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Seven Facts for Fracking Deniers


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seven_facts_for_fracking_deniers.htmlAmerican Thinker:

At a recent town hall meeting in Edmond, Oklahoma, local citizens gathered to discuss the possible connection between fracking and increased seismic activity in their area. According to one published report, members of the audience left “disappointed” that no consensus had been reached linking fracking and seismic activity. According to the same report, many in the audience appeared to be “hostile to the oil and gas industry.” Even in this most oil-friendly of states, it seems, there is a rush to judgment linking fracking to every conceivable sort of damage.


Although fracking has been around for fifty years, only recently have technological advances made its widespread use economically feasible. Now fracking is reviving the entire American economy by providing efficient fuel for new industries and slashing energy costs for consumers. By 2015, the U.S. will begin exporting natural gas, most of it produced by fracking.


No wonder the left is furious. Anything that promises to restore American greatness drives leftists crazy. Their dream of global socialism, with America brought down to the bottom of the heap, is at risk, and they have responded by targeting America’s oil and gas industry.Scissors-32x32.png

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