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Israel must be permitted to crush Hamas


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bd9967fc-1350-11e4-9285-4243a40ddc97_story.htmlWashington Post:

Michael Oren

July 24 2014


U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary of State John Kerry and the foreign ministers of Great Britain and France all are rushing to achieve a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas. Their motive — to end civilian suffering and restore stability to the area — is noble. The images of the wounded and dead resulting from the conflict are indeed agonizing. However, these senior statesmen can be most helpful now by doing nothing. To preserve the values they cherish and to send an unequivocal message to terrorist organizations and their state sponsors everywhere, Israel must be permitted to crush Hamas in the Gaza Strip.


This is the lesson of previous rounds of fighting between the Israeli Defense Forces and terrorist strongholds. In Lebanon in 2006 and in Gaza in 2008 and again in 2012, Israel responded to rocket attacks on its cities with fierce counteroffensives. Fighting against a deeply dug-in enemy that both blended in with the local population and used it as a shield, Israel’s best efforts to avoid civilian casualties invariably proved limited. Incensed world opinion generated immense pressure on governments to convene the U.N. Security Council and empower human rights organizations to censure Israel and stop the carnage. These measures succeeded where the terrorists’ rockets failed. Israel was compelled to back down.




And by letting Israel regain its security with regard to Gaza — with all the pain it entails — the United States and its allies will be safeguarding their own. Though bitter, the fighting between Israel and Hamas raging in Gaza’s alleyways is merely part of the far vaster struggle between rational nations and the al-Qaeda and Islamic State-like forces seeking their destruction. Relative to that global conflict, Operation Protective Edge may seem small, but it is nevertheless pivotal. To ensure that it concludes with a categorical Israeli win is in the world’s fundamental interest. To guarantee peace, this war must be given a chance.

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Three Questions for Hamas Terrorist Apologists

By: Matthew Clark (Diary) | July 23rd, 2014 at 01:09 PM

Over the last few weeks, Hamas terrorists have renewed their terrorist tactics against Israeli civilians, firing thousands of rockets into the civilian population and even using secret tunnels in an attempt to invade and unleash deadly terrorist attacks in Israel itself.


As this conflict erupted, Hamas terrorist apologists have come out of the woodwork, some Anti-Semitic as we have seen in violent protests in Europe and some woefully naïve, manipulated by less than accurate and honest media coverage or the lack thereof.


Most of us who understand Israel is under attack and has a right to defend itself as a nation Scissors-32x32.png



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Israel security cabinet discussing ceasefire proposal

Marcus Dysch

July 25, 2014


Israels security cabinet was meeting on Friday afternoon to discuss the possibility of accepting a ceasefire with Hamas, based on proposals made by US Secretary of State John Kerry.

Hamas sources were said to be inclined to accept the offer amid suggestions the terrorist group would announce its willingness to go ahead with the break in fighting by Friday evening.


It is understood that the American plan sent via Qatari officials would see the end of Israeli military operations and a relaxing of measures against Gaza in return for an end to Hamas rocket fire.

Spokesmen for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu were unable to comment on the security cabinets deliberations on Friday afternoon.



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Kerry terms would see ‘immediate ceasefire followed by talks in Cairo’
Israel and Hamas discussing US proposal; Arab sources say it provides for Egypt to mediate between Israeli and Palestinian delegations, in contacts to start 48 hours after fighting stops
Avi Issacharoff
July 25, 2014

The ceasefire proposal being advanced by US Secretary of State John Kerry, which was being discussed by Israel and Hamas on Friday afternoon, provides for an immediate halt to hostilities to be followed 48 hours later by contacts between Israel, Palestinian and Egyptian delegations in Cairo, Arab sources told The Times of Israel. The talks in Egypt would include discussion of Hamas’s call for the lifting of the so-called siege of the Gaza Strip, and other demands

The ceasefire would take effect as soon as the sides tell Kerry that they accept the terms, and all military activity by the sides would halt immediately, the sources said.

On the Palestinian side, this provision is interpreted as also meaning that Israel’s activities to find and destroy Hamas’s cross-border tunnels would also immediately be halted. Israel has reportedly pushed for terms that would enable it to continue tackling the Hamas tunnels after a halt to hostilities.



Well this sounds like a great deal....for Hamas.

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John Kerry to the rescue (of Hamas?): Seven-day “truce” proposed


Posted by William A. Jacobson Friday, July 25, 2014 at 9:53am


If Hamas is negotiating now, it must be in trouble militarily


John Kerry has proposed a seven-day truce, during which time there would be negotiations over a longer-term ceasefire.


Hamas reportedly is going to accept the proposal, but that’s far from official.


The Israeli cabinet is discussing the proposal as we speak. Concerns are that Hamas, having rejected a ceasefire early on and finally beginning to crumble, will simply use the truce to redeploy and recover.Scissors-32x32.png


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Thousands of Jordanians protest in support of Gaza, Hamas


Thousands of Jordanians take to the streets of Amman and other cities to support Hamas and condemn Israels operation in Hamas-controlled Gaza, where more than 800 Palestinians have reportedly been killed.


Around 2,000 people demonstrate in central Amman after Friday midday prayers, chanting: We sacrifice our blood and souls for you, Gaza, in support of Hamas.


Bomb and destroy Tel Aviv! chant protesters waving flags of the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas and holding banners that read Stop the barbaric aggression on Gaza and The resistance represent us.





Screenshot from an AP video showing the mass protest at the Qalandia checkpoint in the West Bank on Thursday July 24, 2014 in which more than 10,000 Palestinians marched 'toward Jerusalem' in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza.

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Jul 22, 2014

During the Six Day War of 1967, polls showed that Americans favored the Israelis over the Arabs by overwhelming margins. In Europe, support for Israel ran even higher. In the United Nations Security Council, a British resolution essentially gave Israel the terms of peace it sought and when the Arabs and their Soviet supporters tried to override the resolution in the General Assembly, they fell short of the necessary votes. Fast forward 40 years and Israel has become perhaps the most reviled country in the world. Although Americans have remained constant in their sympathy for the Jewish state, almost all of the rest of the world treats Israel as a pariah.

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Gaza and U.S. Public Opinion

By DANIEL LARISON July 24, 2014, 5:59 PM

Gallup finds that Americans are split on the question of whether Israel’s actions in Gaza have been justified or not. Overall, 42% say that they are justified, 39% say they are not, and 20% have no opinion. These results are comparable to a Gallup poll taken during the second intifada twelve years ago, but there are slightly more on the ‘unjustified’ side than there were then. As we have seen in other polls on related matters, there is a significant gap between Republicans and everyone Scissors-32x32.pngelse:http://www.theamericanconservative.com/larison/gaza-and-u-s-public-opinion/

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She Makes My Head Hurt!

she also hurts my eyes cool.png


well you do have better taste than I do...of course that's not saying much.

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Israel said to confirm 12-hour ceasefire to begin at 7 a.m.


Israel confirms a 12-hour ceasefire in the Gaza Strip will begin at 7 a.m. Saturday, a US official says.

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When Strategies Collide
Many wars are fought over accidents and misunderstandings. This is not one of those times. With key interests at stake, the conflict in Gaza is likely to continue.
Walter Russell Mead

As the politicians, pundits, and foreign policy panjandrums of the world Western world wring their hands over the chaos and carnage in Gaza, it’s worth noting that there are solid reasons why peace is proving so elusive. Both sides have reason to think they can pull off a significant victory in the current round of fighting, and neither side thinks it can live with the consequences of a defeat. Until something happens to change the thinking on one or both sides, a cease fire will be hard to achieve.


Hopes for a Win


Israel continues to fight because it believes that with more time, it can destroy enough tunnels and inflict enough damage on Hamas to significantly degrade the organization’s military strength and weaken it politically. Furthermore, both Saudi Arabia and Egypt are, perhaps for the first time, quietly rooting for Israel to crush the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Hamas. Given this, Israeli officials presumably think they have a golden opportunity for the extended and crushing war that they really need to inflict serious damage. Any war with the Palestinians involves political costs and setbacks for Israel, but at this particular moment, war in Gaza is less politically expensive than at other times. Given that Hamas is a significant and growing danger, Israeli leaders are likely to think, why not use the opportunity for all it is worth?


Hamas on the other hand is elated by its success in temporarily but significantly hampering operations at Ben Gurion Airport (arguably the most significant single Palestininan tactical accomplishment since the 1948 War). In addition its fighters have had unexpected success killing Israeli soldiers on the ground, and the Arab street is electrified by the conflict. The resulting publicity offers Hamas an opportunity to emerge from the isolation it faced after the overthrow of the Morsi government in Egypt. Since more Israeli progress on the ground will inevitably and tragically mean more civilian deaths, Hamas can also hope for big propaganda victories to offset any military setbacks that prolonged hostilities will bring. Hamas and its Turkish and Qatari allies can also hope that the longer the war lasts, the worse Egypt and Saudi Arabia will look. The Gaza war isn’t just a war between Israel and Hamas; it is a stage in the struggle between the Muslim Brotherhood and its Arab opponents. The longer Hamas can bear up under Israel’s military pressure, the more success it has in the intra-Arab struggle.


The hope of victory is one reason the two sides keep fighting; both Israel and Hamas also believe that defeat would impose unacceptable costs.


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Ayatollah Khamenei tweets supreme listicle for eliminating Israel

Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khamenei tweets a list of nine answers to key questions about the destruction of the state of Israel.



Khamenei.ir @khamenei_ir

Why should & how can Israel be eliminated? Ayatollah Khamenei's answer to 9 key questions abt elimination of #Israel


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Deaths in Gaza said to top 1,000


Hamas officials in the Gaza Strip report that the death toll in Gaza rose above 1,000 dead on Saturday as more than 100 bodies were pulled from the rubble of homes throughout the coastal enclave during a truce.


The grim milestone came on the 19th day of a conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Hamas movement, during a 12-hour truce that allowed Gaza residents to pick through the ruins of their homes.


Israel says hundreds of the Gaza dead are Hamas gunmen, and Gaza officials acknowledge that there are “fighters” among the dead.



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Top Israeli analyst lambastes Kerry


Channel 2′s Ehud Yaari, one of Israels most respected Middle East commentators, lambastes Kerry for having jetted off to Paris to meet with the Europeans, Turks and Qatar, with no Egyptians, no representatives of Mahmoud Abbas PA, and no Israelis present


The secretary is meeting with the champions of Hamas, and fleeing from the Egyptian ceasefire initiative, which Abbas and Israel accepted, Yaari fumes.


The key element of the Egyptian proposal was an unconditional ceasefire, to be followed by negotiations. The diplomats in Paris, by contrast, are tilting toward Hamas by discussing various ceasefire preconditions such as lifting the security blockade on the Strip. (That Egyptian-Israeli blockade has prevented even more potent weaponry being imported into Gaza by Hamas for using against Israel.)



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Israel inclined to extend Gaza truce: government source

JERUSALEM Sat Jul 26, 2014 10:24am EDT


(Reuters) - Israel is leaning toward extending a 12-hour truce agreed with Hamas and other Palestinian militant groups in the Gaza Strip, an Israeli government source said on Saturday.




Israel's military agreed to hold fire for 12 hours on Saturday, but only on condition that it could carry on searching for tunnels used by militants. The Islamist group Hamas, which dominates Gaza, said Palestinian factions would abide by the brief truce. It had no immediate comment on any extension.

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While Hamas celebrates, Israel focuses on its security

Op-ed: The Islamist killers who rule Gaza unfortunately have many reasons to claim success right now. But what Hamas has to say matters far less than Israels imperative to end this conflict dependably safer

David Horovitz

July 26, 2014


Hamas is, of course, claiming that it is winning in the current conflict with Israel. Unfortunately, not all of its claims can be easily shrugged off, thanks to its ruthlessness and its cynical abuse of the Palestinian people, and in no small part thanks to the * international communitys willful blindness and worse. Ultimately, though, what Hamas has to say matters far less than what Israel achieves in this resort to force. And most Israelis seem well aware of that.


Hamas is winning, for a start, because it doesnt care who it kills in support of its declared goal of destroying Israel. It especially likes to kill Israelis, but it has no compunction in killing Palestinians too. It killed many Palestinians when seizing power in Gaza from Mahmoud Abbass Palestinian Authority in 2007. And it has cynically got hundreds of Gazans killed in this conflict, by storing its rockets in Gaza schools, firing from inside hospitals, building ammunition stores, rocket launchers and command centers in the heart of residential neighborhoods.




Israeli military sources say hundreds of Hamas gunmen have been killed. Large numbers more have not. Hamas is still firing rockets deep into Israel. Its able to do so because many of its launchers are placed far deeper inside the Gaza Strip than IDF troops have thus far ventured. As with Hezbollah, which was still firing into Israel at the end of the month-long Second Lebanon War in 2006, this is considered a great success little Hamas besieging the loathed Israel even though Iron Dome has thwarted almost all of the 2,000-plus rockets that were headed into residential areas. Hamas will doubtless be looking to rectify that failure when the fighting ends.





* that would be the scumbags at MSNBC, CNN, BBC, Russia Today, Sky News, NY Times, Washington Post,...pretty much the entire Progressive MSM.

Gosh! How judgmental of me...I feel real bad about that.

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