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(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced the following developments in the IRS’ missing emails investigation. Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton stated:

Department of Justice attorneys for the Internal Revenue Service told Judicial Watch on Friday that Lois Lerner’s emails, indeed all government computer records, are backed up by the federal government in case of a government-wide catastrophe. The Obama administration attorneys said that this back-up system would be too onerous to search. The DOJ attorneys also acknowledged that the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) is investigating this back-up system.

We obviously disagree that disclosing the emails as required would be onerous, and plan to raise this new development with Judge Sullivan.

This is a jaw-dropping revelation. The Obama administration had been lying to the American people about Lois Lerner’s missing emails. There are no “missing” Lois Lerner emails – nor missing emails of any of the other top IRS or other government officials whose emails seem to be disappearing at increasingly alarming rate. All the focus on missing hard drives has been a diversion. The Obama administration has known all along where the email records could be – but dishonestly withheld this information. You can bet we are going to ask the court for immediate assistance in cutting through this massive obstruction of justice.

Here is the second set of sworn declarations by IRS officials in response to Judge Emmet G. Sullivan’s investigation into the missing emails of Lois Lerner and other IRS officials. The declarations were provided after close of business on Friday, August 22.Scissors-32x32.png


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Call me naive, but I am shocked and outraged.

I wish I could be, but by time point nothing this gang (and I do mean gang) does surprises me in the least.

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IRS ordered Lerners blackberry destroyed after her computer crashed

Paul Mirengoff

August 26, 2014


The New York Observer reports that, according to an IRS court filing, the IRS destroyed Lois Lerners Blackberry after it knew her computer had crashed and after a Congressional inquiry was well underway. An IRS official declared under the penalty of perjury that the destroyed Blackberry would have contained the same emails (both sent and received) as Lois Lerners hard drive.


Lerners hard drive crashed in June 2011 and the IRS destroyed it. A year later, the IRS also destroyed her Blackberry without making any effort to retain the emails it contained. By then, Congress had commenced its investigation into the IRSs targeting of conservative groups.


In the IRSs court filing about the destruction of Lerners Blackberry, it states:





Standard IRS practice and policy in the collection of electronic data does not include collecting data from Blackberry devices because the email of a Blackberry user is collected through the process of collecting the contents of the users Outlook mailbox files.


However, as the Observers Sidney Powell points out, this practice seems far from standard when (1.) the users computer has crashed and (2.) the user is being investigated by Congress. Under these circumstances, destruction of Blackberry without retrieving emails smacks of willful disregard for the law and contempt for Congress.



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Call me naive, but I am shocked and outraged.

I wish I could be, but by time point nothing this gang (and I do mean gang) does surprises me in the least.


Is there no end to the Obama administration's duplicity in the IRS scandal?

Mark Tapscott

August 26, 2014




For months on end, Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen insisted that Lois Lerner's emails were destroyed when her computer's hard drive failed.


Koskinen even told Congress that IRS "moved heaven and earth" trying to recover the emails but simply could not find a way to do so.


Now, thanks to a determined federal judge, the country learns that all government emails are preserved in a doomsday kind of database. Lerner's emails never were lost.




What about HHS and EPA?


Fitton's reference to "other" disappearing government emails concerns recent claims that Obama political appointee Marilyn Tavenner mistakenly deleted emails concerning the disastrous launch of the healthcare.gov website.


In addition, Environmental Protection Agency officials have claimed a computer hard drive crash in 2010 made it is impossible to provide Congress with copies of key emails concerning that agency's controversial handling of an Alaskan mining project.


These revelations came about because earlier this month Sullivan ordered IRS to produce sworn statements by the responsible officials explaining what happened to the Lerner hard drive and why nothing could be recovered from it.



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