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Federal Offense: Dems want terms “Husband” and “Wife” gone

Posted by Aleister July 13, 2015 at 11:30am

Now that the Supreme Court decision on gay marriage has been made, liberals have set their sights on destroying the language used to describe traditional marriages.


Pete Kasperowicz of the Washington Examiner reports:


Dems declare war on words ‘husband,’ ‘wife’


More than two dozen Democrats have proposed legislation that would eliminate the words “husband” and “wife” from federal law.Scissors-32x32.png


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End Duo-Normative Oppression! REAL Equality NOW!

Posted on July 13, 2015 by The Political Hat

After the Supreme Court played Humpty Dumpty with Marriage, Chief Justice Roberts pointed out how Same-Sex Marriage lays the justification for Plural Marriages:


“Although the majority randomly inserts the adjective ‘two’ in various places, it offers no reason at all why the two-person element of the core definition of marriage may be preserved while the man-woman element may not. Indeed, from the standpoint of history and tradition, a leap from opposite-sex marriage to same-sex marriage is much greater than one from a two-person union to plural unions, which have deep roots in some cultures around the world. If the majority is willing to take the big leap, it is hard to see how it can say no to the shorter one. It is striking how much of the majority’s reasoning would apply with equal force to the claim of a fundamental right to plural marriage. Scissors-32x32.png


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First Amendment in The Closet

The Colorado baker, who refused to bake a cake celebrating a Gay Wedding (before Gay Marriage was imposed to satisfy Anthony Kennedy’s delusions of future adoration), appealed to a real court.


Sadly, that court decided to implement their per-conceived and anti-freedom totalitarian outcome.



Meanwhile... In Colorado


To this effect, they made a mockery of real civil liberties:


“First, when the Colorado Civil Rights Commission filed charges against the bakery, it not only neglected to file against the owner, it also filed under the wrong section of Colorado law. In other words, it charged the wrong party under the wrong statute.

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Hospital Expels Doctor for Telling Medical Truth About Gay Sex He was made to care...

By: Steve Berman (Diary) | September 14th, 2015 at 10:42 AM


We knew this would eventually happen.


Some medical facts are now considered verboten under penalty of career loss. Dr. Paul Church was fired for telling the truth—really—medical truth.


Recently, Dr. Church was expelled from the staff of BIDMC [beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston] after he posted medical concerns about the dangerous practices of homosexual behavior, also two Bible verses, on the hospital’s internal Internet portal.


The hospital did not dispute the truth of Dr. Church’s statements, nor claim that he ever discussed these matters with patients. But they stated that his concerns constitute “discrimination,” “harassment,” and “unprofessional conduct” and may not be discussed.


See, it wasn’t the truth of what Dr. Church posted that got him expelled, it was his beliefs about homosexuality. Scissors-32x32.png


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September 28, 2015

If gay is now normal, why so much bondage, whipping, pony prancing, and canine behavior?

By Ed Straker

Every year San Francisco has something called the Folsom Street Fair, where gays do some very bizarre things. They dress like dogs, horses, and ponies, tie themselves up, get spanked, and more. This isn't a fringe movement – thousands of homosexual (mostly men) do this. If gay is now normal, then why do they do these very strange things? (This is from the San Francisco Chronicle, as mainstream asone can get in the City by the Bay.)


My oldest daughter and I were walking around San Francisco's SOMA neighborhood on a clear autumn day in search of a mattress store called Keetsa back in 2008. I remember turning a corner and almost bumping into an enormous naked man riding his bicycle on the sidewalk.


My daughter was five at the time and she was startled.


"Mom, why does that guy have a sock on his penis?" she asked.


"Um, well, um..." Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2015/09/if_gay_is_now_normal_why_so_much_bondage_whipping_pony_prancing_and_canine_behavior.html

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Sexual Privacy Goes Humpty Dumpty

Posted on October 7, 2015 by The Political Hat

The Progressive left, back-in-the-day, declared they were champions of sexual privacy and that the state had no business “in the bedroom.” From this they built a legal cascade that goes from forcing the government to transport contraceptives to guaranteeing abortions. That they have the government forcing private thirds parties to provide abortificients, subsidize organ harvesting, and even moral affirmation of what the Left deems sexually spiffy.


But the Progressive Left do not actually believe in sexual privacy. They simply used the government to force these new mores on the people for public acceptance and affirmation, with the bizarre notion that a right to privacy necessarily means the stateforces you to facilitate and celebrate someone else’s “private” acts. If actual privacy when it comes to sexual matters stands in opposition to the Progressive’s utopian vision, than that real right of privacy is tossed aside. Scissors-32x32.png


We have gotten to that Humpty-Dumpty point where the right of privacy involves the government forcing private third parties to subsidize a person’s lifestyle, Scissors-32x32.png



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Humpty Dumpty Goes Trans


Posted on December 29, 2015 by The Political Hat


Once upon a time, the word “gender” just meant “biological sex”. Then, looney tunes such as John Money had the bizarre idea that gender is just a “social construct”. However, because the obvious truth between a person’s legs could not be denied, the idea that “gender” and “biological sex” became two different things.


However, now that biological sex is itself being declared a social construct, the definitional distinction between “gender” and “biological sex” is no longer useful. Now, it would seem, those two terms will once again mean the same things, and that same thing is one of those “social constructs.”


Of course, there is nothing like a bit of ret-conning history so as to make the creation of the distinction between “gender” and “biological sex” as an insidious plot: Scissors-32x32.png


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  • 4 weeks later...
The New Sexual World Order Is So Confusing

I would like to get on the right side of history regarding sex and gender, but I can’t figure out where it is.

By George Fields JANUARY 26, 2016

My liberal friends—what few remain—regularly remind me of the relentless advance of “history” as it progresses towards a certain eschatological state of complete peace and utter equality. I am told that I, a citizen of the old patriarchy, am to get on the right side of history” and stop making a fool of myself.


I do not want to be a fool, and I have always liked being right, so perhaps it is time to forsake the ways of my fathers and allow myself to be guided by feminist visionaries and gender theorists into the gilded byways of the coming new order. I repent of my sexist and hetero-normative ways. My consciousness-raising has begun.


But I must confess that it will be very hard for me to make this transition, for I am even now deeply consumed by patriarchal modes of thought and masculinist conceptions of logical rigor. Scissors-32x32.png


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April 04, 2016

Judge Allows Case to Go Forward In Tough Decision Against Brandeis University —Ace

Universities continue putting students into rape courts for things which are plainly not rapes, and furthermore, continuing denying them the most basic due process during these kangaroo courts.


One ridiculous example of this is going on at Brandeis, where one gay guy looked askance at things that happened during their sexual relationship, post break-up, and decided they constituted unwanted sexual conduct.


The unwanted sexual contacts that "John Doe" was found guilty were:


* Putting his hand on the complainant "JC's" groin at a movie date, without verbal consent. (The two had consensual sex the next day.)


* Sometimes waking up JC during their relationship by kissing him, without consent. (As he was sleeping -- consent can't be had.)


* Sometimes looking at JC's private areas during their relationship, while showering. I assume without consent, though if you're showering with someone, well.


* Attempting to perform an act of oral sex on JC during their relationship, which JC didn't want. They fought about it, then later made up. Scissors-32x32.png



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The Irony of Brandeis


District of Massachusetts Judge Dennis Saylor was patient and thorough. With an opinion running 89 pages, maybe a little too thorough. When a judge finds it advisable to include a table of contents in a decision, one begins to curse the creation of word processing software. If the Supreme Court could decide Brown v. Board of Ed. in 12 pages, well.


To save you from reading the first 60 pages, the short story is that there was a sexual relationship between two gay men that eventually ended. A couple years later, after one took a university “sexual assault training course,” he decided he had been raped. The “victim” submitted his two sentence complaint:


Starting in the month of September, 2011, the Alleged violator of Policy [John] had numerous inappropriate, nonconsensual sexual interactions with me. These interactions continued to occur until around May 2013.


Brandeis cranked up its finely tuned disciplinary machine, carefully crafted in 2014 to comply with the outcome demanded by the Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights, and branded the accused a sexual predator. As Judge Saylor explains, the disciplinary mechanism had few moving parts: Scissors-32x32.png



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APRIL 19, 2016 1:42 PM


Appeals court rules for transgender teen in Virginia bathroom case






Less than a month after North Carolina lawmakers mandated that transgender people use bathrooms in public schools and government buildings that correspond to the gender on their birth certificates, a federal appeals court has ruled that such restrictions are discriminatory.


The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling Tuesday in the case of a Virginia transgender teen clarifies how the court is likely to view questions about North Carolina’s widely watched new law, commonly called House Bill 2.


Amid protests, boycotts and heated debate about transgender people and the bathrooms they use, the 4th Circuit judges split 2-1 on whether 16-year-old Gavin Grimm, a high school student in rural Virginia, has the right to use the restroom designated for the gender with which he identifies.


Grimm, who has been diagnosed with gender dysphoria Scissors-32x32.png


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Whole Foods Goes After Gay Slur Cake Accuser


Posted by Kemberlee Kaye April 19, 2016


Whole Foods alleges a hoax.


Last week, a self-identified gay pastor claimed a cake he purchased from grocer Whole Foods bore the message, “Love Wins Fag,” in blue frosting.


This story smelled funny from the get go.


Why? Because Austin is one of the most LGBT-friendly locals in the country. It’s basically Portland, Texas. Chances of this kind of thing happening in Austin are maybe .00001%. Not saying it’s impossible, just improbable.


In any case, accuser Pastor Jordan Brown made a video showing the cake in what he claims was a sealed box, unopened since he returned home from the store. Despite the clear window atop the cake box, Brown claims he did not notice the word “fag” until he reached his vehicle in the grocery store parking lot





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  • 4 weeks later...
The Brief: White House Ups Ante in Transgender Bathroom Showdown

The Obama administration will issue an executive order Friday directing public schools across the nation to allow transgender students to use bathrooms that align with their gender identity.Scissors-32x32.png


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“Trans”-ing Education

Posted on May 16, 2016 by The Political Hat

Not to be satisfied with suing North Carolina to force them to let men use the girl’s restrooms, the Obama administration has issued mandatory “guidance” that declares a right to separate facilities based on sex (via Title IX) to now prohibit separate facilities based on sex and mandating that one’s “gender identity” means what biological sex means, even though they have been legally different for quite some time now, though perhaps not for long:


The Doublethink is strong here:


“Under Title IX, a school must treat students consistent with their gender identity even if their education records or identification documents indicate a different sex. The Departments have resolved Title IX investigations with agreements committing that school staff and contractors will use pronouns and names consistent with a transgender student’s gender identity. Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://politicalhat.com/2016/05/16/trans-ing-education/

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Spectator Life

Universities’ war against truth

Having beliefs and expressing them is no longer tolerated and the contagion is spreading


Young people today are very reluctant to assume that anything is certain, and this reluctance is revealed in their language. In any matter where there might be disagreement, they will put a question mark at the end of the sentence. And to reinforce the posture of neutrality they will insert words that function as disclaimers, among which the favourite is ‘like’. You might be adamant that the Earth is spherical, but they will suggest instead that the Earth is, ‘like, spherical?’


Whence came this ubiquitous hesitation? As I understand the matter, it has much to do with the new ideology of non-discrimination. Modern education aims to be ‘inclusive’, and that means not sounding too certain about anything in case you make people who don’t share your beliefs feel uncomfortable. Indeed, even calling them ‘beliefs’ is slightly suspect. The correct word is ‘opinions’. If you try to express your certainties in a classroom today you are apt to be looked at askance, not because you are wrong, but because of the strangeness of being certain about anything and the even greater strangeness of wanting to impart your certainties to others. Scissors-32x32.png


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Shauna Smith makes first court appearance

Published on Jul 13, 2016

A transgender woman accused of videotaping an 18-year-old in a Target fitting room admitted to detectives that she had made videos in the past of women undressing, according to court documents obtained by EastIdahoNews.com.

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  • 5 months later...

With bathroom bill, Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick plows into "tough fight"


While Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick has called a so-called bathroom bill a legislative priority, the issue has largely cooled off on the national stage and opposition to similar legislation in Texas had begun to gain momentum.


by Patrick Svitek Jan. 7, 2017


Eight months ago, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick stormed the Texas GOP convention in Dallas as a man on a mission.


He had recently picked a fight with Fort Worth Superintendent Kent Scribner over his approval of bathroom guidelines for transgender students, and in a twist of perfect political timing, President Barack Obama had just issued a similar guidance to all public schools in the middle of the convention.


Shortly after the convention, Attorney General Ken Paxton punctuated Patrick's drum-beating with a lawsuit against the Obama administration over the directive.


"He says he's going to withhold funding if schools do not follow the policy," Patrick said at the convention. "Well, in Texas, he can keep his 30 pieces of silver. We will not be blackmailed by the president of the United States." Scissors-32x32.pnghttps://www.texastribune.org/2017/01/07/bathroom-bill-patrick-plows-tough-fight/

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Citing "bathroom bill," Percy Jackson author declines Legislature invitation

Author Rick Riordan is declining to attend the Texas Legislature’s celebration of authors event, saying the reason is because of the proposed "bathroom bill."

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Rejecting the Humpty Dumpty Constitution of Judge Tigar


January 17, 2017

by Robert Curry 1 Comment

16117273_10156277225308973_1396284777_n.A federal judge ruled recently that an inmate serving a life sentence for murder in California must receive sex-reassignment surgery at taxpayer expense.


The inmate was Rodney James Quine, 57, twice married and the father of two daughters. I write “was” because while in prison he changed his name to Shiloh Heavenly Quine. Quine began living as a woman in 2008, when prison officials authorized hormone treatments at taxpayer expense. Quine then began pushing for a sex change operation, to be paid for by California taxpayers like everything else in prison.


Enter Barack Obama. In 2013 Obama appointed Jon Tigar to the federal bench. Tigar, who evidently shares Obama’s fascination with the world of the transgendered, assigned himself to Quine’s case Scissors-32x32.png

The powers of a federal judge, awesome as they are, do not include the powers claimed by Humpty Dumpty in Wonderland: Scissors-32x32.png



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Womanhood Redefined

A feminist’s take on the transgender controversy


In the fall of 2015, the theater board of the women’s college Mount Holyoke announced that it would forgo the annual tradition of performing Eve Ensler’s The Vagina Monologues. The feminist classic is a 90-minute amalgamation of over 200 interviews Ensler conducted with women about their often fraught relationships with their vaginas. The 20-year-old production is a bit schmaltzy, outdated, and irritating for its unrelenting earnestness, but of course those very qualities make the play perfect for the university circuit. Nevertheless, the Holyoke theater board decided not only to nix the play but also to issue a statement lambasting the work. Erin Murphy, a representative of the board, sent an email to students explaining the decision:


“At its core, the show offers an extremely narrow perspective on what it means to be a woman. … Scissors-32x32.png

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Attorney General Jeff Session Rolls Back Obama’s Protections for Transgender Folks


Newly instated U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions has shown an early sign of backing away from an Obama administration initiative that directs schools to allow transgender students to use the bathrooms and locker rooms of the sex with which they identify.


The signal came in a Friday court filing from Justice Department lawyers withdrawing a request made last year by the Obama administration.


That request came in response to a judge’s ruling in a lawsuit challenging federal guidance to states on accommodating transgender students. Scissors-32x32.png


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Gender identity questions nixed from Census 2020 form

Posted by Leslie Eastman April 1, 2017 at 11:00am

Regressives contend it’s an attack on “LGBTQ freedom, justice, and equity”



The election of President Donald Trump continues to have a profound influence on this country in nearly every area of government.


The upcoming census of the American people is a good example of a Trump-era change that is going mostly unnoticed.


In 2012, Legal Insurrection reported that the Obama administration was proposing sexual orientation/gender identity questions for the 2020 census. Such questions have never been included in any U. S. Census. Scissors-32x32.png

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