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Crime Silently Increasing in New York City


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crime-silently-increasing-in-new-york-cityFront Page Magazine:

New York City could not have a more polarizing figure sit upon its doorstep than Rev. Al Sharpton coming from a glitzy, gated community in New Jersey. As “stalker in chief,” Sharpton pours his acid upon the busy streets of NYC and elsewhere in what used to be the safest big city in America. Sharpton’s history of tearing communities apart is now legendary across the nation, as residents are left to pick up the pieces, put out the flames and replenish inventories of stolen goods.


Yet here in Queens County in a quiet cutout called home by hard working residents, NYC Councilman Rory Lancman seems to want to align himself with Mayor de Blasio’s Al Sharpton, and continue to debase the historic successes of the NYPD. How Lancman’s constituents benefit from his unwarranted attack on the police is questionable at best. His actions as a city councilman are irresponsible to be sure.



Lancman has no horse in the race of the racially divisive overtones and temper tantrums of race baiter Al Sharpton. But Lancman nevertheless seeks to align himself with the harsh rhetoric of this community trouble maker and professional agitator. The councilman cites a 40-year-old study written up in The Atlantic as evidence to back up his shallow claim that the “broken windows” theory doesn’t work. While Lancman ties the knot with Sharpton, one can only wonder how this is sitting with the taxpayers of Lancman’s district, which includes Fresh Meadows, Briarwood, Hillcrest, Jamaica Hills, Jamaica Estates, and Kew Garden Hills. What about the ongoing related criminal justice costs we all have to shoulder because of Sharpton and company’s antics to disrupt New York City and the nation?Scissors-32x32.png

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