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Political correctness helped cover up child sexual exploitation in Rotherham


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Racial and religious targeting of white teenage girls — but investigators feared being labeled “racist,” according to independent report.
William A. Jacobson
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

In Rotherham, England, a group of Pakistani immigrants and others of Pakistani descent deliberately targeted white teenage girls for sexual exploitation, with a religious angle to the targeting.


The authorities knew of the exploitation, but were fearful of talking about it or going public with it for fear of being called racist or Islamophobic.


So the abuse continued for over a decade, with approximately 1400 girls gang raped and otherwise sexually abused. It’s all detailed in The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Rotherham, 1997 – 2013 (embedded at bottom of this post) released on August 21. From the report:







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The Lessons of Rotherham
John Hinderaker
September 2, 2014

A week or more has gone by, and we haven’t written about the Rotherham rape scandal that has rocked Great Britain. Rotherham is a city of around 250,000 in Yorkshire, where at least 1,400 girls were raped, and in many instances prostituted, by gangs consisting mostly or entirely of Pakistani men. It seems to be generally acknowledged that the local authorities had a good idea what was going on, but the criminal rings nevertheless flourished for something like 16 years.


Current publicity about the Rotherham scandal is driven by publication of the Jay Report, officially titled “Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Rotherham (1997 – 2013).” You can download the report here. It includes details that are not for the faint of heart.




* A radical suggestion: maybe it’s time to retire the whole apparatus of racism. “Racism” is a concept that originated in the 20th century and never gained currency outside a few Western countries, like the U.S. and Great Britain. Denunciation of racism had a specific social and political purpose, which, many would argue, has now been served. Does the constant invocation of “racism,” usually in situations that have nothing to do with race, now do more harm than good? That is, at least, a question worth debating.


While Rotherham is a huge scandal in the U.K., we are not the only ones who let the week go by without commenting on it. So did the New York Times. Yesterday, the Times finally took up the story in an article titled “Years of Rape and ‘Utter Contempt’ in Britain: Life in an English Town Where Abuse of Young Girls Flourished”. The Times did acknowledge that “[t]he victims identified in the report were all white, while the perpetrators were mostly of Pakistani heritage.” But it tried to fit the story into the mold of sexism:







* IMO 20-30 years of benign neglect on race/gender...whatever, would be a very good thing.



As a white male should I be offended that the FBI profiles white males in serial killer cases? SEXISM!

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Rotherham Whistleblower Reportedly Threatened by Police, Feared for Life

Ian Tuttle

September 12, 2014


Further inquiry into events in Rotherham is revealing the degree of corruption that facilitated two decades of child sexual exploitation in the central England town. A Home Office researcher who says her report into the widespread abuse in the early 2000s was suppressed now says, according to the Sheffield Telegraph, that she was also the victim of threats from police officers aware of her investigation.


The researcher, who has not been identified in media reports, testified in private before the Commons Home Affairs Select Committee on Thursday. Conservative Member of Parliament Nicola Blackwood told reporters:



The researcher told us she was threatened in her car at night by two police officers.


They said wouldnt it be a bad thing if some of those men found out where she lived. She feared for her life.


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