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Malaysia Airlines Loses Contact With Passenger Plane Over Ukraine


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Malaysia Air said it "lost contact" with one of its passenger planes today over Ukraine near the border with Russia.


The airline said in a tweet that the plane, Flight MH17 from Amsterdam, had its "last known position was over Ukraine airspace."


The plane was headed to Kuala Lampur with 294 people on board.




Uh Oh.

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But multiple reports, including from Russia's Interfax news agency, said the plane was shot down at cruising altitude. Anton Gerashenko, an adviser to Ukraine's Interior Minister told The Associated press that the plane, carrying 280 passengers and 15 crew people onboard, was shot down.



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Other airlines announce they will stop flying over the Ukraine. WHAT... a military plane was shot down at 20,000ft yesterday and they are still flying over this airspace today?

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Supposedly, Separatist Rebels "tweeted" that they had brought down a Ukrainian plane at same time of this crash. They now say they are not involved in this shoot down.

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malaysia-airlines-passenger-jet-shot-down-over-ukraineFox News:

A Malaysia Airlines passenger plane with 295 aboard was shot down by a surface-to-air missile in Ukraine near the Russian border a day after a Ukrainian military jet was downed, Fox News has confirmed.


The Boeing 777 bound for Kuala Lumpur from Amsterdam was shot down at cruising altitude about 35 miles from the border, according to Anton Gerashenko, an adviser to Ukraine's Interior Minister. He said all 280 passengers and 15 crew members were killed. A Reuters correspondent near the scene reported seeing burning wreckage and bodies strewn across a nine-mile debris field. A Ukrainian Emergency official told the news agency body parts and at least 100 bodies were seen in the area.


The flight manifest reportedly included the names of 23 Americans, though State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said at a briefing Thursday, "we don't have any additional details at this point on American citizens" aboard the plane.


"Obviously, we're seeking that information as we speak," Psaki said.


An AFP journalist at Amsterdam's Schiphol airport – where the plane had taken off -- said distraught family members were in tears, according to The Telegraph.


The incident touched off immediate finger-pointing between Russian separatists and the Ukrainian government. Eastern Ukraine separatist leader Alexander Borodai told Reuters that Ukrainian military forces shot the jet down, but Kiev denied involvement and labeled the incident a "terrorist act."


"The President of Ukraine on behalf of the State expresses its deepest and most sincere condolences to the families and relatives of those killed in this terrible tragedy," said a statement released by Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko's office. "Every possible search and rescue effort is being made."


Separatist groups reportedly blocked Ukrainian officials from the scene, and later said the "black box," or flight data recorder, had been sent to Moscow.


KT McFarland, a former deputy assistant secretary of defense under President Ronald Reagan, and a Fox News national security analyst said the attack was most likely the work of Russian separatists, not the Russian or Ukrainian armies.


“I think it’s far more likely it was rebel forces in eastern Ukraine trying to get the Russian back involved," McFarland said.


But retired Army Lt. Col Ralph Peters, also a Fox News contributor, said it is unlikely the Russian military would have put missile batteries capable of knocking a plane out of the sky at such an altitude in the hands of rebels.


"It wasn't the separatists, although Russia will try to blame them, or blame the Ukrainians," Peters said. "The Russians have not given the separatists complex, high-altitude air-defense systems. If this airliner was flying at 34,000 feet or any altitude close to that, it was shot down by Russian military air-defense systems perched on the Ukrainian border."



Meanwhile, our fearless leader sort-of responds:

Video: Semi-retired president interrupts burger run to issue brief statement on plane being blown up


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Interesting" video" on shootdown showing translation of rebels talking about shooting down plane. Not sure if it is real.


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Ukraine officials have also said the rebels have taken possession of the plane's data and cockpit recorders, or black boxes, complicating any attempt by international investigators to take possession of this equipment—one of the most important elements of any aircraft crash probe.




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Ukraine officials have also said the rebels have taken possession of the plane's data and cockpit recorders, or black boxes, complicating any attempt by international investigators to take possession of this equipment—one of the most important elements of any aircraft crash probe.





Well, NSA has recording of phone conversations between the rebels and our satellites have trajectories of the rockets, so all is not lost.

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Liberal press is picking up on some key world renown HIV researches where on the flight and pushing that as a reason to care about the loss of life.

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Shadowy Rebel Wields Iron Fist in Ukraine Fight



SLOVYANSK, Ukraine — Late one afternoon last month, as separatist militia fighters and Ukrainian forces exchanged fire, a small-time thief by the name of Aleksei B. Pichko left his home on the southern edge of Slovyansk and headed for an abandoned residence at 17 Sadovaya Street. He had been drinking, and wanted to “see what could be stolen from there,” according to documents recovered at the rebel headquarters after their retreat over the weekend.


Mr. Pichko, 30, never returned. An order signed and stamped by the rebels’ powerful commander, Igor Strelkov, detailed Mr. Pichko’s fate: death by firing squad for pilfering a pair of pants and two shirts. Scissors-32x32.png


The death sentence makes reference to a Stalin-era Soviet law, and in it Mr. Strelkov warns ominously that crimes “committed in the zone of military activity will continue to be punished ruthlessly and decisively.”


Mr. Strelkov, a native Muscovite whose real name is Igor Girkin, is a figure as mysterious as he is fearsome. Scissors-32x32.png


A former intelligence agent, Mr. Strelkov fought in the post-Soviet conflicts in Transnistria, Serbia and Chechnya. Scissors-32x32.png


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Separatist Commander Claims Downed Plane Was Carrying a Load of Dead Bodies


Paul Gregory

July 18, 2014


Colonel Igor Strelkov (aka Strelok —real name Girkin), Moscow resident, retired military intelligence agent, and self-proclaimed supreme commander of separatist forces claims that most of the passengers aboard Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 had been dead for several days before the crash. Strelkov/Strelok/Girkin came to this conclusion through reports of rescuers that the bodies were not “fresh” and were not covered in blood. Yes, Strelkov admits that the pilots were alive when the missile struck and that the cockpit was full of their blood. At least he doesn’t have to explain how the 777 flew itself to eastern Ukraine.


It is unclear what Strelkov is getting at, but my guess is that his theory is that the CIA/State Department/Ukrainian security forces loaded the 777 with bodies in Amsterdam and then found a suicidal crew to fly the plane to its planned meeting with a surface-to-air missile prepared in advance by these sinister forces. Scissors-32x32.png


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Scott correctly observes that we can count on President Obama to say the wrong thing. To make matters worse, all too often Obama says nonsensical things.


Consider his remarks yesterday about the downing of the Malaysian airliner by Ukrainian separatists. Obama declared:


We need to know exactly what happened, and everybody needs to make sure that we’re holding accountable those who committed this outrage.


To this standard-issue mush, Obama added that he sees no U.S. military role in the conflict.


The mush cannot be reconciled with the plan of action — or inaction, to be more precise. “Those who committed this outrage” are, most directly, the Ukrainian separatists. They probably cannot be “held accountable” in the absence of some role by the U.S. military.


Economic sanctions against Russia will not hold the Ukrainian separatists accountable. Even if the sanctions have an appreciable impact on the Russian economy, the separatists in Eastern Ukraine will not be injured. The state of the Russian economy is no concern of theirs.


In fact, it’s not even clear that we can “know exactly what happened” — Obama’s more modest objective — without Scissors-32x32.png


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A Push Into Gaza, but the Ground Has Shifted



JULY 18, 2014

JERUSALEM — As Israeli troops once again operated inside the Gaza Strip on Friday, the risks of a deep entanglement, a failure to curb the rocket fire, and the condemnation of civilian casualties were all too apparent.

Twice before, Israel has battled Hamas, the Palestinian militant group that dominates Gaza, and twice before, Israel has halted under international pressure without eliminating the threat of rocket fire.

But this time, officials and analysts say, the landscape is different. Israel has publicly framed a clear agenda targeting tunnels it says militants built to store weapons or stage attacks on its territory. This time, a weakened Hamas cannot turn to Egypt for respite. This time, Western leaders appear more patient: President Obama expressed concern Friday about “the loss of more innocent life”Scissors-32x32.png

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