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When Your Base Becomes Your Enemy


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Throughout primary season, the National Republican Senatorial Committee in alliance with groups like the Chamber of Commerce and Main Street Partnership have treated the Republican base as their enemy.


Running scorched earth campaigns, they have attacked conservative groups, they have attacked conservative activists, and they have funded third party campaigns to paint the tea party and its candidates as racists. They have been able to win a number of primaries doing this. In conservative events around the country, conservative activists still use Mississippi as a rallying cry against the establishment.


So let us not be surprised by this news.


In every single one of the Crystal Ball’s toss-up states, (Alaska, Arkansas, Iowa, Louisiana and North Carolina), the Republican Senate candidate has not yet opened up a real polling lead in any of them. Democratic nominees have been running hard and staying slightly ahead, or close to, their Republican foes.

I get it everywhere I go regardless of the group I’m speaking to. Long time Republican voters ask me why they should even bother. These are not just conservative voters, but traditional Republican voters, particularly in Southern states who saw the NRSC collaborate to paint Chris McDaniel as a racist in Mississippi and saw also the harsh attacks in North Carolina against conservatives.

The Speaker of the North Carolina House is being an unpopular Democrat. Tom Cotton, who was basically coronated, is having trouble. Joni Ernst, a great candidate against a terrible Democrat prone to gaffes, is not as far ahead as she could be. It is a consistent pattern across the country. Wonderful people like Joni are being impacted by this.Scissors-32x32.png

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