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As CNN ‘Braces’ For More Cuts, Fears Are Palpable


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Employees in CNN’s major bureaus of New York, Atlanta and Washington are on edge these days as some anticipate more cuts. The feeling is that they’ll happen in December, but they could come far sooner than that.


“Several CNN staffers are scared to death,” a media insider told The Mirror over the weekend.


Sources told The Mirror, “CNN is going to get hit HARD. There is apprehension, especially in Atlanta. December is going to be brutal. Zucker’s spending has been outrageous.” (Zucker is, of course, CNN President Jeff Zucker.)


In recent weeks, some 15 employees in the D.C. bureau got the axe, including booker Stephanie Kotuby, CNN Washington opinion editor Bryan Monroe and national correspondent Shannon Travis. Kotuby’s bio on her Twitter account no longer mentions CNN but Monroe’s and Travis’s do. (See a recent report on CNN’s black employees getting left behind as the result of cuts here.)Scissors-32x32.png


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Today's news of a coming bloodbath at CNN and HLN is a reminder that while CNN has been able to use the unrest in Ferguson to race-bait its way to better ratings, everyone knows that's temporary. Without something that allows the left-wing network to appeal to the lowest common denominator, CNN is almost certain to fall back into the ratings basement until something else comes along for the network to cynically exploit. So here come the layoffs and buyouts.


In the headline, The Wrap describes these layoffs as "imminent':

Some 550 buyouts are to be offered at Time Warner's Turner network this week, including a large number of those at CNN and HLN, which will lead to layoffs if they are not taken voluntarily, according to an individual with knowledge of the network's plans.

The buyouts will come across the Turner division, with a couple of hundred expected at CNN and HLN, the individual said.

A CNN spokeswoman had no immediate comment. …Scissors-32x32.png


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Today on CNN's coverage (I assume many hours, but did not watch) evidently their anchor mis-identified Trayvon Martin's father as Brown's father (or step-father not sure).

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Glenn Beck: Conquering Hero?


In an ongoing effort to revamp HLN, Time Warner’s CNN has been talking to Glenn Beck‘s The Blaze as a possible partner, an individual with knowledge of the talks told TheWrap.


The Blaze is a conservative 24-hour news and entertainment network funded by subscriptions and founded by Beck, a right-wing talk show host who built a huge following on Fox.

An insider told TheWrap that The Blaze gave Time Warner two proposals, but neither went anywhere. Another individual with knowledge of the talks said the possibility of a joint venture is not dead — they’re just not active. Under the proposed partnership, Beck’s Blaze would take over HLN’s spot on the proverbial TV dial.Scissors-32x32.png


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Glenn Beck was bashing Americans opposed to illegal immigration, decrying partisan politics, and positioning himself toward the center just as he was reportedly trying to strike a deal to get his programming on CNN.

CNN's Brian Stelter reported that "the idea fizzled fast and talks aren't expected to resume." CNN and HLN are expected to lay off at least 550 more people in what is being called another "bloodbath," and Beck was reportedly trying to get on the HLN network, where he got his first break in cable television.

Stelter, who is one of the best-sourced reporters in the television industry and made a name for himself out-scooping more established mainstream media reporters, claimed he had no knowledge of the negotiations whatsoever when he unusually gave Beck two Sundays worth of relatively good PR, showcasing Beck's Texas offices and future plans.

During that interview, Stelter said industry sources have said that major cable networks are reluctant to pick up Beck's network because "there's no other must-see TV on the channel." However, Stelter's line of questioning revealed that industry executives may be hesitant to make deals with someone who once referred to President Barack Obama as a racist and accused Obama of having problems with white people.Scissors-32x32.png



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