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Peace is the only path to true security for Israel and the Palestinians


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In an exclusive article for Haaretz's Israel Conference on Peace, Barack Obama says that the only solution is a democratic, Jewish state living side-by-side in peace and security with a viable, independent Palestinian state.

Barack Obama

Jul. 8, 2014


As Air Force One prepared to touch down in the Holy Land last year, I looked out my window and was once again struck by the fact that Israel’s security can be measured in a matter of minutes and miles. I’ve seen what security means to those who live near the Blue Line, to children in Sderot who just want to grow up without fear, to families who’ve lost their homes and everything they have to Hezbollah’s and Hamas’s rockets.


And as a father myself, I........(Snip)



Blah Blah...Blah Blah....Blah....Blah Blah




.......Israel’s strongest friend.



Thank you For Visiting Obamaland. Be sure to stop at the Gift Shop on your way back to the real world.

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Elder Of Ziyon: WHAT REPORTERS NEED TO KNOW during Operation Protective Edge

July 08, 2014


As an observer of previous Israeli operations in Gaza, and as the person who has uncovered and publicized some huge journalistic errors during those times, I strongly caution reporters not to make the same mistakes that they have made in the past in their coverage.



Mistake #1: Assuming that all Gaza casualties are the result of Israeli airstrikes




Mistake #2: Assuming that Gaza casualties and damage are the direct result of Israeli airstrikes




Mistake #3: Believing that victims are civilian when they are not.



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