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WH Snubbed US General and Margaret Thatcher’s Funerals, Sending 3 Officials to Michael Brown’s


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untitled-n1882625Town Hall:

The Obama administration announced this weekend that it will be sending not one, but three, officials to attend the funeral of Michael Brown on Monday.

President Barack Obama is sending three White House officials to the funeral service of the Missouri teenager whose death in a police shooting in Ferguson, Missouri, has sparked days of racial unrest.

Leading the group for Monday's service will be the chairman of the My Brother's Keeper Task Force, Broderick Johnson. My Brother's Keeper is an Obama initiative that aims to empower young minorities. Johnson is also the secretary for the Cabinet.


Also attending will be the deputy director of the White House Office of Public Engagement, Marlon Marshall, and an adviser for the office, Heather Foster.


The decision would be highly questionable as is, but when compared to the White House’s presence at, say, the funerals of Maj. Gen. Harold Greene or British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, it’s deplorable.


The White House has been selective in sending representatives to funerals — recall that only a low-level delegation was sent to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s service last year. More recently,President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden skipped the funeral ofMajor General Harold Greene, the 2-star general killed in Afghanistan on Aug. 5.Scissors-32x32.png

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more-white-house-officials-at-michael-browns-funeral-than-thatchersFox News:

The White House sent three officials to attend Monday's funeral for Michael Brown in St. Louis -- three more than it sent for former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's funeral last year.


The administration's handling of the Brown funeral already has started to raise comparisons between the two.


For Monday's funeral, the White House sent two officials with the White House Office of Public Engagement as well as Broderick Johnson, chairman of the My Brother's Keeper Task Force.


No White House officials, though, were part of the presidential delegation sent last year to Thatcher's funeral. For that, the White House sent former secretaries of State George Schultz and James Baker III -- as well as the charge d'affaires to the U.K. and the former U.S. ambassador.


At the time, the nature of the delegation stirred controversy in the British media as tabloids claimed British officials felt snubbed that high-level American officials -- including President Obama himself -- were not attending.


The White House countered that Baker and Schultz' attendance were "testimony" to Thatcher's "global stature and reputation." British Prime Minister David Cameron's office also denied claims at the time that the administration had snubbed the late prime minister.



Leaders vs liars.

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Obama Sent No Representative to Memorial Mass for Beheaded Journalist James Foley


CNSNews.com) - President Barack Obama sent no White House representative to the memorial Mass held yesterday in Rochester, New Hampshire, for James Foley, the American journalist beheaded by the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) terrorists.


President Obama, however, did send three White House aides to Monday’s funeral for Michael Brown, an 18-year-old African American fatally shot in an encounter with a white police officer in Ferguson, Mo.


The memorial mass for James Foley took place Sunday at Our Lady of the Holy Rosary in Foley’s hometown. Connie Hammond, an administrative assistant at Holy Rosary, told CNSNews.com that no White House officials were in attendanceScissors-32x32.png


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For thew record Sec Def. Chuck Hagel showed up.

To Brown's or Greene'swink.png



Gen. Green.



Barack would have gone but he had an early Tee Time, and Joe Biden was practicing saying something intelligent.

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Guest Matamoros

St. Michael is far more important.

The narrative is that he was skipping along to his grandmother's house - just like Little Red Riding Hood - except he's a 'gentle giant'.


Then a big bad policeman jumped out and shot him in the back while he was skipping down the road.


He was about to go to college. The policeman is a racist.


That's the narrative. Then some more information came out about him. Eric Holder's justice department wanted that information and especially a robbery video suppressed.


Image Deleted.



Edited by clearvision
Image has a shot that is not of Brown. Please don't post same material in multiple threads.
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