tell the world that we are going to do zero to help Ukraine and have no strategy to defeat ISIS is just insane.


That the White House staff had to go into complete and total damage control afterwards is telling. But even their damage control was insufficient. They told Wolf Blitzer we had a strategy, just not a strategy to go after them in Syria. But that’s the problem. They keep their leadership in Syria knowing they’ll be perfectly safe from us.


Here’s Josh Earnest doing damage control on CNN:


[T]he president was asked a specific question about what approach he was going to pursue when it came to possible military action in Syria against ISIL. That was the specific question he was asked and the president was explicit, that he is still waiting for plans that are being developed by the Pentagon for military options that he has for going into Syria.


How long has Syria been a problem? The President addressed the nation on September 10, 2013, about Syria and the actions we would take. But he said we would not get involved outside of forcing Syria to give up chemical weapons. Our military leaders have insisted we do more, but the President has dithered, much like he dithered trying to save James Foley.Scissors-32x32.png


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