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Meet the Head of the Lefties’ Koch Network


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Philip Gara LaMarche is a secretive political operative who funnels billions of dollars from undisclosed donors to nonprofits and astroturf groups. But you won’t hear unhinged Harry Reid railing Queegishly about him on the Senate floor. Why?


Here’s why: LaMarche is a militant leftist philanthropist. He’s a protected elite — Columbia University grad, former ACLU leader and Human Rights Watch official — with ready access to the White House. He and the Left’s other dark-money managers preach transparency and openness while plotting behind closed doors to secure power at every level of government.


LaMarche currently heads the shadowy Democracy Alliance (DA). In internal documents obtained and published this month by John Hinderaker of the Power Line blog, the group currently describes itself as the “center of gravity” for the progressive funding world. DA enrolls wealthy liberal “members” who coordinate and finance a web of at least 132 left-wing groups. Though some of their members’ and partners’ identities have been exposed, DA takes great care to promise a cloak of donor secrecy “to provide a comfortable environment for our partners to collectively make a real impact.”

While they bash Wall Street publicly, DA leaders have quietly recruited venture capitalists, bankers, and hedge-fund moguls — along with union bosses and red-diaper trust-fund babies — to fund their takeover goals. Public-school educators who belong to the American Federation of Teachers, headed by $500,000-plus yearly salaried President Randi Weingarten, should know that $230,000 of their hard-earned union dues go to DA, as Lachlan Markay of the Washington Free Beacon has reported.Scissors-32x32.png

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The Democrats Try To Shut Their Opponents Up (Cont.)
John Hinderaker
July 23, 2014

We wrote here about the Democrats’ effort to clamp down on 501©(4) organizations–the only entities where Republicans raise more money than Democrats–by requiring such groups to disclose their donors. They have proposed the DISCLOSE Act, which would require such disclosure of 501©(4)s, but not of 501©(3)s–where the Left is strong–or unions.


In the linked post, I wrote about the fact that a hearing on the DISCLOSE Act was scheduled today before the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration. The scheduled witnesses included Heather Gerken and Dan Tokaji, both of whom are members of 501©(3) organizations that do not disclose their donors, and that receive support from the Democracy Alliance, which we wrote about here, and which also does not disclose its donors. I wrote:




Why are the Democrats carrying on this selective war against “dark money,” which is itself, ironically, funded almost entirely with dark money? Democrats want to be able to identify conservative donors so that the Obama administration can use federal agencies to take revenge on them; so they can try to get them fired (like Brendan Eich); and so union goons can lead busloads of demonstrators onto their lawns. When liberal ideas have to compete with conservative ideas, they consistently lose. So the Democrats want to intimidate conservative donors in order to have the political field to themselves. There is nothing noble about their selective enmity toward “dark money.”



Also This.......


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Liberal donors lead in super PAC contributions since ’13


Big-spending Democratic donors take the gold, silver and bronze when it comes to contributions to super PACs so far this election cycle.

Liberal billionaires Tom Steyer and Michael Bloomberg lead the way, having given nearly $30 million to super PACs during the current cycle, according to a new analysis of political spending by the Sunlight Foundation, which tracks money in politics. In third place is Fred Eychaner, a reclusive Chicago businessman who gave $14 million to Democratic super PACs in the 2012 cycle and has already spent $5.7 million this time around.

Whether the trend of big-spending Democratic donors will continue through Election Day isn’t clear, wrote Jacob Fenton and Stan Oklobdzija, researchers for the Sunlight Foundation.

“With five months left before the election, torrents of cash will continue to flow into campaigns, and a few donors dropping $5 million apiece could upend this calculus,” they said in their analysis of super PAC spending, which is based on reports filed Sunday by most of the groups.

The numbers were based on individual contributions to super PACs since January 1, 2013 — leaving out contributions from corporations, unions and other political entities.Scissors-32x32.png



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Steyer’s liars come to Iowa

Scott Johnson

August 15, 2014


We have Tom Steyer’s number. He is a liberal billionaire who, having made a fortune investing in old-fashioned energy companies, now styles himself a scourge of global warming. Nevertheless, judging by the temperature under my own collar, he is still contributing to it in his own way. Steyer is a monstrous hypocrite. See John Hinderaker’s post “The epic hypocrisy of Tom Steyer,” and you wouldn’t want to miss the “New York Times edition” either.




Below is the NextGen ad. I’m including it here so you can see for yourself. To the comments above I would just add that Steyer and his friends think we’re mighty stupid. I’m not saying he’s wrong, but he obviously seeks to exploit the ignorance of low-information voters. As for NextGen and their chosen friends among the Democrats, they must be impossible to embarrass.




In response to the NextGen ad American Commitment has produced an online ad focusing on the hypocrisy of the particular out-of-state billionaires spending millions of dollars to support Bruce Braley. American Commitment thinks psychoanalysis might come in handy. American Commitment’s Phil Kerpen comments: “Freud would have a field day figuring out the minds of liberal out-of-state billionaires Tom Steyer and Herb Sandler, who are hypocritically funding false ads in Iowa attacking fictional out-of-state billionaires…Steyer is actually using money he made in offshore tax-havens to falsely accuse Ernst of supporting offshoring.” The American Commitment ad is below.


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Steyer’s liars come to Iowa

Scott Johnson

August 15, 2014


We have Tom Steyer’s number. He is a liberal billionaire who, having made a fortune investing in old-fashioned energy companies, now styles himself a scourge of global warming. Nevertheless, judging by the temperature under my own collar, he is still contributing to it in his own way. Steyer is a monstrous hypocrite. See John Hinderaker’s post “The epic hypocrisy of Tom Steyer,” and you wouldn’t want to miss the “New York Times edition” either.


Bruce Braley's worst greatest hits (so far)




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  • 2 weeks later...

Democracy Alliance Bankrolled Court-Packing Scheme


A shadowy network of wealthy liberal donors bankrolled an operation to pack one of America’s most powerful courts with progressive judges, according to documents reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon.


Now the effort could prevent an Obamacare challenge from reaching the Supreme Court, legal experts say.


The strategy to fill the D.C. Court of Appeals with left-leaning judges was aided by the American Constitution Society, a non-profit group that “promotes a progressive vision of the law.” The ACS is funded in part by the Democracy Alliance, a liberal donor network that funnels millions to a web of dark-money member groups.


During a fundraising presentation at the Democracy Alliance’s meeting in Chicago this spring, the American Constitution Society boasted about meeting its “performance goals,” which included helping to secure the Senate filibuster reform that paved the way for reshaping the D.C. circuit court.


The group said it “advanced filibuster reform” by “highlighting [the] issue in national media” and “successfully leveraging attention to create outcry for confirmation of long-stalled D.C. circuit nominees,” according to its presentation.Scissors-32x32.png


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