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How 'hope' became Obama's fight against cynicism


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2147370Washington Examiner:

WASHINGTON (AP) — To hear President Barack Obama describe it, there's a creeping case of cynicism setting in across the country, leading Americans to suspect that not only is Washington broken, it's beyond fixing.


If that line of thinking continues, it could become a self-fulfilling prophecy with dire long-term ramifications, Obama says. If compromise-minded Americans get so frustrated they just tune out, lawmakers will feel even less pressure to work together for the good of the country.


With a mix of alarm and dismay, Obama has started musing about the dangers of cynicism in nearly every major public appearance. The cautionary note has showed up in speeches to students and civil rights groups, at Democratic fundraisers — even in his meeting with Pope Francis.


It's a sharp change in tone from the days when then-candidate Obama rallied millions to his side with ambitious aspirations about hope and change.Scissors-32x32.png

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Executive Summary of article: Obama says the cynicism is the Republicans' fault, and the AP writer agrees. How utterly shocking this is....

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