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Can Scott Walker ‘three-peat’ in Wisconsin?


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3372a0d0-0b4d-11e4-8341-b8072b1e7348_story.htmlWashington Post:

Marc A. Thiessen

July 14 2014




Speaking to a barn full of supporters here, Scott Walker delivers some surprising news: “It is hard to believe, but this is actually my first reelection.”


The line draws peals of laughter. Walker is in the midst of his third gubernatorial campaign in four years. Two years after winning his first term in 2010, he became the first governor in U.S. history to win a recall election, and now in 2014, he must run yet a third time to secure a second term.




“My real opponent is complacency,” Walker says, “people being lulled into thinking, just because I won before that somehow that means we are just going to walk into reelection. The left has not forgotten. The haters out there — the unions and others — certainly aren’t spending their money elsewhere. They are going after me and a handful of governors, because they know that’s where the action is, not in the House, not in the Senate.”



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Wisconsin's Scott Walker now faces one of his hardest campaigns


The heat is officially on for Gov. Scott Walker.


After Tuesday's primary, the Wisconsin Republican now faces one of the most high-profile Democratic opponents of his career, as well as his third election in just four years.


Democrat Mary Burke waltzed into her party’s nomination last night, taking 83 percent of the vote. So the Wisconsin governor’s race, which the progressive Cap Times described as “the three biggest months of Scott Walker’s political career,” has now started in earnest.


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Expect fireworks. Just last week, Walker sent out a desperate-sounding fundraising email suggesting this contest will be rougher than his dramatic 2012 recall election.

“I thought the Union-led recall campaign against me would be my toughest race,” the email said. “I was wrong. A new independent poll shows I'm in a TIE with my Democratic opponent for re-election. And it's because national unions and a dozen liberal Super PACs are planning to outspend conservatives.”

Stakes are unusually high for both Democrats and Republicans in this contest.Scissors-32x32.png


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The Witch Hunt is on for the 'Walker Six'


Governor Scott Walker’s campaign did a limited launch of a new ad during Saturday’s Packers pre-season game. The ad launched statewide today. It features six Wisconsinites who are thanking Walker for finding jobs during his years in office. The media reaction is a classic study in the suspicion that Republican candidates routinely face that Democratic candidates seldom do. It began with the AP on Tuesday proclaiming: “Walker not saying much about new ad.” Journal-Sentinel columnist Dan Bice piled on Wednesday afternoon with “Scott Walker Keeps IDs of Workers in New TV Ad Under Wraps.”


The Walker campaign refused Bice’s request to name names, even with a promise not to publish them. I have two words for you: Kristi LaCroix. You remember Kristi; she was the teacher that had the temerity to support Walker in an ad during the recall campaign. For her efforts she was vilified by the left, not to mention harassed and threatened. That said, I concede that when you appear in a campaign ad you are taking the risk of blowback. But I wouldn’t be surprised if the campaign gave assurances that people who appeared in the ad would have their identities protected.


And you can be sure that they’ll get the media rectal probe, even if their stories are genuine. Compare this with an ad I outed during the recall campaign. A liberal group ran an ad with alleged educators who made outrageous claims about the horrible impact Act 10 had on schools, dramatically increased class sizes and so on. The group refused to identify any of the people in the ad, or even name the school districts they were referring to, fearing retribution. I managed to shame two Green Bay TV stations into calling out the group and I believe many of my listeners emailing Politifact Wisconsin prompted them to also do a piece on the ad. But most of the mainstream media yawned.Scissors-32x32.png



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Yes, Signing The Recall Still Matters To Voters


There were four Republicans running on the August primary ballot in Wisconsin who had signed recall petitions against either Governor Scott Walker or Republican State Senator Rob Cowles in the Green Bay area. Their supporters tried to make the argument that the recalls “were a long time ago” and weren’t relevant. Two of the candidates were for state assembly, two for Brown County Clerk of Courts.


The two Assembly candidates, Jackie Jarvis in the 27th in Sheboygan County and Corrie Campbell in the 4th in Brown County, finished last in three way races. However, Jarvis was a fairly close third in a competitive race. It’s difficult to tell from those races how much “recall petition effect” was at play. But the Brown County Clerk of Courts race is a different matter.


Donna Mason has been an employee in the Clerk’s office for three decades. She had the support of the entire legal community and various elected officials. There is no question that she had far more experience than any other candidate and a far better understanding of the workings of the office than anyone else on the ballot. It was early June when I announced on my show that she had signed recall petitions against Walker and Cowles. I mentioned this numerous times on the air and tried to shame other media in the market to cover the story.Scissors-32x32.png


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Walker administration saves taxpayers $134 million in fraud fight


MADISON, Wis. — The fight against government waste, fraud and abuse has intensified under Gov. Scott Walker.


The Walker administration on Wednesday announced the state Department of Revenue during the past four tax seasons has stopped $134 million in tax refunds related to fraud and adjustments.


That’s a 122 percent increase in fraud prevention over the prior four years of the administration of Gov. Jim Doyle.


FIGHTING FRAUD: Gov. Scott Walker’s administration says it has saved Wisconsin taxpayers $134 million over the past four tax season in its fight against fraud.

Walker took office in January 2011 with a pledge to target government waste, fraud and abuse.Scissors-32x32.png



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Obama heads to Scott Walker's backyard


President Obama will head to Milwaukee on Labor Day, wading into one of the nation's closest gubernatorial races just two months before Election Day, according to multiple Wisconsin news outlets.


It’s unclear if Obama will appear alongside Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mary Burke — who is attempting to unseat Gov. Scott Walker, who is being floated as a possible Republican presidential candidate in 2016 — while he attends the 55th annual Laborfest celebration.


Burke is also slated to appear at Laborfest, which regularly draws thousands of union workers and their families to downtown Milwaukee, but she notably did not attend an event with the president in January at a GE engine plant in Waukesha.

In addition to an appearance by the president, this year's event is expected to include live music, an auto show and a parade through a downtown park. Obama last attended the festival in 2010.Scissors-32x32.png



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Burke opposes out-of-state political contributions – unless they help her campaign


MADISON, Wis. — Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mary Burke has declared she’ll outlaw out-of-state political donations if elected, but enthusiastically accepted the endorsement Thursday of a Vermont-based political action committee soliciting cash and volunteers nationally to help Burke unseat Republican Gov. Scott Walker.


Burke received the endorsement from Democracy for America, a national progressive political action committee founded by Howard Dean, former Democratic National Committee chairman and former governor of Vermont.


A Madison Metropolitan School Board member and commerce secretary under former Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle, Burke has asserted on several occasions that she would ban out-of-state political donations if elected governor.


“It makes me sick to think that people from outside of the state are going to influence and possibly buy our governorship,” Burke said.Scissors-32x32.png


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Scott Walker on Hugh Hewitt




Transcript at link




HH: Now I want to talk about the race, but I also want to talk about, before we go to the politics of it, the actual policies that work. The President just gave a press conference an hour ago in which he was touting the job numbers. And I was wondering to myself as I listened to him, I wonder how much of that job growth has occurred in red state governors like yours and John Kasich and Rick Snyder, and Texas with Rick Perry, because California has not got your kind of unemployment rate. Would that we did. We dont. I think hes taking credit for a recovery that basically Republican governors have given him.


SW: Well, theres a big difference. Youre right. Two years ago, I remember before I went to speak at the national convention, we looked at that point, and back then, in 2012, the difference between Republican-led states and Democrat-led states was about 1% lower unemployment. So that is pretty much consistent almost every month since then. Some people said well, but youve got Texas and the Dakotas in there. Yeah, but youve got Wisconsin and Florida and Michigan and Ohio, states that were in the tank four years ago. And my goodness, in Florida, Rick Scott has dropped almost five points off of that unemployment rate, and the guy who wants to take his job is the guy who screwed it up in the first place, Charlie Crist. I think there is a clear difference between blue states and red states. In my case, Illinois is a night and day difference. There, the latest numbers show were third in the Midwest behind Indiana and Michigan. Illinois is dead last, and theyve actually lost jobs, year over year through July. And its just a stark contrast between policies of raising taxes and spending versus those of us who believe that the taxpayers money belongs in the taxpayers hands.

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Obama Targets Scott Walker


President Obama has a rough relationship with unions these days, but they might appreciate his decision to visit Wisconsin in the middle of Republican governor Scott Walker’s reelection campaign.

Obama will speak at Laborfest 2014 in Milwaukee on Monday. The president is trying to travel to places where he still has a chance of doing some good for Democratic candidates. “The White House is putting the finishing touches on a post–Labor Day schedule that will send the president to states where he’s still popular, such as: Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Illinois and California, Obama officials and Democratic operatives said this week,” according to Politico.

The president frustrated labor allies when he refused to campaign against Walker during the 2012 recall race.

“I’ve got a lot of responsibilities,” Obama said as an excuse for his failure to appear on the stump for Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett, who was challenging Walker.

Obama’s willingness to campaign on behalf of Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mary Burke could be a sign that they believe Walker is more vulnerable this time around than during the recall race. Walker won the recall by almost seven points, but a poll from Marquette University has him trailing by two points among likely voters, but winning by three among registered voters. That’s an odd result, because “Republican candidates typically poll better among likely voters, particularly in midterm elections when Democratic-leaning constituencies are less likely to turn out,” as FiveThirtyEight’s Harry Enten notes.Scissors-32x32.png



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New Poll Analysis: Walker Still The Favorite To Win


The latest Marquette University Law poll showing Democrat Mary Burke leading Scott Walker by two points among "likely" voters has understandably engendered a good deal of angst among conservatives. Given the evidence of an enthusiasm gap favoring Democrats here, that may be a good thing.


But now comes a somewhat contrarian view from the folks at FiveThirtyEight (for non-wonks, this is Nate Silver's outfit and they have a strong track record, especially in calling the 2012 election).

Harry Enten, the senior political writer and analyst for FiveThirtyEight, dives deep into the numbers of what he describes as a "strange poll" and concludes that Walker remains the favorite – albeit a "slight" favorite – to win re-election.

Enten describes the MU poll as "strange" and "weird" because "Republican candidates typically poll better among likely voters, particularly in midterm elections when Democratic-leaning constituencies are less likely to turn out." So the MU poll is very much an outlier.Scissors-32x32.png


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Barry is Coming...HOORAY!!!!


Obama's Labor Day visit to Wisconsin comes amid heated governor's race, declining union power

SCOTT BAUER , Associated Press
August 30, 2014


MADISON, Wis. — The last time President Barack Obama celebrated workers' rights at a Wisconsin Labor Day event, there was barely a hint of the turmoil that would embroil the state later when public employees staged massive protests in an unsuccessful bid to keep their collective bargaining rights.




Obama's visit to this year's "Laborfest" will mark the first time he and Burke have appeared at the same public event, but there are no plans for them to share the stage. Burke will meet privately with Obama, her spokesman Joe Zepecki said, and she will not be speaking at the labor rally because it's not a campaign event.




"Mary Burke is willing to meet with President Obama in private but she refuses to campaign with him in public?" said Walker's campaign spokeswoman Alleigh Marre. "Burke can offer up excuses and try to hide from President Obama and his rotten approval ratings, but she can't hide from the fact that her and the president's failed economic policies are one and the same."








You must just thrilled beyond words. I am extremely jealous. smile.png

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Barry is Coming...HOORAY!!!!


Obama's Labor Day visit to Wisconsin comes amid heated governor's race, declining union power

SCOTT BAUER , Associated Press

August 30, 2014


MADISON, Wis. — The last time President Barack Obama celebrated workers' rights at a Wisconsin Labor Day event, there was barely a hint of the turmoil that would embroil the state later when public employees staged massive protests in an unsuccessful bid to keep their collective bargaining rights.




Obama's visit to this year's "Laborfest" will mark the first time he and Burke have appeared at the same public event, but there are no plans for them to share the stage. Burke will meet privately with Obama, her spokesman Joe Zepecki said, and she will not be speaking at the labor rally because it's not a campaign event.




"Mary Burke is willing to meet with President Obama in private but she refuses to campaign with him in public?" said Walker's campaign spokeswoman Alleigh Marre. "Burke can offer up excuses and try to hide from President Obama and his rotten approval ratings, but she can't hide from the fact that her and the president's failed economic policies are one and the same."








You must just thrilled beyond words. I am extremely jealous. smile.png


Think it's kind of amusing that Burke is not going to be seen in public with Obama, but word has it that Walker will greet him at the airport.

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Barry is Coming...HOORAY!!!!


Obama's Labor Day visit to Wisconsin comes amid heated governor's race, declining union power

SCOTT BAUER , Associated Press

August 30, 2014


MADISON, Wis. — The last time President Barack Obama celebrated workers' rights at a Wisconsin Labor Day event, there was barely a hint of the turmoil that would embroil the state later when public employees staged massive protests in an unsuccessful bid to keep their collective bargaining rights.




Obama's visit to this year's "Laborfest" will mark the first time he and Burke have appeared at the same public event, but there are no plans for them to share the stage. Burke will meet privately with Obama, her spokesman Joe Zepecki said, and she will not be speaking at the labor rally because it's not a campaign event.




"Mary Burke is willing to meet with President Obama in private but she refuses to campaign with him in public?" said Walker's campaign spokeswoman Alleigh Marre. "Burke can offer up excuses and try to hide from President Obama and his rotten approval ratings, but she can't hide from the fact that her and the president's failed economic policies are one and the same."








You must just thrilled beyond words. I am extremely jealous. smile.png


Think it's kind of amusing that Burke is not going to be seen in public with Obama, but word has it that Walker will greet him at the airport.




With a nice wheel of cheddar I hope. biggrin.png

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Barry is Coming...HOORAY!!!!


Obama's Labor Day visit to Wisconsin comes amid heated governor's race, declining union power

SCOTT BAUER , Associated Press

August 30, 2014


MADISON, Wis. — The last time President Barack Obama celebrated workers' rights at a Wisconsin Labor Day event, there was barely a hint of the turmoil that would embroil the state later when public employees staged massive protests in an unsuccessful bid to keep their collective bargaining rights.




Obama's visit to this year's "Laborfest" will mark the first time he and Burke have appeared at the same public event, but there are no plans for them to share the stage. Burke will meet privately with Obama, her spokesman Joe Zepecki said, and she will not be speaking at the labor rally because it's not a campaign event.




"Mary Burke is willing to meet with President Obama in private but she refuses to campaign with him in public?" said Walker's campaign spokeswoman Alleigh Marre. "Burke can offer up excuses and try to hide from President Obama and his rotten approval ratings, but she can't hide from the fact that her and the president's failed economic policies are one and the same."








You must just thrilled beyond words. I am extremely jealous. smile.png


Think it's kind of amusing that Burke is not going to be seen in public with Obama, but word has it that Walker will greet him at the airport.




With a nice wheel of cheddar I hope. biggrin.png


I hear that Wisconsin makes a nice limburgertongue.png

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DNC Chairwoman: Scott Walker Gives Women ‘The Back Of His Hand’


Democratic National Committee (DNC) chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz said that Republican Wisconsin governor Scott Walker has “given women the back of his hand” and is “grabbing us by the hair.”


Wasserman Schultz used the domestic violence imagery in remarks Wednesday at the Milwaukee Athletic Club, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported.


“Scott Walker has given women the back of his hand,” Wasserman Schultz said. “I know that is stark. I know that is direct. I know that is reality.”


“What Republican tea party extremists like Scott Walker are doing is they are grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back,” the DNC chairwoman said. “It is not going to happen on our watch.”Scissors-32x32.png




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DNC Chairwoman: Scott Walker Gives Women ‘The Back Of His Hand’


Democratic National Committee (DNC) chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz said that Republican Wisconsin governor Scott Walker has “given women the back of his hand” and is “grabbing us by the hair.”


Wasserman Schultz used the domestic violence imagery in remarks Wednesday at the Milwaukee Athletic Club, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported.


“Scott Walker has given women the back of his hand,” Wasserman Schultz said. “I know that is stark. I know that is direct. I know that is reality.”


“What Republican tea party extremists like Scott Walker are doing is they are grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back,” the DNC chairwoman said. “It is not going to happen on our watch.”Scissors-32x32.png





Lying, worthless, pathetic, B*TCH


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DNC Chairwoman: Scott Walker Gives Women ‘The Back Of His Hand’


Democratic National Committee (DNC) chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz said that Republican Wisconsin governor Scott Walker has “given women the back of his hand” and is “grabbing us by the hair.”


Wasserman Schultz used the domestic violence imagery in remarks Wednesday at the Milwaukee Athletic Club, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported.


“Scott Walker has given women the back of his hand,” Wasserman Schultz said. “I know that is stark. I know that is direct. I know that is reality.”


“What Republican tea party extremists like Scott Walker are doing is they are grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back,” the DNC chairwoman said. “It is not going to happen on our watch.”Scissors-32x32.png





Lying, worthless, pathetic, B*TCH





I would pay cash money to give Down Side Debbie the back of my hand.

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Scott Walker Campaign Readies for Final Stretch

As of now, he's in a statistical dead heat.

At the end of August, the Marquette University Law School poll — which has developed an enviable reputation for predicting the behavior of voters in the Badger State — released results which again show the gubernatorial race in Wisconsin in an absolute statistical dead heat. Democrat candidate Mary Burke is about a percentage point ahead with “likely” voters, and Scott Walker is slightly ahead (by about the same margin) with “registered” voters. Dr. Charles Franklin, director of the poll, points out the remarkable lack of movement: upwards of 45% support Burke, and upwards of 45% support Walker, and it has been so for months.

This is especially remarkable considering the huge amount of money which both sides have already poured into television and radio ads, as well as the vast get-out-the-vote (GOTV) effort being mounted by both sides. Wisconsin is a swing state which in recent years has swung rather violently in both directions. The last presidential election in which Wisconsin voted for a Republican was in 1988. In 2010, the Democrats held every state-wide electoral office save one (the attorney general); they held majorities in both houses of the state legislature; and Wisconsin’s eight federal representatives were divided between five Democrats and three Republicans. But in November of that year, everything turned over. When the dust had settled, the Republicans had taken every statewide office save three (secretary of state, director of public instruction, and one U.S. senator), held majorities in both houses of the state legislature, and five of the federal representatives were now Republicans.


The shocked and enraged Democrats mounted a controversial recall election the next year (the earliest permissible under state law) against the governor, lieutenant governor, and key state senators (the most vulnerable house of the state legislature). Walker won the recall by more votes than he had the general election, becoming the first governor in U.S. history to survive such a recall.Scissors-32x32.png



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Poll: Walker Ahead, School Choice Wildly Popular in WI


Although Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI) won his state’s gubernatorial contest in 2010, and made history by surviving a recall election two years later, Wisconsin is, in many ways, a blue state. And thus the union-busting, conservative governor now finds himself in the political fight of his life.


If he wins his re-re-election bid, however, most political observers agree: He’s on solid and fertile grounds to form an exploratory committee to run for president.


But he'll need to win at least one more election to prove he's a viable contender in 2016. So how, exactly, are his electoral prospects faring? NMB Research conducted a survey in the state’s swing districts on behalf of the American Federation for Children (more on that below). The pollsters found, among other things, that the incumbent governor is ahead, if only by a hair:


The survey of these districts also found that Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has a one point lead over his Democratic challenger, Madison School Board member Mary Burke (47 percent to 46 percent, respectively).Scissors-32x32.png


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Dem Doubted She Wanted to Be Part of ‘Full-Time Work Force’


Democratic candidate for Wisconsin governor Mary Burke took a two-year break from her career for a “snowboarding sabbatical” and a decade later expressed doubts that she ever wanted to have a full-time job again.


Burke’s career has come under scrutiny after it was revealed that her résumé includes a two-year gap between positions at Trek Bicycle Corporation, which was founded by her father.


After working in Europe for Trek overseeing operations in multiple countries, Burke decided she “needed some time off,” according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinal. Explanations of what Burke was actually doing from July 1993 to September 1995 vary, largely because Burke’s explanations have varied.Scissors-32x32.png



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