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Netanyahu: IDF prepared for expansion of ground op


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Times of Israel

Abbas heads to Turkey for ceasefire talks; IDF soldier killed overnight in Gaza identified as Eitan Barak, 20, from Herzliya; at least 14 Hamas fighters killed since troops entered Strip; IDF tackling Hamas tunnels, infrastructure
Ilan Ben Zion, Lazar Berman and Haviv Rettig Gur
July 18, 2014

The Times of Israel is liveblogging events as they unfold through Friday, the eleventh day of Operation Protective Edge. On Thursday night, Israel launched a major ground offensive on Hamas in Gaza, initially focused on Hamas’s under-border tunnels, after a day of ceasefire efforts in Cairo. The land operation was approved unanimously by the Israeli security cabinet, and will be expanded as needed, Netanyahu said Friday morning. Hamas is vowing that Israel will pay dearly for sending in its troops and is rejecting ceasefire

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Israel Pulls Diplomatic Staff from Turkey Over Violent Rioting

Foreign Ministry holds Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan directly responsible for incitement to violence after embassies attacked.

AFP and Arutz Sheva Staff




Demonstrator throws rocks at Israeli embassy in Ankara



Violent protests erupted at the Israeli embassies in Istanbul and Ankara on Thursday night, with throngs of shrieking Turkish demonstrators hurling rocks at the embassy and at staff, screaming hate slurs, and waving pro-Palestinian flags and banners.


Hundreds of protesters attacked the Israeli consulate in Istanbul while similar numbers sought to break into the residence of the ambassador in Ankara.


Riot police fired tear gas and water cannon to halt the protests in Istanbul in the early hours of the morning but in Ankara they stood on the sidelines.


Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman announced Friday that he would be retracting much of the Israeli embassy staff in Turkey following the senseless riots, citing safety concerns and growing anti-Israel incitement from the Turkish leadership.


"Foreign Minister (Avigdor) Lieberman issued a statement... following the demonstrations and instructed the Israeli consulate and embassy to reduce their diplomatic staff in Turkey," an Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman told AFP, without stating the numbers concerned.



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Obama urges Israel to minimize civilian casualties

President Barack Obama is encouraging Israel to try to minimize civilian deaths in its ground push into Hamas-ruled Gaza.

Obama says he talked to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Friday about the Gaza operation and reaffirmed Israel’s right to defend itself. He told reporters at the White House that no nation should accept rockets being fired into its borders.




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Not That Anyone From The MSM will really pay any attention.....

The Truth about Gaza
Rarely does international politics present a moment of such moral clarity.
Charles Krauthammer


Israel accepts an Egyptian-proposed Gaza ceasefire; Hamas keeps firing. Hamas deliberately aims rockets at civilians; Israel painstakingly tries to avoid them, actually telephoning civilians in the area and dropping warning charges, so-called roof knocking.

“Here’s the difference between us,” explains the Israeli prime minister. “We’re using missile defense to protect our civilians and they’re using their civilians to protect their missiles.”


Rarely does international politics present a moment of such moral clarity. Yet we routinely hear this Israel–Gaza fighting described as a morally equivalent “cycle of violence.” This is absurd. What possible interest can Israel have in cross-border fighting? Everyone knows Hamas set off this mini-war. And everyone knows Hamas’s proudly self-declared raison d’être: the eradication of Israel and its Jews.


Apologists for Hamas attribute the bloodlust to the Israeli occupation and blockade. Occupation? There is not a soldier, not a settler, not a single Israeli in Gaza. Does no one remember anything? It was less than ten years ago that worldwide television showed the Israeli army pulling diehard settlers off synagogue roofs in Gaza as Israel uprooted it settlements, expelled its citizens, withdrew its military, and turned every inch of Gaza over to the Palestinians.

There was no blockade. On the contrary. Israel wanted this new Palestinian state to succeed.....(Snip)

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The Residents of Sderot


""Come here with your children," the residents shouted, "and see how you feel when they can't sleep all night."

"What are they doing here, these scum? Kick them out of here," the residents shouted. "Hamasniks... terrorists... you have chutzpah!"

A woman from Sderot screams at the leftists: "You're stepping on our blood!" Others say: "Go to Gaza!"

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The Residents of Sderot


""Come here with your children," the residents shouted, "and see how you feel when they can't sleep all night."

"What are they doing here, these scum? Kick them out of here," the residents shouted. "Hamasniks... terrorists... you have chutzpah!"

A woman from Sderot screams at the leftists: "You're stepping on our blood!" Others say: "Go to Gaza!"

And they're not to thrilled with CNN either.

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15 Countries: Standing With Israel All Over The World.


We asked our supporters to send us pictures #IStandWithIsrael photos. In just one week we received over 400 photos from all over the world, including Colombia, Croatia, Finland, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Nigeria, Paraguay, Peru, the Philippines, Poland, Brazil, Spain and the United States. We Stand with Israel. Do you? Submit your photos for the online album to social@standwithus.com. View the online album here: http://on.fb.me/1nvR9Ti



Did you know? In 2001, Eliane Karp, a former Israeli, became First Lady of Peru.



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Full text of Israeli UN ambassadors Security Council speech

Prosor says no nation can stand idly as rockets are fired at its citizens, urges international community to stand up to terror

July 19, 2014


Mr. President,

In the face of terrorists kidnapping our children, we were left with no choice.


In the face of rockets raining down on our citizens, we were left with no choice.


In the face of jihadists tunneling under our borders, we were left with no choice.



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Say the wrong thing
Scott Johnson
July 19 2014

We can count on President Obama to not to do the right thing and to say the wrong thing. He treats our friends as enemies and our enemies as friends. He says the wrong thing when he would serve our interests by shutting up. He shuts up when saying the right thing would serve our interests.

Earlier today United States Ambassador Dan Shapiro posted a readout of this morning’s call between President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu. Here it is:

This morning, I spoke with Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel about the situation in Gaza. We discussed Israel’s military operation in Gaza, including its efforts to stop the threat of terrorist infiltration through tunnels into Israel. I reaffirmed my strong support for Israel’s right to defend itself. No nation should accept rockets being fired into its borders, or terrorists tunneling into its territory. In fact, while I was having the conversation with Prime Minister Netanyahu, sirens went off in Tel Aviv.

What do you make of that, bozo? So far so good, but Obama couldn’t leave it at that, of course. He continued:

I also made clear that the United States, and our friends and allies, are deeply concerned about the risks of further escalation and the loss of more innocent life. And that’s why we’ve indicated, although we support military efforts by the Israelis to make sure that rockets are not being fired into their territory, we also have said that our understanding is the current military ground operations are designed to deal with the tunnels, and we are hopeful that Israel will continue to approach this process in a way that minimizes civilian casualties and that all of us are working hard to return to the cease-fire that was reached in November of 2012.

And then we have this…anything but this!

Secretary Kerry is working to support Egypt’s initiative to pursue that outcome. I told Prime Minister Netanyahu that John is prepared to travel to the region following additional consultations.

Unfortunately, we don’t have a readout of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s side of the conversation. I would guess he spoke tactfully, while having some of the following thoughts running through his mind.





I feel it is past time for someone to step up and defend the President and his * policy concerning this.......so feel free to jump right in.



* Assuming 1. He actually has one 2. someone can explain it to me (small words please)

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Those Gosh Darn Jews!!!



A Bedouin child is brought to the emergency room at Soroka hospital in Beersheba, after his family home, a shed in an unrecognized Bedouin village near Dimona, was hit by a rocket fired from Gaza, on July 19, 2014. (Photo credit: Dudu Greenspan/Flash90)


H/T Times Of Israel

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Hamas official says only Egypt can broker ceasefire


Cairo-based Hamas official Moussa Abu Marzouk says Egypt is the only country that can broker a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, but that that he will not agree to have Hamass actions described as terror activities, as the Egyptian initiative proposes.


In an interview with Egyptian TV cited by Israel Radio, Abu Marzouk says Hamas and other organizations in the Gaza Strip feel that they have the upper hand, intimating that they are in no rush.


Abu Marzouk confirms that most of the homes hit by the IDF since Operation Protective Edge began belong to Hamas members.



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HuffPost UK@HuffPostUK 1h

There is a HUGE #protest going in #London right now #Gaza #Palestine #Israel http://huff.to/1rpVhak pic.twitter.com/bHCOADipNB


A meeting of the World Moral Midgets League.




Sam Ball @samwball

Protesters knock down fences and take over construction site near chateau rouge metro station #gazaprotest

9:14 AM - 19 Jul 2014


The French Chapter

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Iron Dome intercepts two more rockets over Beersheba


Iron Dome intercepts two more rockets over Beersheba. Two others explode in open terrain.



IDF says troops kill gunman who emerged from tunnel in Gaza


The IDF says troops from paratroopers brigade fired on a gunman who emerged from a tunnel in the southern Gaza Strip, killing him.


Read more: IDF intensifies search for terror tunnels after 2 soldiers killed in morning Hamas raid | The Times of Israel

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Two soldiers killed by Hamas infiltrators Saturday morning

Terrorists emerged from tunnel into Israel, opened fire on IDF jeep, killing Amotz Greenberg, 45, and Adar Barsano, 20; IDF fears there are 20 more such tunnels

Itamar Sharon and Adiv Sterman

July 19, 2014



Sgt. Adar Barsano, 20, from Nahariya (left) and Maj. (Res.) Amotz Greenberg, 45, from Hod Hasharon, who were killed when Hamas gunmen inflitrated into southern Israel on July 19 (photo credit: Courtesy)


Two IDF officers were killed Saturday morning when Hamas terrorists infiltrated Israeli territory via a tunnel under the border fence from the central Gaza Strip and ambushed a military vehicle patrolling on the Israeli side of the border, the IDF said Saturday evening.


The two were named as Amotz Greenberg, 45, a major in the reserves from Hod Hasharon, and Sgt. Adar Barsano, 20, from Nahariya. The information was cleared for publication after the families were informed.


The deaths were the first of soldiers killed by Hamas since Operation Protective Edge began on July 8.



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