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Israel’s UN envoy slams Security Council


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#liveblog-entry-1037317Times of Israel:



Israel’s ambassador to the UN criticizes a UN Security Council presidential statement that demanded an immediate ceasefire and calls on the world to stand with Israel against terror.


Prosor notes the absence of any reference to Hamas rocket fire in the statement.




“Make no mistake: Hamas is not working alone. It is funded by Qatar and Iran. Every rocket flying out of Gaza could bear the imprint ‘courtesy of Iran’ while every terror tunnel could have a sign ‘made possible through a kind donation of the Emir of Qatar’.”







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UN imagery shows Shejaiya damage

The United Nations publishes satellite imagery showing the Shejaiya neighborhood before and after intense ground battles and airstrikes there.


Called “Damage Assessment in Northeastern Gaza Strip – Occupied Palestinian Territory,” the images, published Saturday by the UN’s Operational Satellite Applications Program, shows two localized zones of intense damage in the neighborhood, in which structures were completely destroyed, with the rest of Shejaiya relatively intact save for scattered damaged and ruined buildings.



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Criticism of the US should be toned down


Environmental Protection Minister Amir Peretz tells Israel Radio that Israel should tone down its public criticism of the United States in the wake of its latest ceasefire proposal. The Hatnua parliamentarian also calls for PA President Mahmoud Abbas and Egypt to lead ceasefire efforts in place of Qatar.


Peretz also criticizes ministers on the right who are assailing the PM for agreeing to a humanitarian truce. The conduct of Netanyahu and the cabinet is well-informed and brings international legitimacy.

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Al-Aqsa worshipers call for more kidnappings


Tens of thousands of Palestinians rally in support of war-torn Gaza on Monday as they gathered to pray at Jerusalems Al Aqsa mosque at the start of the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Fitr.


Police put the number of worshipers at 45,000 people, with an AFP correspondent saying many were dressed in black T-shirts emblazoned with slogans reading Gaza, supporting you is our Eid and We are all Gaza.


Others wore T-shirts proclaiming support for Hamass armed wing, the Izz ad Din al-Qassam Brigades, which has been locked in a 21-day confrontation with Israeli troops in Gaza.



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Gaza fighting resumes after UN Security Council calls for 'immediate' cease-fire


Israeli jets resumed airstrikes in the Gaza Strip in response to Hamas rocket fire hours after the United Nations Security Council ratified a draft statement early Monday calling for a cease-fire in the region.


Israel's military said it struck two rocket launchers and a rocket manufacturing facility in central and northern Gaza after a rocket hit southern Israel. The rocket caused no damage or injuries.




Palestinian U.N. Ambassador Riyad Mansour said the council should have adopted a strong and legally binding resolution a long time ago demanding an immediate halt to Israel's "aggression," providing the Palestinian people with protection and lifting the siege in the Gaza Strip so goods and people can move freely.




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John Kerry's feelings have been hurt Sniff Sniff


The ongoing dispute with Kerry


Labor opposition leader Isaac Herzog told Channel 2 earlier that Secretary Kerry, with whom he says he speaks often, has been hurt to the depths of his soul by the criticisms hes received in Israel for his handling of the ceasefire effort.


ToIs Avi Issacharoff explains in an analysis piece why Kerry has so infuriated his allies.


One key point: Kerry and his staff made an outrageous decision to turn their backs on the Egyptian framework for a ceasefire in a manner that encouraged Hamas to continue shooting rockets By turning to Doha and Ankara behind the backs of Cairo and Jerusalem, Washington no doubt unintentionally strengthened Hamass resolve against Egypt and Israel.






Johnny me lad, Life is full of disappointments, this is one of them....deal with it.

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Israel said to reject UN call for ceasefire


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejects the UN Security Council call for an immediate ceasefire.





Netanyahus conversation with Ban Ki-moon




The Security Council Presidential Statement relates to the needs of a murderous terrorist organization that is attacking Israeli civilians and does not address Israels security needs, including the demilitarization of the Gaza Strip according to the principle laid down in the interim agreements with the Palestinians. The statement does not refer to attacks on Israeli civilians, or to the fact that Hamas has turned the residents of Gaza into human shields and uses UN facilities to attack Israeli civilians. Israel accepted three UN proposals for humanitarian truces, and Hamas violated them all. Even now they are continuing to fire at Israeli civilians. Israel will continue to deal with the terrorist tunnels, and this is only the first step in the demilitarization. Instead of the funds of the international community serving the construction of terrorist tunnels for perpetrating large-scale attacks against Israeli civilians, the international community needs to act toward the demilitarization of Gaza.

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The terrorist misfire that deepened the conflict

Never mind that the deaths in Gazas Shati camp were caused by Islamic Jihad. The incident prompted a series of Hamas attacks on Israel

Avi Issacharoff

July 28, 2014


The explosion Monday at northern Gazas Shati refugee camp could easily become the incident that changes the face of the current Israel-Hamas conflict


The incident, apparently born of a misfire of an Islamic Jihad rocket, prompted Hamas to embark on a series of fatal attacks on Israeli targets later Monday, leaving numerous Israeli army casualties.


The prospects of an expanded Israeli ground offensive grew more likely, with no sign of Operation Protective Edge coming to an end.


For Gazans, this is bad news more dead and wounded; more devastated neighborhoods. It may turn out to be bad news for Hamas, too, despite its success in killing Israeli troops.



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Over 100 Congressmen call on UN to condemn Hamas


WASHINGTON Over one hundred congressmen prepare to deliver a strong missive to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, calling on the UN to condemn Hamass use of civilians as human shields, which they say is a direct violation of international law.


Reps. Steve Israel (D-NY), Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), Ted Deutch (D-FL) and Tom Cole (R-OK) announce that they had secured the signatures of over 100 members of Congress from both sides criticizing Hamass policy of using human shields, as well as its practice of launching missiles aimed at civilians in Israeli population centers and its refusal to de-escalate the conflict by adhering to internationally-backed ceasefires.


The fact that Hamas uses Palestinian civilians as human shields shows their blatant disregard for human life. Israel, on the other hand, is doing everything in its power, not only to protect its own citizens, but also to prevent as much as possible causalities among Palestinians, Rep. Israel wrote in a statement announcing the letter.



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Hamas said to be interested in 24-hour truce


Hamas is expressing willingness for a 24-hour truce, but doesn’t know when it would begin, if at all, and is reluctant to make a public statement to that effect. In the meantime, its spokespeople have rejected PA claims that a truce has been declared.


Khaled Mashaal, Hamas’s politburo chief in Qatar, has announced that Hamas is ready for a 24-hour truce. This message was transmitted to Israel.



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ohmy.png OH NO! Say It Isn't So!!! rolleyes.gif


Rockets found in UNRWA school, for third time
UN agency spokesperson condemns discovery, says munitions expert hasn’t yet reached Gaza facility
Ilan Ben Zion

July 30, 2014


A UN aid agency for Palestinian refugees said Tuesday that a stockpile of Hamas rockets was found in one of UNRWA’s Gaza schools — for the third time since the onset of Operation Protective Edge.

The incident, however, was not publicized by UNRWA on its website or official Twitter feed, or that of its spokesperson.


In its press release, UNRWA’s spokesperson said that the discovery was made during a routine inspection of the school, “which was closed for the summer and not being used as a shelter.”

“All the relevant parties have been notified,” UNRWA said, without elaborating which parties. Hamas, the terror group that controls the Gaza Strip, has launched over 2,000 of rockets at Israel in the past month.


* “We condemn the group or groups who endangered civilians by placing these munitions in our school,” said UNRWA Spokesperson, Chris Gunness. “This is yet another flagrant violation of the neutrality of our premises. We call on all the warring parties to respect the inviolability of UN property.”





* And they'll give them back to Hamas.

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IAF commander denies Israel targeted power plant


An Israel Air Force general charged with all aerial ground support during the campaign in Gaza, flatly denies Tuesday that Israel targeted the Gaza Strips only power plant earlier in the day.


The power plant was hit by a strike in the early hours of Tuesday, knocking out electricity through the Strip and setting off a massive fire that sent gigantic plumes of black smoke over much of Gaza throughout the day.


The State of Israel did not attack Gazas power plant, says Brig. Gen. Yaron Rosen, the commander of IAF Air Support and Helicopter Air Division.



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Limited humanitarian ceasefire 3-7 p.m.


As the security cabinet meets, Israel decides to enact a limited humanitarian ceasefire from 3 to 7 p.m.


The humanitarian window will not apply to the areas in which IDF soldiers are currently operating, says the army in a statement. Residents must not return to areas that have previously been asked to evacuate.


No word yet on whether Hamas also agrees to abide by the ceasefire.






Sirens in Ashkelon, Ashdod


Four minutes after Israel begins its humanitarian truce, sirens ring out in Ashdod and Ashkelon.

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Proud Gay Conservative


palvinbarbarella asked:


I don't understand how you think bombing children in gaza is an act of self defence...

I don’t understand how you could be so insane as to think that you can simplify this issue down to “Israel bombing children”. So I guess we both get to be confused this evening.


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Obama’s “Peace Talks”


Posted on 30 July 2014 by eehines


This article is triggered by Gerald Seib’s recent piece in The Wall Street Journal.


A White House statement cited by Seib:


The President…reiterated the United States’ serious and growing concern about the rising number of Palestinian civilian deaths and the loss of Israeli lives, as well as the worsening humanitarian situation in Gaza[.]


Not a word about the primary cause of those Palestinian deaths, just the outrageous moral equivalence asserted between the terrorists’ assault on Israel and Israel’s defense against that assault, and through that the tacit implication (excuse the redundancy) that those Palestinian civilian deaths are Israel’s doing.


This is a preview of Obama’s “Peace Talks”. Read the full post (381 words, estimated 1:31 mins reading time) Scissors-32x32.png


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IDF Soldiers Killed in Booby-Trapped UNRWA Clinic in Gaza

Rachel Levy

July 30th, 2014


Once again UNRWA facilities have been used in terror attacks.


Three IDF soldiers died and 15 others were wounded Wednesday morning trying to safeguard an UNRWA clinic while destroying a terror tunnel in Gaza.


The only problem was that the clinic, which belonged to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) itself was the terror trap -- a fact first reported by Amir Ben-Shalom of Israel's Channel 1 television -- and the tunnel was inside the clinic.



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gabrielebarbati @gabrielebarbati Follow



Out of #Gaza far from #Hamas retaliation: misfired rocket killed children yday in Shati. Witness: militants rushed and cleared debris



9:46 AM - 29 Jul 2014


More Here.....


Media cover-up of Hamas crimes starting to unravel

William A. Jacobson

Tuesday, July 29, 2014 at 5:31pm

Trapped in Gaza: How Hamas punishes reporters for the truth

Gabrielle Debinski, Or Avi-Guy and Tzvi Fleischer

The Australian

July 31, 2014




Reporter Peter Stefanovic, of the Nine Networks news, stationed in Gaza, received a surge of abuse and threats when he tweeted that he had seen rockets fired into Israel from near his hotel, in a civilian area.




John Reed, a reporter for Britains Financial Times, tweeted about seeing two rockets fired toward Israel from near al-Shifa hospital (the largest in Gaza), even as more bombing victims were brought in. He was also subject to threats and abuse.


The Wall Street Journals reporter Nick Casey fell foul of Hamas by reporting that Shifa hospital was Hamass control centre. On July 21, Casey posted a photo on Twitter of a chief Hamas spokesman being interviewed from a room in Shifa hospital in front of a makeshift backdrop of a photo of a destroyed house.




French-Palestinian journalist Radjaa Abu Dagga wrote that he was forcibly blocked from leaving Gaza and detained and interrogated by members of Hamass al-Qassam Brigade at a room in Shifa hospital next to the emergency room. His account of his treatment, in the French newspaper Liberation, also has since been taken down from the papers website at Daggas request.



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