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OK…where are all the so-called “moderate Muslims” denouncing the persecution of Christians in Iraq? How about just one? Anybody?


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OK…where are all the so-called “moderate Muslims” denouncing the persecution of Christians in Iraq? How about just one?? Anybody?


By: gawken (Diary) | July 22nd, 2014 at 08:40 PM


Well, we’ve heard for years how Islam is the religion of peace, and that it’s only a few “bad Muslims” committing all these bad acts..that they’ve perverted their faith.

OK then..so where are the “moderate Muslims”..the so-called “good guys”..why aren’t they denouncing what is happening to Christians today in Iraq…Scissors-32x32.png

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The Eradication of Christians in the Middle East

Posted by Bruce Carroll Monday, July 21, 2014 at 4:55pm


The tumult of the Arab Spring is having devastating impact on the minority communities

Below the big blaring headlines about Middle East turmoil, there is growing and systematic elimination of Christians being undertaken by Islamists.


It is difficult to accurately gauge the extent of the actual number of executions by crucifixion or displacement of families — but the Christian community is being decimated from areas from North Africa through Iraq. Scissors-32x32.png


When U.S. troops invaded Iraq in 2003, there were at least 1.5 million Christians in Iraq. Over the last ten years, significantly in the last few months with the emergence of ISIS, that figure has dropped to about 400,000. Scissors-32x32.png



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