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Netanyahu: IDF prepared for expansion of ground op


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Report: Mashaal, Abbas to Discuss Truce in Gaza
PA, Hamas leaders to meet over possible truce. But will the meeting change Hamas's commitment to escalation?

AFP and Arutz Sheva Staff

Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas "political leader" Khaled Mashaal will meet in Qatar Sunday to discuss a truce in Gaza, day 13 of Israel's self-defense operation, an official said.


Hamas categorically rejected attempts for a cease-fire in multiple statements, insisting that the terms of the agreement 'did not apply' to them.


Later, Hamas officials reportedly set a series of unprecedented demands on Israel to accompany a ten-year truce - before threatening Israelis if the government refused to accept.


Mashaal, as well as Hamas, have openly encouraged escalation this week, declaring that Israel is "doomed to fail."



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Hell of a Secretary of State
Scott Johnson

I’ll add the video when it is available, but for the moment I want to post this without further comment, as reported by the Washington Post’s Philip Bump regarding John Kerry’s interview by Chris Wallace on FOX News Sunday this morning. Bump omits Wallace’s reference to the loss of 14 lives as a result of Israel’s operation in Gaza, as I recall the set-up, but gives us Kerry’s live reaction to the report transmitted at the other end of a cell phone conversation preceding the interview:

In an unusual moment during Fox News Sunday, host Chris Wallace presented Secretary of State John Kerry with video recorded before he came on air.

Wallace presented the segment as being in reference to civilians killed in fighting in the Gaza Strip. “While you were on camera and while on microphone,” Wallace said, “you spoke to one of your top aides between the interviews about the situation in Israel.” He then played what the network had recorded. In the clip, Kerry is holding a cellphone conversation with someone. The person on the other end of the call isn’t identified, and the audio from the other participant is staticky. But Kerry’s comments are clear.




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13 Golani Brigade soldiers killed in Gaza over past 24 hours

Golani Brigade soldiers killed in several different incidents in the past 24 hour; Gantz: 'In battle, some are killed. But this is our job and this is what we're doing.'

Yoav Zitun





Bloody Sunday: Over 100 Palestinians killed on 13th day of operation

IDF continues destroying terror tunnel infrastructure as heavy losses are registered on both sides.

Yoav Zitun, AFP


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UN agency handed rockets back to Hamas, Israel says
UNRWA says it gave 20 missiles found in Gaza school to ‘local authorities’ that are under the ‘government of national consensus in Ramallah’
Raphael Ahren
July 20, 2014

A United Nations agency that last week found rockets in a Gaza school operating under its auspices has handed that weaponry over to Hamas, Israeli officials said Sunday, accusing the organization of actively helping the terrorist organization potentially attack Israeli civilians.

“The rockets were passed on to the government authorities in Gaza, which is Hamas. In other words, UNRWA handed to Hamas rockets that could well be shot at Israel,” a senior Israeli official told The Times of Israel.

A different senior official said UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, charged with overseeing humanitarian efforts in Gaza, has been suffering from “battered-wife syndrome” for years and currently “attempts to ingratiate itself with Hamas.”



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Those Darn Jews Are At It Again!!!


IDF set to open field hospital for wounded Gazans
Border facility will include emergency clinic, pediatrician and other services for Palestinians injured in clashes
Times of Israel staff

July 20, 2014


As civilian casualties mount in the ongoing Gaza conflict, the IDF is set to open a field hospital on the border with the Strip on Sunday evening, with the intention of providing humanitarian services to Palestinians injured in the fighting taking place in the coastal enclave.

Gaza sources have said the number of wounded in the coastal enclave has exceeded 3,000, with many more injured Sunday morning in a large clash between IDF troops and Hamas gunmen in Gaza’s Shejaiya neighborhood. Israeli military officials said Sunday that they had told civilians to leave the Shejaiya area days ago, ahead of IDF military action in a neighborhood that is a Hamas stronghold.

The facility, which was approved by IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz, will open its doors at 8 p.m. on Sunday, the army said in a statement.


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00:42 Several small riots reported in East Jerusalem


Riots are reported in several locations in East Jerusalem. Though not officially confirmed, the riots are likely a response to Israels actions in the Gaza Strip.


Several dozen demonstrators are said to hurl rocks and Molotov cocktails at police, with some burning tires as well.


Police disperse the rioters using crowd-control weapons

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Jul 21, 2014

Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israel via a tunnel from Gaza. While the terrorists hid in bushes, IDF forces engaged them. As the terrorists attempt to return to the tunnel, they are killed by IDF fire

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Israeli forces expanded their offensive against Islamist militants deeper into the Gaza Strip on Sunday, triggering clashes in which 13 soldiers died and more than 60 people were killed in the shelling of a densely populated neighborhood of Gaza City, the army and local health officials said.



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Gaza War – More tunnel infiltrations thwarted (Live Updates)


Posted by David Gerstman Monday, July 21, 2014 at 9:00am


Intense fighting continues as Israel dismantles Hamas underground military infrastructure


Note: There are live Video and Twitter feeds at the bottom of the post


Overnight Hamas attempted two infiltrations through tunnels, one of which opened up near the dining room of Kibbutz in Israel.

Both sets of terrorists were eliminated by the IDF. There are unspecified reports of Israeli casualties.


The Times of Israel reports:

In open ground near Erez five terrorists come out of a tunnel shortly after six in the morning. They surface near the security fence and only a few hundred yards from the nearest community. An IAF aircraft intercepts them, killing all five, with no Israelis wounded. …

Near Kibbutz Nir Am, a second group of terrorists surface on the Israeli side of the border.

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All The News Hamas Sees Fit to Print


Jul 20, 2014


Something important is missing from the New York Times's coverage of the war in Gaza: photographs of terrorist attacks on Israel, and pictures of Hamas fighters, tunnels, weaponry, and use of human shields.


It appears the Times is silently but happily complying with a Hamas demand that the only pictures from Gaza are of civilians and never of fighters. The most influential news organization in the world is thus manufacturing an utterly false portrait of the battleprecisely the portrait that Hamas finds most helpful: embattled, victimized Gaza civilians under attack by a cruel Israeli military.


A review of the Times's photography in Gaza reveals a stark contrast in how the two sides are portrayed. Nearly every picture from Israel depicts tanks, soldiers, or attack helicopters. And every picture of Gaza depicts either bloodied civilians, destroyed buildings, overflowing hospitals, or other images of civilian anguish. It is as one-sided and misleading a depiction of the Gaza battle as one can imagine.



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Hamas: Cease-Fire Only If We Get Free Electricity

Hamas said that if Israel wants a cease-fire, it's going to have to pay - in free electricity for Gaza.

Moshe Cohen



Among the demands Hamas has demanded that Israel fulfill in exchange for a cease-fire is the continued unlimited supply of free electricity by Israel to terrorists-run Gaza.


The electricity demand was one of ten commands Hamas has put forth, the terror group said.


Hamas owes the Israel Electric Company (IEC) hundreds of millions of shekels, part of the 1.4 billion shekel electricity bill that the Palestinian Authority owes. Neither the PA nor Gaza have paid for electricity for at least a decade.



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President Obama says we should work to end the ongoing fighting in the Gaza strip.





"Long" term peace very rarely occurs unless one side wins.

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