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A Window Opens Onto the Left-Wing Conspiracy


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John Hinderaker

July 8, 2014 by



The Democracy Alliance is not a famous organization, but it deserves to be. The Alliance consists of approximately 100 rich liberals who have taken upon themselves the task of coordinating America’s many left-wing organizations to promote a single radical agenda. The Alliance does not publicize the names of its members, but it held a conference for its “partners” and membership prospects in April, at the Ritz Carlton Hotel (naturally) in Chicago. Someone who attended the conference unfortunately (heh) left his or her copy of the documents passed out by the Democracy Alliance behind, and they eventually fell into the wrong hands. Ours.


In the document below, you can see the agenda for the April DA conference and get information about DA’s partners, among other things.




The Democracy Alliance does not itself raise and spend a great deal of money. Rather, being a partner in the Alliance requires one to contribute large amounts to other left-wing groups. The Alliance evaluates left-wing organizations on various criteria, and makes recommendations to its members as to where they should put their money. Currently, the Alliance lists 21 groups in its “Aligned Network”: America Votes, American Constitution Society, Black Civic Engagement Fund, Brennan Center, Catalist, Center for American Progress, Center for Community Change, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Common Purpose Project, Fund for the Republic, Latino Engagement Fund, Media Matters for America, New Media Ventures, New Organizing Institute, Organizing For Action, Progressive Majority, Progress Now, State Engagement Initiative, State Voices, Women’s Equality Center and Youth Engagement Fund. You can see the list, with descriptions of each group, in the document below:



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Democracy Alliance President: Campaign Finance Reform a Means to Push Liberal Policy Goals
Admission belies claims that reformers are concerned primarily with corruption, transparency
Lachlan Markay
July 10, 2014

The campaign finance reform efforts of a massive network of liberal and Democratic groups are explicitly designed to limit conservatives’ ability to oppose key parts of the left’s agenda, according to the head of the group coordinating those efforts.


The admission comes as parts of that network attempt to present the case for campaign finance reform as politically and ideologically neutral, and to recruit and reach out to conservatives and Republicans who might support it under those pretenses.


Democracy Alliance president Gara LaMarche presented the organization’s push for such reform, which involves a litany of major left-wing political and policy groups, not simply as a foil against corruption or corporate capture but as a prerequisite for the group’s other policy goals, all of which are left of center.


In a presentation at the Democracy Alliance’s April donor conference in Chicago, LaMarche lamented recent Supreme Court decisions such as Citizens United vs. FEC and McCutcheon vs. FEC—that loosened restrictions, respectively, on political speech by corporations and unions and individual campaign contributions.



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A window opens onto the left-wing mind
Scott Johnson
August 19, 2014

Erica Payne is the founder of the Agenda Project and cofounder of the Democracy Alliance. John wrote about the Democracy Alliance in “A window opens onto the left-wing conspiracy.” Payne is an integral part of the left-wing machine.


I’m not sure how I worked my way onto her email list, but this morning she wrote me an unusual message. I’m in good company, though. The Weekly Standard’s Daniel Halper received the same message and explains what Payne has in mind in “Activist encourages defacement of cover of Paul Ryan’s book.” Come to think of it, if you didn’t receive Payne’s message this morning, your pride should probably be wounded.


In his post Halper includes the image that Payne links to in her message, which she wants recipients to use to deface Ryan’s book. Here is Payne’s message:



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World of Payne

Scott Johnson

August 19, 2014


Erica Payne is one sick chick who perfectly represents the unloveliness of the contemporary left. Following up on her very personal message to me soliciting criminal abuse of Paul Ryan’s new book at bookstores near me (would that include Garrison Keillor’s, Erica?), she now writes:



Hi Scott,


Paul Ryan is the front-runner in Iowa, Christie is slipping, Perry may be out, and the consensus among Republican consultants is that Ryan is one of the strongest 2016 candidates. In a piece a couple of days ago, Ryan called Hillary “formidable – and beatable.” If the Republicans keep the House in November, Ryan will become the Chair of the Ways and Means Committee and he will be able to raise enormous sums from special interests.


In short, he will have money, power, and a platform. We can stop him. But we need your help.


I am writing to ask you to contribute to our campaign to make sure that Paul Ryan never becomes President of the United States. You can contribute HERE.






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