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The beatification of Michael Brown


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the_beatification_of_michael_brown.htmlAmerican Thinker:

August 25, 2014

The beatification of Michael Brown

By Thomas Lifson

It is essential to the Democrats’ hopes for a strong black turnout in November that the manufactured narrative of evil white cops assassinating an innocent black teenager be maintained. As Richard Baehr noted to me, “…after the video appeared of the robbery and theft, a new narrative was needed for Michael Brown. It is not only the robbery/ assault/in the store, but the reports of violence to the officer(damaged eye socket), and admission by Brown's team that he was in an altercation with officer in the car, that has impacted public opinion that he was a choirboy.”


The New York Times, the semi-official Democratic Party organ, stepped up and does the job today, with this article by John Eligon:


Michael Brown Spent Last Weeks Grappling With Problems and Promise


FERGUSON, Mo. — It was 1 a.m. and Michael Brown Jr. called his father, Scissors-32x32.png

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Competing media narratives of Darren Wilson and Michael Brown

Posted by neo-neocon Monday, August 25, 2014 at 12:25pm


The press is treating Darren Wilson and Michael Brown very differently



On Saturday the WaPo featured a wordy piece devoted to Darren Wilson’s dysfunctional family of origin, and the racial and other problems in the police force he used to work for, difficulties that seem to have had nothing whatsoever to do with him. As William A. Jacobson has written, it’s an attempt at guilt by association.

That effort seems even more biased when it is contrasted with a lengthy AP article published the very next day in the Sunday WaPo that tells us what a great guy Michael Brown was.


From Saturday’s article about Wilson, Darren Wilson’s first job was on a troubled police force disbanded by authorities:


…[E]veryone leaves a record, and Darren Dean Wilson is no exception.


People who know him describe him as someone who grew up in a home marked by multiple divorces and tangles with the law…


Wilson has had some recent personal turmoil: Last year, he petitioned the court seeking a divorce from his wife…

His parents divorced in 1989, when he was 2 or 3 years old…


In 2001, when Wilson was a freshman in high school, his mother pleaded guilty to forgery and snip http://legalinsurrection.com/2014/08/competing-media-narratives-of-darren-wilson-and-michael-brown/#more-97282

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A horse-drawn hearse carries Michael Brown to his gravesite. (AP)

Michael Brown remembered as teen who was ‘going to shake the world’

Darryl Fears, Wesley Lowery and Sarah Larimer

Jesse Jackson Sr. and Spike Lee were among those at the funeral for the teen who was killed by police in Ferguson.



You mean........like he shook the Quik-Stop Manager?

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Guest Matamoros

Poor 'gentle giant' Michael Brown was skipping along to his grandmother's house - just like Little Red Riding Hood. An innocent, collegiate child.


Then a big bad policeman jumped out and shot him in the back while he was just-a-skippin' down the road.


The policeman is a racist. It's the only explanation.


That's the narrative. Then some more information came out about him.

Eric Holder's justice department wanted that information and especially a robbery video suppressed.


Image Deleted


Edited by clearvision
The image contains an imflatory picture of Brown that is confirmed not to be him. Also please don't spam threads with same stuff.
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