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Egypt proposes Israel-Gaza ceasefire for Tuesday morning


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Egypt-proposes-Israel-Gaza-ceasefire-in-effect-as-of-Tuesday-morning-362771Jerusalem Post:




The Egyptian government on Monday proposed a ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinian groups in the Gaza Strip according to which the two sides would end “hostilities” as of 9 a.m. Tuesday.


The proposal, which was published on the eve of US Secretary of State John Kerry’s expected visit to Cairo, states that Israel would end all “hostilities" in the Gaza Strip from the land, air and sea and would refrain from launching a ground offensive that targets civilians.


According to the proposal, the Palestinian factions in would cease all “hostilities” emanating from the Gaza Strip against Israel.


The Egyptian initiative calls for the reopening of the border crossings into the Gaza Strip to passengers and goods as the security situation becomes stable.



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Yid With A Lid
Israel to Decide On Egypt-Brokered Cease Fire In Middle East At 7AM Tomorrow

Haaretz is reporting that Egypt has proposed a has proposed an unconditional cease fire to both Israel and Hamas. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu supports the cease fire proposal and will take it to the security cabinet Tuesday morning at 7am, two hours before the cease fire is scheduled to begin (9AM). In Israel the Prime Minister is not really the Commander-in-Chief like the President in the US, he needs the support of the security cabinet.

The announcement below is part of the Ha'aretz's live updates (Note: Israeli time is 7 hours later than EDT so 10:29PM below is 3:29 NY Time).





It is not know how Hamas will officially react to the cease fire. They have been demanding more than just a cessation of hostilities so if they do agree to the Egyptian proposal, their people suffered too many deaths and too much damage to Gaza without gaining anything (except for the continuing love of Barack Obama and the mainstream media).

As for Israel they have been saying all along all they want is for the rockets to stop. We will find out somewhere between midnight and two AM New York time

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Ismail Haniyeh Says No Ceasefire Without Israel Meeting Hamas Terms

Jewish Press News Briefs

July 15th, 2014



Hamas chieftain Ismail Haniyeh said in a TV broadcast on Tuesday evening that there will be no ceasefire with Israel, unless Israel agrees to Hamsas's terms, which includes the release of all the Hamas terrorists recaptured during the search for the Hamas terrorists who murdered Naftali Frankel, Gil-ad Shaar and Eyal Yifrach.

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A bit off topic


NYT reports 'deluge' of complaints about coverage of Israel-Gaza fighting
Public editor receives more than 1,000 emails during week of Operation Protective Edge.
By Haaretz | Jul. 14, 2014 | 11:01 PM


Operation Protective Edge has caused a sharp rise in readers' complaints of poor news coverage at the New York Times, with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict easily the most whinged-about topic among the readership since the fighting between Israel and Hamas began a week ago.


In an article titled, "A Deluge of Readers' Complaints on Israel-Palestine Coverage," Public Editor Margaret Sullivan wrote on Monday that over 1,000 emails reached her from readers on the subject during this time – "with protests on both sides, and, in some cases, charges of bias coming from both sides."


She noted that many presumably pro-Israel readers complained about the Times' erroneous report that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu did not respond promptly to the burning alive of Mohammed Abu Khdeir of Shoafat, which led the paper to publish a correction.



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Thanks for the updates. Topic is close to home right now as son is supposed to go to Israel in late Aug.

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Thanks for the updates. Topic is close to home right now as son is supposed to go to Israel in late Aug.



I'm jealous! I'd love to be able to go.


"I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curse thee"


Decisions...Decisions...Decisions. What to do...what to do? smile.png

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Sky News: Israel to consider Gaza truce, Hamas says no


Israel says it will weigh an Egyptian truce proposal for Gaza, but Hamas appeared to reject the bid, as the death toll in the week-long conflict rose to 186 Palestinians.


The truce proposal came as Egyptian state media reported that US Secretary of State John Kerry was due in Cairo to discuss an end to the hostilities, and after Washington warned Israel against a ground invasion of Gaza.


Israel's Operation Protective Edge, intended to stamp out militant rocket fire, had killed 186 people in Gaza by late Monday - exceeding the toll in the last similar flare-up of violence in 2012.



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Palestinian rocket fire persists after Israel agrees to Gaza truce
Tribune wire reports
6:00 a.m. CDT, July 15, 2014

Palestinian militants fired rockets at Israel on Tuesday after it agreed to an Egyptian proposal to end the week-old Gaza conflict, and a Hamas leader said the Islamist group was still undecided on whether to accept the ceasefire.

Under the terms of the blueprint announced by Egypt - whose military-backed government has been at odds with Hamas - a mutual "de-escalation" of fighting was to begin at 9 a.m. (2 a.m. EDT), with hostilities ceasing within 12 hours.

Rocket salvoes were fired at Israel after 9 a.m. and live television showed the Iron Dome anti-missile system intercepting several projectiles over the port city of Ashdod, where a factory was hit. Emergency services said no one was hurt.





Well I am just SHOCKED blink.png

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Netanyahu fires Danny Danon over criticism of Gaza war

Move comes hours after hawkish deputy defense minister lambasted cabinets humiliating decision to accept truce proposal

Haviv Rettig Gur

July 15, 2014


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu summarily fired Deputy Defense Minister Danny Danon on Tuesday over the latters criticism of the governments handling of the Gaza fighting.


While the government of Israel and the IDF are in the throes of a military campaign against terror groups, and are taking determined steps to defend the security of Israels citizens, it is inconceivable that a deputy defense minister should sharply attack the heads of the state who are leading the fight, Netanyahu said in a letter Wednesday to cabinet ministers.


Danon has criticized the governments restraint in its conduct of the Gaza operation over the past week especially its refusal to launch a costly ground incursion into the Gaza Strip. He is part of a chorus of voices in the government, led by Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman, calling for a stronger response to rocket fire from Gaza than the air campaign Netanyahu has conducted thus far.


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After truce fizzles, US says it is still working toward ceasefire
Israeli killed in mortar strike near Gaza border; Netanyahu vows to intensify attacks on Hamas; Liberman calls for occupation of Gaza; rocket fire on Tel Aviv resumes as Hamas rejects Egyptian truce proposal
Itamar Sharon, Lazar Berman and Ricky Ben-David
July 15, 2014

Israel’s cabinet said Tuesday morning it would accept an Egyptian proposal for a ceasefire with Hamas, after seven days of fighting, but Hamas was quick to reject the offer, continuing rocket salvos across the country. In mid-afternoon, Israel resumed attacks on Hamas targets, as Foreign Minister Liberman called to retake full control of the Strip. Earlier, two rockets hit the city of Eilat at Israel’s southernmost tip, lightly injuring four people in the first attack on the city since the Gaza campaign began. In Gaza, Israeli attacks overnight brought the death toll in the Palestinian enclave to 192. The Times of Israel is liveblogging events as they unfold through Tuesday. (Monday’s liveblog is here.)



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There is no moral equivalency between Israel and Hamas

Charles Schumer

July 15, 2014


Amid the recent troubles between Israel and the Palestinians, many Americans and media commentators are drawing disturbing lines of parallelism between the two societies, asserting a false moral equivalency to the actions of each.


In essence, the claim goes like this: Both sides are fighting each other with similar degrees of violence; both treat each other equally badly; each side is equally to blame for the violence, and they just cant come together.


That notion that there is a moral equivalency between the defensive and targeted actions that the rule-of-law-based Israel is compelled to take, and the proactive and indiscriminate actions that hate-based organizations like Hamas takes, is completely unfair, unfounded and infuriating to supporters of Israel with good reason.



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The West has drifted away from Israel — and itself
Douglas Murray
16 July 2014

Is Israel drifting away from the West? That was Hugo Rifkind’s claim in his column in the magazine last week. Hugo wrote:

Israel drifting away. Never mind whose fault it is; that’s a whole other point. But it’s happening. It’s off. No longer does it exist in the popular imagination as our sort of place. Once, I suppose, foes and friends alike regarded it as a North Atlantic nation, but elsewhere. Then a western European one, then, briefly, a southern European one. When was it, do you think, that Israel stopped being regarded as fundamentally a bit like Spain? Early 1990s? Then they shot Yitzhak Rabin, and Oslo didn’t happen, and it set off, perhaps via a sort of listless Greek interim, towards the Orientalish bafflingness of somewhere like Turkey.

Let’s leave aside that ‘they’ (‘they shot Yitzhak Rabin’? as opposed to lone assassin, Yigal Amir, who remains in an Israeli prison, serving a life sentence after his trial by an Israeli court). And let’s also leave aside the notion that Oslo ‘didn’t happen’ for any reason other than that the terrorist leader Yasser Arafat was unwilling to give up his USP.




A gap may well be emerging. But not because Israel has drifted away from the West. Rather because today in much of the West, as we bask in the afterglow of our achievements — eager to enjoy our rights, but unwilling to defend them — it is the West that is, slowly but surely, drifting away from itself.


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The Palestinian Genocide Lie

Its a moral scandal that its even necessary to debunk equating Israel with the Nazis.

Jonah Goldberg

July 16 2014


Heres the difference between us, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu explained on Fox News Sunday. Were using missile defense to protect our civilians, and theyre using their civilians to protect their missiles.


Its a classic talking point. Its also objectively true, and that truth is very frustrating for Israels critics.


All one needs to do is delve into the muck of Twitter and read the timelines for such hashtags as #GazaUnderAttack and #GenocideInGaza: Theyre killing the women and children to ensure there wont be a new generation of Palestine. One Holocaust can NEVER justify another.






Its simple question time:

If the Israelis are genocidal, and the IDF is the modern equivalent of the Waffen-SS, why does Gaza city look like this.....



and not this....



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Israel, Hamas agree to 5-hour cease-fire to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza



Israel and Hamas agreed Wednesday to a five hour cease-fire in order to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza, following a request from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency.


The Israeli military said in a statement Wednesday that it would hold its fire for five hours starting at 10:00 a.m. local time on Thursday.

It warned however that it will retaliate "firmly and decisively" if Hamas or other militant groups launch attacks on Israel during that time.


The spokesman for Hamas, Sami Abu Zuhri, later confirmed to Fox News that Hamas had accepted the truce.



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Israel, Hamas agree to 5-hour cease-fire to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza



Israel and Hamas agreed Wednesday to a five hour cease-fire in order to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza, following a request from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency.


Times of Israel:




Iron Dome intercepts 2


Iron Dome batteries intercept 2 rockets, one over Kiryat Gat and the other over Kiryat Malachi.

Despite Hamas agreeing to a humanitarian ceasefire, rocket fire from Gaza has picked up early Thursday morning.

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