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Dems pump up impeachment talk in appeal for support, campaign bucks


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dems-pump-up-impeachment-talk-in-appeal-for-support-campaign-bucksFox News:

In a matter of days, Democrats looking to head off Republican gains in November have turned scattered talk of President Obama's impeachment into a sustained rallying cry -- even managing to fundraise off the perceived threat.


The campaign arm for House Democrats has been sending out a barrage of fundraising emails warning of the impeachment threat, and claims to have raised roughly $2 million in their latest push.


The president and first lady Michelle Obama have warned of that possibility on the stump. And a top White House official even said Friday “it would be foolish to discount” a bona fide impeachment push by Republicans.


The frenzied warnings have Republicans scratching their heads – after all, few if any in the party brass are openly pushing impeachment -- and accusing the other side of ginning up the controversy for political gain.


“You know, this might be the first White House in history that's trying to start the narrative of impeaching their own president,” House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La., told “Fox News Sunday.”


From the Democratic side, warnings that Republicans might try to impeach Obama potentially strengthen their case, among supporters, for why Democrats should keep control of the Senate. Under the Constitution, even though the House votes to impeach, it is the Senate that weighs whether to convict. Without a majority of support in the Senate, any GOP-backed impeachment push would ultimately fail.



Giving the Democrats what they want?


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