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Iraq Shia militia 'murdered prisoners' for fear they would join Islamic State


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Iraq-Shia-militia-murdered-prisoners-for-fear-they-would-join-Islamic-State.htmlThe Telegraph:

Mayor of Iraqi town of Baquba claims 46 prisoners were shot dead by Shia militia out of fear they would join Islamic State – not killed by insurgent mortar as Maliki government claims

Ruth Sherlock, Baquba

14 Jul 2014


Abdullah Hamid al-Hayali is a man waging a campaign that he knows could see him murdered.


The mayor of the Iraqi town of Baquba has taken it upon himself to reveal the truth about the fate of 46 prisoners, his nephew among them, who were killed in their cells, less than two miles from his home.


Government officials have pinned the blame for the deaths on the Sunni militants who swept through northern Iraq last month, claiming that an insurgent mortar destroyed the police station in which the prisoners were held.


But the photographs of the dead on Mr Hayali's phone, plus the thick pile of hospital death certificates that sit on his lap, tell a much darker story: in which security forces from Iraq's Shia government, fearing the prisoners would join the jihadists should they come to Baquba, massacred the inmates in their cells.



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On the Other side......

Islamic State beheads 'Safavid' soldiers in Anbar
August 4, 2014
Bill Roggio

The Islamic State continues to release photographs of the execution of Iraq soldiers and security personnel. Yesterday, the Islamic State's Anbar Division released seven photographs documenting the beheading of three Iraq soldiers. While the beheadings could not be confirmed, the photographs released by the Islamic State are similar to images of other executions that have been confirmed.


The executions of the three captured soldiers are said to have taken place in the Al Sejar area just northeast of Fallujah, the second-largest city in Anbar province. Fallujah has been under the control of the Islamic State since the beginning of this year.


Only one of the photographs is reproduced, below. The rest of the photographs are extremely graphic and disturbing, and can be viewed here.




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