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president-obama-and-gov-perry-meetPatterico :



Filed under: General — Dana @ 11:03 pm

[guest post by Dana]


President Obama and Gov. Perry met in Texas today to discuss the “humanitarian crisis” on the southern border. And from the reports, it was about what you would expect.

I won’t spend much time on the president’s comments, because we already knew ahead of time what they would be, so just a quick summary: Congress (specifically, obstructionist Republicans) needs to get this done, the president doesn’t need to visit the border because the officials he has sent are reporting back to him. Extensively. So stop criticizing him. And mostly, he wants you to know this isn’t theater, he’s not interested in photo-ops, he’s interested in solving a problem. (For a look at just how not interested in photo-ops he is, check out Ace’sgallery…of photo-ops). Oh, and he wants Perry’s help to push Texas Republicans in Congress to swiftly approve the $3.7 billion needed to implement their shared goals.


While both Perry and the president were philosophically in agreement, Perry had a number of concerns, including a seeming lack of urgency on the president’s part in sending the National Guard to the border. Some highlights below and an interview with Perry at thelink: Scissors-32x32.png


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President Obama traveled to Texas today for some big-buck fundraisers with filthy rich supporters. He declined to visit the border that is the source of the flood of unaccompanied Central American minors that he has done absolutely nothing to stanch. Judging by his actions, he wants to keep them coming.


Obama was shamed into holding a couple of meetings that included Governor Perry. USA Today’s Rick Jervis reports on the meetings here; the Times’s Jackie Calmes and Ashley Parker report on the meetings here.


Following the meetings, Obama made a brief statement and filibustered responses to two questions. The White House appears not to have posted the remarks online and I can’t find the text elsewhere. I’ll add a link if I can find one later. Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2014/07/straw-men-at-the-border.php

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I recommend going to the Center for Immigration Studies analysis website that's linked in the Powerline story above. I was infuriated to note that 49% of the money being requested is for resettlement of not only the UACs, but their entire families around the country. This ought to scare the heck out of every American, because they want to send them to every county in the USA.


Direct link to the CIS report

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Barack Obama opines on border crisis… nowhere near where the border crisis actually is.

By: Moe Lane (Diary) | July 10th, 2014 at 03:00 PM


Let me give you some perspective. Eyeballing a map of Texas, the closest border from Austin looks to be Del Rio. That’s reasonable, sure?



And if I am reading this story right, there’s even a refugee facility in Del Rio: so it’s a relevant town for this discussion. Now, how far is it from Austin to Del Rio? Well, ask this site and you get 232 miles: Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://www.redstate.com/2014/07/10/border-texas-austin-barack-obama/

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Obama's Texas Two-Step Instead of focusing on the plight of children massed at the border, the president seems more intent on shifting blame and scoring political points against the GOP.


By James Oliphant July 9, 2014

President Obama was 500 miles from the Mexican border when he spoke about the child-migrant crisis Wednesday evening, but he seemed to be even farther away than that.


Standing before an oddly nondescript background in Dallas (really, the president could have been anywhere), Obama kept his distance—from the border, from the thousands of refugee children in bureaucratic limbo there, and from a Congress, he told the public, that bears the brunt of the responsibility for solving the problem.


It was a president who, while bitterly complaining about the partisan divide in Washington, seemed more boxed in by it than ever, taking a decidedly binary approach to what his own White House has labeled a humanitarian crisis of epic dimension. In fact, for a president sometimes derided by conservative critics for placing too much importance on empathy, Obama spent little time dwelling on the huddled masses at the border, most of whom, he assured, would soon be sent packing. Scissors-32x32.png


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USA Being Fundamentally Transformed to Estados Unidos of Central America

By Judi McLeod Full Story


We now all know the Countdown to the Fundamental Transformation of America: First Barack Hussein Obama successfully hid his own true identity, then after six years proved there was no way to unearth the documents that would prove his identity—BHO stole the identity of the USA by transforming it into a country without borders. Scissors-32x32.png


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Did Perry Just Boost His 2016 Chances?

Jonathan S. Tobin



Few Republicans have been more consistent or louder in their opposition to President Obama than Texas Governor Rick Perry. But if Perrys ability to seize the spotlight as the focal point of opposition to the presidents policies in the wake of the border crisis has suddenly thrust him back into the conversation about 2016, he can thank the man who currently works in the Oval Office.


Perry has made no secret of his desire for another run at the White House that would, if nothing else, create a different epitaph for a heretofore-brilliant political career. Nobody wants to exit the stage as a laughingstock, which is the only word that adequately describes his performance on the stump and especially in the numerous debates that shaped the prelude to the 2012 GOP primaries. His gaffes, bizarre memory lapses (Perrys picture should appear in the dictionary next to the word oops), and general lack of readiness for prime time doomed him after he appeared to be the frontrunner in the first weeks after his entry in to the race. But while you never get a second chance to make a first impression, the ongoing drama along the Rio Grande has afforded Perry an opportunity to recast his image.



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