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Obama, Sgt. Shultz, and the German spy


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Marc Thiessen

July 9, 2014


President Obama is once again publicly throwing the CIA under the bus – this time to send Chancellor Angela Merkel the message that, in the immortal words of Sgt. Shultz, he knew nothing – nothing! – about the CIA’s diabolical infiltration of German intelligence.


The New York Times reports today in a front page story:




Granted, not telling the president before his call that a source in the German intelligence service had been compromised was a big mistake. But for Obama to publicly flog the agency for it by leaking its mistake on the front page of The New York Times reeks of a shameless CYA operation.


Worse, NSC spokesman Caitlin Hayden is quoted in the story declining comment, declaring “We’re certainly not going to discuss who knew what and when in regards to the allegations.”



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