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US suspends flights to Israel after home near airport hit by shrapnel


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ceasefire-efforts-gather-pace-as-idf-death-toll-reaches-25Times of Israel:

Ricky Ben-David, Itamar Sharon and Lazar Berman

July 22, 2014



Two Israeli soldiers were killed on Monday afternoon, the 14th day of Operation Protective Edge, in battles with Hamas in Gaza, the IDF said overnight, and another was killed on Tuesday morning, bringing the IDF death toll to 28. US Secretary of State John Kerry and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon are in the region, but a ceasefire does not appear close. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says the operation will continue until sustained quiet is achieved for Israel and Hamas’s terrorist capabilities greatly degraded. IDF-Hamas fighting in Gaza remains intensive, Hamas is still trying to carry out attacks in Israel through tunnels, and rockets are still being fired. The Times of Israel is liveblogging events as they unfold




FAA statement on US flights to and from Israel

The US Federal Aviation Administration bars flights to Israel Tuesday evening for 24 hours, citing security concerns. Here is the statement the FAA released:


At 12:15 EST on July 22, 2014, the FAA issued a notice to airmen (NOTAM) informing U.S. airlines that they are prohibited from flying to or from Israel’s Ben Gurion International Airport for a period of up to 24 hours. The notice was issued in response to a rocket strike which landed approximately one mile from Ben Gurion International Airport on the morning of July 22, 2014. The NOTAM applies only to U.S. operators, and has no authority over foreign airlines operating to or from the airport.


The FAA immediately notified U.S. carriers when the agency learned of the rocket strike and informed them that the agency was finalizing a NOTAM.


“The FAA will continue to monitor and evaluate the situation. Updated instructions will be provided to U.S. airlines as soon as conditions permit, but no later than 24 hours from the time the NOTAM went into force.

– Raphael Ahren

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El Al, other airlines still flying into Israel


Despite a slew of international airlines canceling their Israel flights over security concerns in the wake of Operation Protective Edge, El Al will continue to fly as scheduled, to and from Israel, the airline’s deputy director of international Affairs, Stanley Morais, tells The Times of Israel. “El Al will do all to assist passengers of other air but will first and foremost give priority to customers who are holding El Al tickets. El Al customers are our first priority.”


Others international airlines, including Turkish, Alitalia, and British Airways are still flying into Israel.

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Fighting jihad for Israel

Foreign fighters drawn from Europe and the US contribute to Israel's military occupation of the Palestinian territories.


Her name is Katie. She is from the Netherlands, and chose to serve in the Israeli navy instead of remaining in her country.


Will her government label her and the rest of the hundreds of Dutch youth serving in the Israeli military as jihadstrijders (jihad fighters), the name given to the hundred or so that went to Syria? Katie, a Dutch-Israeli dual citizen, is after all a jihadist in occupied Palestinian lands.


Israel's genocidal campaign in the Gaza Strip is entering its second week. The death toll has risen to more than 600, with thousands more injured and displaced - alongside arbitrary arrests, the demolition of family homes and a policy of apartheid towards Palestinians both in the West Bank and within the state of Israel. What's more, these war crimes are directly supported by the recruits from Europe and the United States that land at Ben Gurion airport throughout the year.


The notion of Europeans and Americans serving in the Israeli army isn't new.








Hanine Hassan

Hanine Hassan is a PhD candidate at Columbia University. Her research focuses on the long-term effects of humiliation as a tool of oppression by Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.


Hanine Hassan Twitter

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Canada's FM Demands Probe into Rockets at UNRWA Schools

Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird says he is "appalled" to hear of rockets being found in UN run schools in Gaza.

Elad Benari and AFP



Canada's Foreign Minister on Tuesday called for a United Nations (UN) investigation of the discoveries of weapons caches at schools it operates in Gaza.


"I was appalled to hear reports, one as recent as today, of stockpiles of rockets in a school run by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in Gaza," Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird said, according to the AFP news agency.


"Even more alarming were reports that in the first case, officials with the United Nations returned these weapons to Hamas (which Canada lists as a terrorist organization), once Israeli officials discovered their location," he said.

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Has Hamas ended the prospects for a two state solution?

Alan M. Dershowitz

July 22, 2014


Hamas's decision to fire rockets in the direction of Ben Gurion Airport may well have ended any real prospect of a two-state solution. Whether the regulators and airlines that have stopped flights to and from Israel are right or wrong, this stoppage cannot possibly be tolerated by a democratic country that relies so heavily on tourism and international travel. It is of course a war crime to target an international civilian airport, as Hamas has clearly done. Israel has every right to keep that airport open, employing all reasonable military means at its disposal. Since Hamas fires its rockets from densely populated civilian areas, there will be more Palestinian civilian deaths.




Were Israel to end its military occupation of the West Bankas distinguished from its civilian settlements deep in the West Bankit would risk the possibility of a Hamas takeover. That is precisely what happened when Israel removed both its civilian settlements and its military presence in Gaza. Hamas took control, fired thousands of rockets at Israeli civilian targets and have now succeeded in stopping international air traffic into and out of Israel.


Israel could not accept the risk of a Hamas takeover of the West Bank and the resulting Hamas rocket attacks at the nearby Ben Gurion Airport. It may still be possible to create a two-state solution whereby Israel withdraws its civilian settlers from most of the West Bank and agrees to land swaps for areas that now contain large settlement blocks. But Israel will have to retain military control over its security borders, which extend to the Jordan River. It will also have to maintain a sufficient military presence to assure that what happened in Gaza does not happen in the West Bank. These military realities do not have to exist forever. Israel's military presence could be reduced if the Palestinian Authority were to maintain effective control over the West Bank and prevent terrorists from using that area to send rockets and terrorists into Israel.



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Marie Harf explains
Scott Johnson
July 23, 2014

State Department spokesman Marie Harf makes me barf. Harf is the deputy to State Department spokesman Jen Psaki; Psaki makes me barf too, even though her name lacks the clue of the perfect rhyme. Together the two of them give the catastrophic foreign policy of the Obama administration a lighter than air, Valley Girl kind of twist. With them we can smile through the apocalypse.


In the video below, Harf speaks up for the United Nations organization whose good works in Gaza include the return of Hamas missiles found in UN schools to Hamas authorities. The Times of Israel reports that more missiles were found in another such school yesterday. What are they teaching them in those schools anyway?




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San Francisco Leftists and German Neo-Nazis Find Common Ground
V the K
July 22, 2014

What could bring San Francisco Progressive Leftists and German Neo-Nazi skinheads together in harmonious unity? Why, Jew-hatred, of course. (And also authoritarian fascist socialism, but mostly Jew-hatred.)


In San Francisco (CIty Motto: “More exposed wangs than a whole season of Game of Thrones”), that bastion of progressive leftism, protesters turned out to oppose the only state in the Middle East that recognizes gay rights and support a regime where the only debate about gay rights is whether they have the right to be thrown off high buildings or crushed under rocks.


And in Berlin, a combined anti-Jew protest organized by Mohammedans and German Neo-Nazis erupted in periodic chants of “Gas the Jews! Gas the Jews!



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Israel opens second int'l airport in response to flight cancellations


07/23/2014 10:29

Transportation minister orders that Uvda airport near Eilat be utilized to replace Ben-Gurion Airport beginning noon local time. Scissors-32x32.png


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30,000 attend Jerusalem funeral of lone, US-born soldier

A small, wiry, decisive Californian, Max Steinberg inspired his family, loved Bob Marley and fought to join an elite unit

Jessica Steinberg

July 23, 2014




Parents, siblings and friends of IDF lone soldier Max Steinberg, killed in Gaza, follow his coffin to the burial on Mount Herzl on Wednesday morning, June 23 (photo credit: Miriam Alster/Flash 90)



They arrived by the thousands for Max Steinbergs funeral. In flip-flops and tank tops, dressed in youth movement uniforms and army unit T-shirts, with yarmulkes and hats, bareheaded and with sunglasses, they filed in to the cemetery at Mount Herzl, standing in uncharacteristic silence under the hot sun to pay their respects.


Were here to give the family the feeling that were with them, said Nirit Friedlander, a Jerusalemite who came with two friends. They should feel that were holding them.




He didnt take no for an answer, said his father, referring to the armys repeated questioning about whether he wanted to serve in a combat unit, given his volunteer status.


He said, If Im not in Golani, then send me to jail or send me home, said his father. The army sent him home and when he returned to Israel, they finally accepted him to the unit.



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Israel opens second int'l airport in response to flight cancellations


07/23/2014 10:29

Transportation minister orders that Uvda airport near Eilat be utilized to replace Ben-Gurion Airport beginning noon local time. Scissors-32x32.png



Down by Aqaba

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VIDEO: Terrorists fire rockets from Gaza hospital
Israel says Hamas uses Wafa hospital compound to attack soldiers, fire anti-tank missiles; ground, air forces attack Gaza City where they claim 'an entire Hamas brigade is active'; 10 terrorists killed.
Yoav Zitun

The IDF Spokesperson's Unit released footage documenting Hamas terrorists launching rockets from the al Wafa Hospital compound in Gaza City's Shajaiyeh neighborhood.

The IDF said that after days of consideration it has begun to attack the Wafa Hospital compound. The military claimed the hospital has been a hotbed of terrorists activities, with gun and anti-tank missile fire originating from the cite.

Later Wednesday, the IDF said it had killed 10 terrorists and found a tunnel which contained IDF uniforms and arms.



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Belgian watchdog complains over anti-Semitic sign
‘Dogs are allowed in this establishment, Jews are not under any circumstances,’ reads text at entrance to cafe


A Belgian watchdog on anti-Semitism complained to the mayor of a suburb of Liege against owners of a cafe whose window display featured a sign that said Jews were not allowed inside.

The Belgian League Against anti-Semitism, or LBCA, filed the complaint Wednesday against the parties responsible for hanging a Turkish and French language sign at a cafe in Saint-Nicolas, a town located just east of the southern city of Liege.

The Turkish text reads: “Dogs are allowed in this establishment but Jews are not under any circumstances.” The French text replaces “Jews” with “Zionists.


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Israel's critics don't want a proportionate response in Gaza. They want no response at all
Dan Hodges
July 23rd, 2014


Over the past couple of days, as the debate over Israel’s military intervention in Gaza has raged, I’ve noticed the same phrase being repeated. It’s basically a variation on the following: “Yes, Israel has a right to defend itself. But the response must be proportionate. And what we’re seeing is anything but proportionate.”


Nick Clegg has joined this chorus, accusing Israel of imposing a "disproportionate form of collective punishment" on the Palestinian people. His words were echoed on Monday by the United Nations Relief and Works agency, which warned that “Maximum restraint must be exercised and measures of distinction, proportionality and precaution must be respected.” During Monday’s House of Commons debate, a succession of MPs rose to make a similar point.


And who can argue with it? Who would want to see a disproportionate response to a crisis such as this?


But if we are calling for “proportionality” from Israel, then I’d like to ask a question: what would a proportionate response actually look like? If everyone accepts the principle of Israel defending itself, how should that defence operate in practice?




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SHOCK! smile.png

Hamas resists Kerry's attempts at Gaza cease-fire deal



Secretary of State John Kerry's proposals for a cease-fire that would halt the fighting in the Gaza Strip have been resisted by the Islamic militant group Hamas, who insist that any truce agreement must meet the group's main demand that a joint Israeli-Egyptian blockade of the territory be lifted.


"When it comes to the balance of power in this crisis between us and Israel, they are the executioners, the aggressors, the occupiers, the settlers, and we are the true owners of the land," Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal said Wednesday in a televised speech from his home-in-exile in Doha, Qatar. "We will not accept anything but the end of the siege."



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