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Israel must be permitted to crush Hamas


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Hamas said to be in arms deal with North Korea

Hamas and North Korea are involved in a secret arms deal to smuggle rockets and communications equipment into the Strip, British newspaper The Telegraph reports.


The report, based on Western security sources, claims that the Gazan terror group is working through a Lebanese intermediary to bring more fighting equipment to the Strip, in order to replenish stocks after three weeks of fighting with Israel.


The deal with Pyongyang is said to be worth several hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Gosh What A Shock! One bunch of scumbags helping another bunch of scumbags.


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‘Kerry told Hamas many of its demands would be met under ceasefire deal’
Secretary offered US guarantees, via Qatar, that key restrictions related to the ‘siege’ of Gaza would be eased, Palestinian sources say
Avi Issacharoff
July 26, 2014


US Secretary of State John Kerry (photo credit: AP/Charles Dharapak/File)


US Secretary of State John Kerry informed Hamas via Qatar last week that under his proposal for a ceasefire with Israel, based on the original Egyptian initiative, the US would guarantee the fulfillment of many of Hamas’s demands for an end to the war, Palestinian sources told The Times of Israel on Saturday.

The guarantees promised to Hamas by Kerry under a ceasefire, as relayed to The Times of Israel by the Palestinian sources, pertain to the following issues: an easing of restrictions on the passage of goods from Israel to Gaza; an easing of restrictions on the passage of traders and businessmen from Gaza to Israel; expansion of the permitted Gaza fishing zone to 12 miles off the coast; the opening of the Rafah crossing with Egypt, to be manned by Palestinian Authority officials; and a promise to ensure the transfer of salaries to Gaza’s government employees.

Israeli sources slammed Kerry over the weekend for “capitulating” to Hamas’s ceasefire demands, and also for continuing his ceasefire consultations in Paris on Saturday with representatives of Qatar and Turkey, but not Israel, the PA or Egypt.



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Providence is Not Just a City in Rhode Island


Every now and then we are reminded by events that providence has saved our civilization from disaster.


There was, for example, reminds my friend Narciso, the Bojinka plot In which Ramzi Yousef and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed planned to assassinate Pope John Paul II, bomb 11 passenger planes, and crash a plane into CIA headquarters. A chemical fire in one of the plotter’s kitchens disrupted those plans. (Khalid went on to commit other atrocities -- including planning 9/11 -- but providence cannot always protect us.)


This week the Daily Mail reported that the underwear bomber failed in his mission because he had not changed his underwear for the 2 weeks before boarding the plane, degrading the bomb inside his pants.


Today, with Hamas’ army demoralized and almost certainly whipped we have another example of providence preventing enormous tragedy and mayhem.


Had thugs not brutally murdered three young men in Israel, the Israelis would not have stepped up efforts to find those responsible. Had the Israelis not done so Hamas would not have begun the rocket barrage into Israel. Had the rocket barrage not occurred and not ceased, the Israelis would not have entered Gaza, Had the Israelis not entered Gaza they would not have found the tunnel system, or the storage there of fake IDF uniforms, sedatives, handcuffs, and ropes, nor learned of the long- planned Hamas effort to send thousands of their troops deep into lightly guarded Israeli communities on the holiest of days, Rosh Hashanah, to murder thousands and capture and hold as hostages countless more. Scissors-32x32.png


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When Youve Lost Haaretz

John Hinderaker

July 26, 2014


Haaretz is Israels establishment, liberal newspaper. Scott once described it to me in shorthand as the New York Times of Israel. So the paper is a natural ally of a Democratic U.S. administration.


That is what makes this article by Barak Ravid remarkable. It is titled Kerrys latest cease-fire plan: What was he thinking? It is behind a subscription wall, but the link goes to Haaretzs mobile site and should be accessible:






The draft Kerry passed to Israel on Friday shocked the cabinet ministers not only because it was the opposite of what Kerry told them less than 24 hours earlier, but mostly because it might as well have been penned by Khaled Meshal. It was everything Hamas could have hoped for.


The document recognized Hamas position in the Gaza Strip, promised the organization billions in donation funds and demanded no dismantling of rockets, tunnels or other heavy weaponry at Hamas disposal. The document placed Israel and Hamas on the same level, as if the first is not a primary U.S. ally and as if the second isnt a terror group which overtook part of the Palestinian Authority in a military coup and fired thousands of rockets at Israel.


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Israeli Officials, Press Criticize John Kerry’s Ceasefire Proposal
Kerry 'completely capitulating' to Hamas' demands
Abraham Rabinovich
July 27, 2014


JERUSALEM—Secretary of State John Kerry came under scathing criticism from Israeli officials and the Israeli press over the weekend for what they characterized as his bungled attempt to achieve a cease-fire in Gaza.


An unnamed government minister was quoted by Israel’s Channel Two TV as accusing Kerry of “completely capitulating” to Hamas’ demands in a draft agreement the secretary put forward Friday for a temporary cease-fire intended to open the way to negotiations.


The diplomatic correspondent of Haaretz, Israel’s most liberal daily, wrote that Kerry’s draft plan stunned the Israeli cabinet and was a complete reversal of what they had been told was his position the day before. “It sounded like it came from a parallel universe,” wrote Barak Ravid.





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Obama demands an immediate, unconditional ceasefire in Gaza

Senior US official calls reports of Kerry truce draft, that imply secretary of state betrayed Israel, 'inaccurate and insulting.'

Yitzhak Benhorin, Attila Somfalvi, Elior Levy



US President Barack Obama spoke to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the phone on Sunday, demanding an immediate and unconditional humanitarian ceasefire that would later lead to a permanent end to hostilities in Gaza based on the 2012 ceasefire agreement reached at the end of Operation Pillar of Defense.


The conversation between the two came at the end of a tense day for Israeli-American diplomatic relations.




A senior American official claimed the reports on the content of the document were "inaccurate" and even "insulting" towards the United States.


"A part of these reports included personal attacks against Secretary of State Kerry, including accusations he betrayed the alliance with Israel," the official said.

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Obama had a lot of "demands" for Gaza's rights and needs and one partial sentence for Israel's security.

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