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Obama Appoints Soros-Backed Wonk to Labor Department


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The new chief economist at the Labor Department is a far-left activist who has worked for a think tank funded by labor unions, founded by George Soros, and that is in league with the Democracy Alliance.


Obama named Heidi Shierholz to the labor post on Monday. Shierholz has spent the past seven years at the Economic Policy Institute (EcPI), a Soros-backed group and previous beneficiary of the Democracy Alliance, the shadowy group of liberal millionaires and billionaires.


Her most prominent research has focused on pet issues of the Obama administration. She has supported Obama’s $10.10 minimum wage proposal that the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office says will cut as many as 1 million jobs and has dedicated much of her work to solving income inequality through redistributing wealth.


“It’s not surprising that the president’s union-friendly Labor Department would hire as its chief economist an employee from Big Labor’s research wing,” said Michael Saltsman of the Employment Policies Institute.


Shierholz’s appointment gives unions another pivotal ally in the Labor Department. Leaders from 10 major labor unions sit on EcPI’s board, including the SEIU, UFCW, UAW, NEA, AFSCME, AFT, and AFL-CIO. The think tank also received more than $5 million from labor unions between 2011 and 2013.Scissors-32x32.png

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